The custodial parent is the parent, relative, or guardian who lives with and is the primary caretaker of the child or children.
To apply for the child support program, any mother, father, or guardian who cares for a child can go to the Family Court or Office of Child Support Services (OCSS) office in the borough they live in, regardless of immigration status and where the other parent (also called the noncustodial parent) resides. Child Support is a national and international program, so custodial parents are encouraged to apply for services even if the other parent does not live in New York City. Refer to the Custodial Parent Handbook for more information
Services for parents include:
In New York State, child support ends when the child turns 21 or emancipates, whichever occurs first.
Establishing custody and visitation orders is done in a separate part of the New York City Family Court. Learn more on the Court's Custody & Visitation webpage. If you would like to discuss whether custody & visitation orders are right for you, OCSS can refer you and the other parent to mediation services. Cusody & visitation orders are not required to establish a child support order.
Below is a basic summary of the child support process.
If you need to contact us, please use one of the methods listed on contact list. Also available in:
Click a topic, or press the enter key on a topic, to reveal the details.
Open a new child support case
Custodial Parent Handbook
Child Support and Cash Assistance
Getting child support safely
Agreements (define the child support order details before the court hearing)
Prepare for Court
Manage or modify your Child Support case
Child Support Case Enforcement
You can access the OCSS Playlist on YouTube. The videos listed below are relevant to custodial parents.
Additional Resources
Get answers to questions many parents have. Contact us for assistance with case specific questions.