Do you need help with your application, recertification or other program requirements?
If you have a disability, HRA can help by providing supports or accommodations to make it easier for you to get the services you need. This type of help is called a reasonable accommodation.
What are examples of reasonable accommodations?
Examples of reasonable accommodations offered by HRA for people with disabilities are:
A few examples of conditions that may cause you to need a reasonable accommodation:
Learn more about our options for HRA and DHS clients who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Give us your completed RAR form or written request at your local HRA office.
OR you can email, mail, or fax your written request or completed RAR to:
Human Resources Administration
Office of Constituent Services
150 Greenwich St.
35th Floor
New York, NY 10007
Fax: 917-639-9241
You do not need to give us proof of your condition at the time of the request. We may ask you to give us some medical or clinical documents later.
If your condition makes it hard for you to complete the RAR form or submit your request, contact the DSS OneNumber for help at 718-557-1399.
HRA will review the request and decide if a reasonable accommodation is appropriate.
We will contact you to let you know of our decision. You can call the DSS OneNumber at 718-557-1399 to find out the status of your request.
You can call us using the telephone relay service by dialing 7-1-1 or 800-662-1220.
Then connect to the DSS OneNumber at 718-557-1399.
If you think you or someone in your family has been discriminated against at HRA because of a disability you may send a complaint by letter, fax, or email to:
Office of Disability Affairs
Jennifer Shaoul
Executive Director of Disability Affairs / Disability Service Facilitator
Human Resources Administration
150 Greenwich Street – 42nd Floor
New York, NY 10007
Fax: 212-437-2161
Or you can call 718-557-1399.
HRA is committed to ensuring meaningful access to programs and services for people with disabilities consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and other laws.
DSS/HRA Website Accessibility Statement
Read the NYC Department of Social Services Website Accessibility Statement in: