Capital Street Projects
Capital street projects are major street reconstruction projects, ranging from milling and repaving to full reconstruction of the roadbed, sidewalks, sewer and water pipes, and other utilities. Capital Projects include traffic calming, School Safety, Safe Routes to Transit, public plazas, greenways, Select Bus Service, step streets, retaining walls, sea walls and bulkheads. Capital Projects are essential to keep the City’s infrastructure in a state of good repair.
The design of capital projects is guided by the Street Design Manual. DOT works to create projects that increase safety, improve transit, enhance public space, and invigorate the economy. Projects are initiated based on community input (e.g. through the annual Community Board budget process), demonstrated need, and outside funding opportunities. Capital projects are longer-term than projects constructed in-house because of the need for detailed surveys and design and increased inter-agency coordination and approvals.
The capital program is planned, funded, and initiated by DOT and built by Department of Design and Construction (DDC) on DOT’s behalf. DOT partners with numerous other federal, state, and city agencies to execute capital projects. NYCity Map featuring Capital Projects DOT’s Street and Highway Capital Reconstruction Projects on NYC Open Data: Block Data, Intersection Data DDC’s featured projects
As with all DOT projects, community input is an important and valuable part of capital projects. To learn how to get involved in the capital budget process and request projects through your local Community Board, see the Capital Budget resources section below. DOT’s current projects
Typical street reconstruction project process
DOT Capital Street Reconstruction projects develop with input from many stakeholders. The following is a typical set of steps for a capital street reconstruction.
- An idea for a project is developed as part of a DOT study or program, based on street condition, or through requests from the community or other agencies.
- Based on available funding, the project is added to the Capital Plan.
- DOT develops the project scope and conceptual design in partnership with stakeholders.
- Upon finalizing the project scope, a cost estimate is developed, funding is finalized and the project is transferred to DDC.
- DDC develops preliminary and final designs, which DOT reviews and approves.
- DDC presents the project to the local Community Boards and, if applicable, the Public Design Commission or Landmarks Preservation Commission.
- After final budget approvals from the Office of Management and Budget, the project is put out for bid and construction begins.
Capital Budget Resources
The City Charter guides the City’s capital budget process. The four-year Capital Commitment Plan is updated three times a year and tracks the scheduling and progress of projects in the capital budget. The Ten-Year Capital Strategy is updated every two years and presents the goals, policies, and criteria for assessing the city’s capital needs over the next ten years. Community Boards are an important part of setting priorities for capital expenditures as part of this process. See more resources from the Office of Management and Budget Read the City Charter via American Legal Publishing’s Code Library