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Open Data

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Automated Enforcement

Quarterly Unreadable License Plate Report

Local Law 155 of 2023 requires NYC DOT to quarterly post the number of license plates that authorized photo violation monitoring systems, such as our speed and red light camera programs, could not read because of system malfunction, damaged, defaced, or covered plates, temporary plates, or no plates were attached. This report includes monthly aggregate data on unreadable license plates in the previous quarter including dates, times, and locations where plates could not be read, breakdowns of unreadable plate types, and a data dictionary. Quarterly Unreadable License Plate Report - Quarter 4, 2024 (xlsx) Quarterly Unreadable License Plate Report - Quarter 3, 2024 (xlsx) Quarterly Unreadable License Plate Report - Quarter 2, 2024 (xlsx) Quarterly Unreadable License Plate Report - Quarter 1, 2024 (xlsx)


Bike Counts

NYC DOT conducts regular bike counts, which are summarized in Cycling in the City, an update on cycling trends in New York City that was first released in May 2016. Bike count data is available for the East River Bridges, Midtown and Uptown. Bicycle Counts

Bike Parking

NYC DOT installs free bicycle parking racks on sidewalks throughout the five boroughs. Bike Parking Data on NYC Open Data Bike Shelters Data on NYC Open Data Bike Parking Metadata

Bike Share

NYC Bike Share operates the Citi Bike program and generates data from the program, including trip records, a real time feed of station status and monthly reports. The Citi Bike program data is exclusively generated by the operator NYC Bike Share, a limited liability corporation solely owned by Lyft. The City of New York does not generate, produce or endorse the Citi Bike program data, and disclaims any liability for the contents contained therein. Citi Bike System Data Citi Bike stations status feed (json) Citi Bike Monthly Operating Reports

NYC Bike Map

The NYC Bike Map is an annual free publication of NYC DOT. Free copies of the NYC Bike Map are available at bicycle shops, libraries, and schools. NYC DOT also provides geodata for NYC bike routes. NYC Bike Map Bicycle Route Layer on NYC Open Data


Bridge Ratings

NYC DOT owns, operates, and maintains nearly 800 bridges and tunnels throughout New York. Some bridges in NYC are operated by other agencies. This data provides information and condition of bridges in New York. NYC DOT also conducts studies and compiles rating and statistics for the bridges and publishes a Bridge and Tunnel Condition Report annually. Bridge Ratings (zip) Bridge Ratings on NYC Open Data

Bus Lanes and Electronic Signs

Bus Lanes

Bus lanes separate buses from general traffic, improving speed and reliability. They are typically located along the curb or “offset” from the curb, allowing the curb lane to be utilized for other purposes. Bus Lane Locations on NYC Open Data

Real Time Passenger Information (RTPI) Sign Locations

Real Time Passenger Information (RTPI) is an NYC DOT initiative to bring real-time bus arrival information to bus stops. RTPI signs provide riders with wait-time information for city buses on easy to see LED displays. RTPI Sign Locations on NYC Open Data


General Transit Feed Specification

This General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) dataset includes information about the ferry terminal, and all scheduled weekday, weekend and holiday trips. The ferry's schedule may be adjusted due to heavy weather or low visibility. Adjustments are announced by email and in NYC DOT's Twitter stream. Staten Island Ferry GTFS dataset (zip)


The Staten Island Ferry operates daily between St. George Terminal in Staten Island and Whitehall Terminal in Manhattan. Private Ferry Monthly Ridership Staten Island Ferry Daily Performance Staten Island Ferry Passenger Counts – by Month Staten Island Ferry Passenger Counts – by Trip Staten Island Ferry Passenger Counts – Overnight

Freight Mobility

New York City has nearly 1,000 miles of truck routes. These data sets contain the centerlines of through and local truck routes, and were created from LION, the City's base map of streets. Learn more about truck routes Truck Route Layer on NYC Open Data (shapefile) All Truck Routes NYC (zip)

Highway Service Ratings

Adopt-A-Highway Service Ratings

NYC DOT's Adopt-A-Highway program allows individuals, companies, or organizations to give back to their community by ensuring clean and beautiful roadways. The Adopt-A-Highway Service Rating is a service task evaluation conducted by the Adopt-A-Highway staff of NYC DOT. Service tasks include litter removal, mechanical sweeping and beautification. NYC DOT sets both the service task for the adopted segment and the level of service (i.e., frequency) to be completed by the contractor. Service tasks may vary by segment. Adopt-A-Highway Service Ratings (zip)


City-issued Parking Permits Issuance

Local Law 9 of 2020 requires NYC DOT to annually post the number of City-issued parking permit applications and permits issued, listed by the sponsoring agency. Information about Issuance of City-issued Parking Permits (xlsx)

New York City Comprehensive Plan Regarding the Distribution and Use of City-issued Parking Permits

Local Law 5 of 2020 was enacted by the New York City Council on December 27, 2019. According to this Local Law, each city agency receiving parking permits from NYC DOT must develop a plan for their use, including criteria for distribution, assessment of the appropriate number of permits for that agency, and proposed steps to curb unnecessary permit issuance. By submitting these responses to NYC DOT, agencies are confirming that they are in compliance with this law and have a plan ready for dissemination to the members of the City Council. New York City Comprehensive Plan Regarding the Distribution and Use of City-issued Parking Permits (pdf) Review Local Law 5 of 2020

Parking Meter Rates

NYC DOT sets parking meter rates across the five boroughs to be reflective of individual neighborhood parking conditions such as land use, density, and parking demand. NYC Open Data provides datasets for individual meter rates by block face segments and by large geographic areas. Parking Meter Rates by Blockface Segments on NYC Open Data Parking Meter Rates by Large Geographic Areas on NYC Open Data

Parking Regulations

NYC DOT manages over one million traffic signs in New York City. NYC DOT's Parking Regulations Map ( allows you to find the parking regulations on any block in the city. NYC DOT distributes the data that underlies the search tool in shapefile format. NYC DOT distributes the data through NYC Open Data. The file includes the location and a description of parking signs throughout the city and is updated daily. Parking Regulations on NYC Open Data

Public Space

Seating Locations

NYC DOT installs and maintains benches and leaning bard on sidewalks and plazas. The benches and leaning bars may be used by all NYC residents, workers, and visitors. Seating Locations on NYC Open Data

Pedestrian Plazas

NYC DOT works with selected organizations to create neighborhood plazas throughout the City to transform underused streets into vibrant, social public spaces. The NYC Plaza Program is a key part of the City's effort to ensure that all New Yorkers live within a 10-minute walk of quality open space.Pedestrian Plaza Locations on NYC Open Data

Street Seats

Street Seats is a citywide program where partners apply to transform underused streets into vibrant, social public spaces between the months of March through December (the Season). Street Seats are installed in the roadbed along the curb line to create an attractive setting for eating, reading, working, meeting a friend or taking a rest.Street Seats Locations on NYC Open Data


WalkNYC is New York City's wayfinding system. The system is a collection of maps and signs to help you find your way around the city. Most WalkNYC signs are found on sidewalks, at ferry terminals, and inside subway stations. WalkNYC Sign Locations on NYC Open Data

Vehicle and Pedestrian Counts

NYC DOT conducts pedestrian, and vehicular counts at key locations around NYC.

Bi-Annual Pedestrian Counts

An index of pedestrian volumes tracking the long-term trends of neighborhood and commercial corridors. Data are collected at 114 locations around NYC, including 100 on-street locations (primarily retail corridors), 13 East River and Harlem River bridge locations, and the Hudson River Greenway. Screenline sampling are conducted during May and September on sidewalks, and/or mid-block (or mid-bridge) for both sides of the street where applicable. Pedestrian volumes at 50 sample locations from around the City are combined to create the Pedestrian Volume Index for the Mayor's Management Report. Bi-Annual Pedestrian Counts (shp) Bi-Annual Pedestrian Counts (xlsx) Bi-Annual Pedestrian Counts Locations (pdf) Bi-Annual Pedestrian Counts Metadata (pdf)

NYC Bridge & Screenline Traffic Volumes Dashboard

NYC DOT's NYC Bridge & Screenline Traffic Volumes Dashboard is an interactive dashboard presenting average daily and hourly volumes for vehicles crossing bridges and roadways. This dashboard also includes data previously presented on three Sub-Regional Count Reports: the New York City Bridge Volumes Report, the Manhattan Crossings Report, and the Screenline Traffic Flows Report. An archive of these reports, up to 2016, is available in NYC DOT Library. Traffic Volume Counts on NYC Open Data Comprehensive Traffic Volume Counts on NYC Open Data NYC Bridge & Screenline Traffic Volumes Dashboard Metadata (pdf) Contact NYC DOT with any comments or questionsThis dashboard was developed in Power BI. After navigating into the dashboard, press "Shift" and "Question Mark" at the same time to view a list of Power BI keyboard shortcuts.

Street Construction and Design

Protected Streets

A protected street is a block or intersection that has been resurfaced or reconstructed within the last five years. No street openings are allowed on protected streets, except for emergency work or as authorized by the NYC DOT’s Commissioner. More about Protected Streets Protected Streets – Block on NYC Open Data Protected Streets – Intersection on NYC Open Data

Street and Highway Capital Reconstruction Projects

NYC DOT Street and Highway Capital Reconstruction projects are major street construction projects, often including full reconstruction of the sewer pipes, the roadbed, and sidewalks. Capital projects require detailed surveys and design, and increased inter-agency coordination and approvals. They are essential to keeping the City's infrastructure in a state of good repair. Block Data on NYC Open Data Intersection Data on NYC Open Data

Street Assessment/Pavement Ratings

NYC DOT is responsible for keeping the City's streets in good repair. The agency performs ongoing assessment of New York City streets. Ratings are based on a scale from 1 to 10, and results are grouped in the following categories: Good (%) – ratings of 8 to 10, Fair (%) – ratings of 4 to 7, and Poor (%) – ratings of 1 to 3. Street Pavement Rating Metadata (pdf) Street Pavement Rating Shapefile (zip) Street Assessment Rating Geojson File (json) Street Assessment/Street Pavement Ratings on Open Data

Street Network Changes

NYC DOT manages the Street Network Changes dataset, providing locations of one-way conversions and reversals, and two-way conversions within the five boroughs of New York City. This dataset does not contain information on closures or temporary re-routing due to construction or special events. Street Network Changes 2015-Present (xls) Street Network Changes Metadata (xls) Street Network Changes on NYC Open Data

Street Pothole Work Orders – Closed

A pothole is a hole in the street with a circular or ovular shape and a definable bottom. The bottom may be the concrete roadway base and may be partially filled with mud, dirt, or loose gravel. The Condition does not look manmade and usually is not sitting in an area of collapse. To be 'actionable' the pothole should be at least one foot in diameter and three inches deep.

The Street Pothole Work Orders data consists of closed street potholes inspected and repaired by NYC DOT. The dataset includes a pothole's location, the date it was reported, and date the work order was completed. Street Pothole Work Orders – Closed Shapefile (zip) Street Pothole Work Orders – Closed: Metadata Street Pothole Work Orders – Closed on NYC Open Data

Street Resurfacing

NYC DOT issues a list of streets where crews will be doing milling or resurfacing work each week. Milling is the process of grinding off the top layer of asphalt or surface of a roadway, and it is usually done in preparation for paving. Resurfacing is the process of placing an asphalt overlay on a roadway, whether or not it has been milled. These lists are shared with Community Boards, local police precincts and other stakeholders. Weekly Resurfacing Schedule

Real-Time Traffic

Real-Time Traffic Cameras

NYC DOT maintains a map of traffic cameras throughout the five boroughs. The cameras belong to various city and state agencies and are clearly branded on the map. Developers wishing to access the cameras' data feed should contact NYC DOT at Developers must sign a data-sharing agreement. Sample data-sharing agreement (pdf)

Real-Time Traffic Speed Data

NYC DOT's Traffic Management Center (TMC) maintains a map of traffic speed detectors throughout the City. The speed detectors belong to various City and State agencies. The Traffic Speeds Map is available on NYC DOT's website. This data set contains 'real-time' traffic information from locations where NYC DOT picks up sensor feeds within the five boroughs, mostly on major arterials and highways. NYC DOT uses this information for emergency response and management. The metadata defines the fields available in this data set and explains more about the data. Traffic Speed (csv) Traffic Speed (kml) Traffic Speed Metadata (pdf)

Vision Zero

The Vision Zero View Map is an interactive tool that shows detailed information on traffic injuries and fatal crashes in New York City. Vision Zero View also displays the City's initiatives on how to make the streets safer. The map displays crash types, dates, and locations. It also highlights Vision Zero initiatives such as Turn Traffic Calming, Neighborhood Slow Zones, Enhanced Crossings, workshops, and other safety programs. Map data is available through NYC Open Data. For more information about the data creation and sources see the Vision Zero View Map.Traffic Crash Data on NYC Open Data All other Vision Zero View data on NYC Open Data (street design projects, outreach events, speed limits)


Please include the following disclaimer when you utilize any NYC DOT data in any retransmission or application:

This application may contain and/or utilize information which was originally compiled by the New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT) for governmental purposes; the information may subsequently been modified by entity/entities other than NYC DOT. NYC DOT and the City of New York make no representation as to the accuracy or usefulness of the information provided by this application or the information's suitability for any purpose and disclaim any liability for omissions or errors that may be contained therein. The public is advised to observe posted signage for compliance with applicable laws and regulations. NYC Open Data Terms of Use