Doing Business with NYC DOT
On this Page
- PassPort: Procurement and Sourcing Solutions Portal
- Bid Opportunities
- Requests for Proposals
- M/WBE Noncompetitive Small Purchase Procurement Opportunities
- Pre-Qualified Lists for Bridge Projects
- Concessions
- Franchises
- Moped Share Permit
- More Resources
- Citywide Resources
Related Links
PASSPort: Procurement and Sourcing Solutions Portal
To do business with the City of New York, organizations must create two vendor accounts:
- Payee Information Portal (PIP) account to get paid
- Procurement and Sourcing Solutions Portal (PASSPort) account for all other contracting actions
Every step of the procurement process is managed on PASSPort: vendors can find and respond to contracting opportunities, sign contracts upon contract award, and much more.
View all NYC contracting opportunities on the PASSPort Public Portal
Need Help or Have a Question?
The Mayor’s Office of Contract Services (MOCS) developed and maintains PASSPort.
- For assistance with PIP, please refer to the PIP website.
- For PASSPort learning resources, visit MOCS Learning to Use PASSPort.
- For technical assistance when using PASSPort, submit an inquiry to the MOCS Service Desk.
- For assistance regarding solicitations (RFx), reach out to the soliciting City Agency via the email address listed for the relevant RFx in PASSPort, or post a question via the Discussion Forum of the RFx.
Bid Opportunities
Information concerning current and future bid opportunities is available online. All documents necessary for submitting a bid can be obtained at NYC DOT, 55 Water Street, Ground Floor, New York 10041. Search for Current and Upcoming Bid Solicitations
Effective December 30, 2024: New Requirement to Submit NYSDOL Registration with All Bids
Effective December 2024, all bids and proposals for construction projects must include a copy of the bidder or proposer’s certificate of registration with the New York State Department of Labor (DOL). This requirement stems from Section 220-I of the Labor Law. Information on the DOL registration process and the portal can be found on the DOL’s Contractor and Subcontractor website.
Requests For Proposals
All Requests for Proposals (RFPs) are available electronically. Please follow directions per the submission instructions detailed in the RFP package. View current NYC DOT RFPs
M/WBE Noncompetitive Small Purchase Procurement Opportunities
City agencies can award contracts of up to $1,500,000 for goods, professional services, standard services and construction directly to City-certified M/WBEs without formal competition using the M/WBE Noncompetitive Small Purchase Method. This streamlined process makes it easier for M/WBEs to do business with the City. Don't miss out: be ready to receive and respond to these opportunities directed specifically to our City-certified M/WBE businesses by creating an account in PASSPort today.
Simple two-step account creation instructions for PASSPort Vendor Accounts
Upcoming Opportunities:
Event Production, Sponsorship Solicitation, and Partner Production Support PQL000155

This Pre-Qualified List (PQL) seeks talented contractors with experience in programming services, sponsorship solicitation, and event and market production. Qualified firms may be called upon to provide event and market production support for programming small and large-scale events in NYC DOT public spaces citywide. Apply to PQL000155 via PASSPort
Park Avenue Landscape Design RFP 84124Y0588

The design of this project is being procured using the M/WBE Small Purchase method. The first round of solicitation prioritizes minority categories that have not historically received contract awards for Professional Services. After reviewing these proposals and if a responsive and responsible vendor is not found, NYC DOT will open a second round of solicitation to all M/WBEs.
Search and download M/WBE Opportunities
Pre-Qualified Lists for Capital Bridge Projects
NYC DOT keeps pre-qualified lists in two categories of Bridge services: Bridge Design and Construction Support (Bridge Design & CSS) and Bridge Resident Engineering Inspection (Bridge REI). For these two categories, NYC DOT keeps three lists, Large, Medium and Small. These lists are used according to the project size. No firm may be placed on more than two of the three lists in each category. Firms that are placed on these pre-qualified lists may be invited to receive Requests for Proposals on selected capital bridge projects without additional public notification. Pre-Qualified Lists for Capital Bridge Projects Learn about applying to be included on a bridge pre-qualified list
Design-Build combines design and construction into one contract. Learn about Design-Build at NYC DOT and find Design-Build projects
A concession is an agreement that allows a company to do business on City property. Examples include food courts on public plazas. Concessions are granted for a fixed number of years following a public bidding process. Concessions contracts may include outdoor food courts, cafés, pedestrian plazas, and vending machines.Notice of Mailing List for Future Concessions
NYC DOT is seeking individuals and businesses interested in being contacted for future requests for bids or proposals for NYC DOT concessions. Typical NYC DOT concessions are food and beverage sales, pedestrian plazas, farmer’s markets, stall markets, bicycle parking and vending machines. Interested entities should complete the Concessions Mailing List Information form.
Mailing List Form (pdf) The filled out form can be sent:
By Email to:
Or by Mail to:
New York City Department of Transportation
Office of Cityscape & Franchises
Attn: Concessions
55 Water Street, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10041
Please direct any questions you may have to NYC DOT by phone at (212) 839-6550.
A franchise is a contract between a company and the City. The company provides a public service. Examples are certain private bus routes and conduits for gas and electric utilities. Franchises generally require legislative approval and are granted for a limited term of years following a public bidding process.
Moped Share Permit Application
Local Law 67 of 2021 prohibits the operation of a moped share system in New York City without the prior written authorization of NYC DOT. The Local Law requires providers of moped share services to adhere to rules promulgated by NYC DOT regarding operations, safety, and data sharing. Any entity that operates or seeks to operate a moped share system in New York City must first obtain a permit from NYC DOT for the use of or operation on public highways by such moped share system. Moped Share Permit Application Package (pdf)
Staten Island Ferry Industry Day
NYC DOT’s Ferry Division hosted an industry day event on November 17, 2021. We presented the Staten Island Ferry Facility Flood Protection scope and how we will use the design build method of procurement and project delivery to interested representatives of the Industry. It was an opportunity for the Agency to express its goals for the project, outline the design build procurement approach, and release an anticipated schedule for the procurement and completion of the project. NYC DOT is interested in hearing from attendees on the presentation and procurement approach. To reach us, please email NYC DOT anticipates releasing an RFQ in February 2022 with a subsequent RFP released to a shortlisted group around July 2022. NYC DOT also anticipates a Construction NTP to be issued on June 2023 (all dates subject to change). Staten Island Ferry Industry Day Presentation (pdf) Staten Island Ferry Industry Day Attendees List (pdf) Watch the Staten Island Ferry Industry Day Presentation on YouTube Listen to the Staten Island Ferry Industry Day Presentation on SoundCloud
More Resources
Appendix A
Appendix A - General Provisions Governing Contracts for Consultants, Professional, Technical, Human and Client Services. Download Appendix A
NYC DOT's Adopt-A-Highway Program is an opportunity for on-location sponsorship for the businesses, organizations, or individuals that give back to their communities by providing clean and beautiful highways.
Citywide Resources
Citywide Bidders List
All vendors are encouraged to enroll on the New York Citywide bidder and receive more information on doing business in the City of New York. Go to the Citywide Bidders List
City Record
All City procurements, including DOT's capital construction projects, are advertised on the City record. Visit the City Record
Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprise
Learn more about MWBE Policies and Procedures FY21 Agency M/WBE Utilization Plan
NYC Construction Loan Program
The NYC Construction Loan assists small contractors, including M/WBEs, to competitively bid on City contracts. This pilot loan program helps address the difficulties that small construction firms encounter accessing capital at early stages when bidding on contracts with DOT. The loans range from $25,000 up to 30% of the contract value, but not more than $150,000. Find out how to access the billion dollar pool of construction contracts awarded by the City of New York
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
The DBE goal for the federally funded Ferry Boat procurement is 2.2%. This procurement has possible opportunities for vendors who qualify as DBEs to supply parts and services for the project. Interested Vendors may contact NYC DOT Agency Chief Contracting Officer at (phone: 212-839-9292).
Contractors bidding on federally-funded NYC DOT projects are required to use DBEs. NYC DOT's DBE Goal for FFY 2025-2027 DBE Directory Find out more about becoming a certified DBE from the New York State DOT.