HRA's Medical Assistance Program can help New Yorkers who qualify enroll in public health insurance programs like Medicaid. HRA accepts applications from residents who are age 65 or over, persons of any age who are living with a disability or blindness, persons who are in receipt of Medicare and are not a parent or caretaker relative of minor children, and former foster young adults under age 26. Call the HRA Medicaid Helpline at 1-888-692-6116 for more information or visit a Medicaid Office to apply. You can apply online with ACCESS HRA.
Medicaid clients who have lost their EBT cards and have a change of address, should contact the Medicaid helpline to update their contact information at 888-692-6116 to update their address. Clients can also use the MAP-751K form below to make this change and fax it to 917-639-0837.
Consumer/Provider Request to Change Information on File (MAP-751k)
Consumer/Provider Request to Change Information on File (MAP-751W)
Medicaid clients who have case changes that require additional documentation should use the MAP-751W form below. The documentation should also be submitted with the MAP-751W. The form can be submitted via fax to 917-639-0837.
Request an application for Medicaid Housekeeping Services or ask home care questions by calling the CASA Office in your borough.
Other consumers must apply to the NY State of Health at or by calling 855-355-5777.
HRA's Office of Citywide Health Insurance Access also has resources for individuals and small businesses who want to learn more about public and private health insurance, including the Affordable Care Act.
You can also find fact sheets and brochures to better understand your health insurance and coverage options under ACA. Learn how you can get covered.
Clients must provide proof of residency, identity, income, and immigration status. If immigration documents do not verify identity and/or citizenship, then copies of documents that prove identity/citizenship must still be submitted. Do not submit original documents. If clients are unable to submit documentation at the time of application, the application will be deferred to give clients an opportunity to submit the documents. Clients whose citizenship status is not verified through data sources will also be given an opportunity to submit documents.
Proof of Medicare is also now required. Clients not currently enrolled in Medicare must do so as a condition of eligibility. Call the HRA Medicaid Helpline at 888-692-6116 for more information.
You can apply online with ACCESS HRA
The Public Health Emergency has ended. Clients should respond to the renewal received in the mail. Clients can also submit the renewal electronically on ACCESS HRA.
These guides help you fill out your Medicaid Renewal and give examples of documents you can use to give proof of information we need to decide on help for you. These guides don't mention every type of document. Other documents may be used, even if not on the list.
Instructions to Complete the Disabled, Aged, and Blind (DAB) Renewel Notification Form (MAP-2096P)
Guide to Complete Your Medicaid Renewel Forms
These forms may be needed for legally responsible relatives or to declare or change an authorized representative
Applicant/Recipient Declaration Concerning LLR Income-Resources (MAP-2161)
Medicaid Authorized Representative Designation/Change Request (DOH-5247)
Information About Parents or Spouses Not Living in the Household (MAP-2097V)
Medicaid and Child Support (MAP-3061)
Use the MAP-3177 form below if you need a disability determination to participate in the Medicaid Buy-in Program for Working People with Disabilities (MBI-WPD) or if you are an individual aged 65 or older who is participating in a pooled trust.
Disability Determination Request (MAP-3177)
The Medicaid Buy-In program offers coverage to people with disabilities who are working and earning more than what is allowed in traditional Medicaid.
Please visit us here for more information.
2024 Virtual Community Medicaid Eligibility Presentation Schedule for Professionals
Please be advised that these courses are intended for professionals or staff who assist consumers with Medicaid. These presentations cover all aspects of the Medicaid eligibility process which include the application and the renewal processes. You must be a registrant in the Medical Assistance Program Automated Resource Center (MARC) to register for these presentations, as the announcements for upcoming presentations are sent to all MARC registrants. MARC is intended for professionals and staff who assist consumers with the Medicaid process. Register for MARC. Please note you must register with your work/professional email and respond to a few questions about your agency and the population you serve. Once that is done the MARC administrator reviews your request and informs you when authorization is approved.