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NYC Votes Instagram: @nycvotes
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COIB Daily Dose
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New York City Conflicts of Interest Board
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Department of Consumer and Worker Protection
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Contract Services, Mayor's Office of (MOCS)
NYCMOCS Public Meetings - YouTube
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Department for the Aging
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New York City Department of Sanitation
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Design Commission (NYCDESIGN)
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NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission
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NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission
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Mayor's Fund to Advance NYC (Mayor's Fund)
Mayor's Fund to Advance NYC
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Mayor's Office for Economic Opportunity
NYC Opportunity
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Mayor's Office for International Affairs (IA)
NYC Intl Affairs
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Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities (MOPD)
Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities
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Mayor's Office of Environmental Remediation (OER)
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Office of Environmental Remediation on YouTube
Mayor's Office of Equity (MOE)
The NYC Mayor's Office of Equity
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The NYC Mayor's Office of Equity
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Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs (MOIA)
Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs
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IDNYC Instagram
Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs
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Cities for Action
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Cities For Action
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Mayor's Office Of Management and Budget, Office of (OMB)
Mayor's Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
Mayor's Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
Mayor's Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
Mayor's Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
Mayor's Office of Media and Entertainment (MOME)
Mayor's Public Engagement Unit (PEU)
Mayor's Public Engagement Unit
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Mayor’s Office of Climate and Environmental Justice
GreeNYC on Facebook
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Mayor’s Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence (ENDGBV)
Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence
NYC Healthy Relationship Training Academy on Twitter
NYC Mayor’s Office to End Domestic and Gender-Base
End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence on Facebook
Mayor's Office to ENDGBV on Instagram
Media and Entertainment, Mayor's Office of (MOME)
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New York City Fire Department (FDNY)
New York City Fire Department (FDNY)
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Fire Commissioner Twitter: @FDNYFC
Fire Commissioner Twitter: @FDNYFC
Fire Commissioner Instagram: @FDNYFC
Fire Commissioner Instagram: @FDNYFC
Hotdog Twitter: @hotdogfdny
Hotdog Twitter: @hotdogfdny
Hotdog Instagram: @Fdnyhotdogofficial
Hotdog Instagram: @Fdnyhotdogofficial
Siren Twitter: @SirenFDNY
Siren Twitter: @SirenFDNY
Siren Instagram: @sirenfdnyofficial
Siren Instagram: @sirenfdnyofficial
TeamFDNY Instagram: @teamfdny
TeamFDNY Instagram: @teamfdny
TeamFDNY Facebook: @teamfdny
TeamFDNY Facebook: @teamfdny
New York City Police Department (NYPD)
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Inside the NYPD
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New York Public Library (NYPL)
New York Public Library
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NYC Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC)
Economic Development Corp
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Brooklyn Army Terminal
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Essex Street Market
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Economic Development Corp
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FutureworksNYC on Twitter
FutureWorks NYC
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La Marqueta
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LaMarquetaNYC on Twitter
Moore Street Market
Moore Street Market on Facebook
UrbanTech NYC
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NYCEDC Brooklyn Army Terminal
NYCEDC Brooklyn Army Terminal on Instagram
NYC Emergency Management
NYC Emergency Management
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John D. Solomon Fellowship for Public Service
John D. Solomon Fellowship for Public Service on LinkedIn
NYC Emergency Management
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NotifyNYC on Twitter
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NYC Emergency Management
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Notify NYC
Notify NYC on YouTube
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NYC Service
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NYC Sheriff
Sheriff's Office
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Sheriff's Office
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NYC Tourism + Conventions
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NYC Young Men’s Initiative
NYC Young Men's Initiative
NYC Young Men's Initiative on Twitter
NYC Young Men's Initiative
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NYC Young Men's Initiative
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Police Pension Fund (PPF)
Police Pension Fund
Police Pension Fund on Facebook
Queens Public Library (QPL)
Queens Public Library
Queens Public Library on Facebook
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Queens Public Library
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Queens Public Library
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Queens Public Library
Queens Public Library on Vimeo
Records and Information Services, Department of (DORIS)
NYC Department of Records Facebook
NYC Department of Records on Facebook
NYC Department of Records on Twitter
NYC Department of Records
NYC Department of Records on Instagram
NYC Department of Records
NYC Department of Records on YouTube
Neighborhood Stories
Neighborhood Stories
Neighborhood Stories
Neighborhood Stories
Neighborhood Stories
Neighborhood Stories
Small Business Services (SBS)
NYC Workforce1 Career Centers
NYC Workforce1 Career Centers on Facebook
NYC Small Business on Instagram
@NYCWorkforce1 on Twitter
NYC Small Business Services on Twitter
NYC SBS on YouTube
NYC Business
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Office of Nightlife
Office of Nightlife on Twitter
Office of Nightlife
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Office of Nightlife
Office of Nightlife on Facebook
Social Services, Department of (DSS)
NYC Department of Social Services
DSS on LinkedIn
DSS commissioner on Twitter
DSS Commissioner on Twitter
Standards and Appeals, Board of (BSA)
Board of Standards & Appeals YouTube Channel
NYC Board of Standards & Appeals YouTube Channel
Talent and Workforce Development, Mayor's Office of
Office of Talent and Workforce Development
Office of Talent and Workforce Development on X
Office of Talent and Workforce Development
Office of Talent and Workforce Development on Instagram
Office of Talent and Workforce Development
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Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC)
NYC Taxi and Limo Commission
NYC Taxi and Limo Commission on Facebook
NYC Taxi
NYC Taxi and Limo Commission on Instagram
NYC Taxi and Limo Commission on Twitter
Teachers' Retirement System of the City of New York
Teachers' Retirement System (TRS) on Facebook
Teachers' Retirement System (TRS) on Twitter
Teachers' Retirement System (TRS) on YouTube
Teachers' Retirement System (TRS) on Instagram
Technology and Innovation, NYC Office of (OTI)
NYC Office of Technology and Innovation
NYC Office of Technology and Innovation on Twitter
NYC Office of Technology and Innovation
NYC Office of Technology and Innovation on Facebook
NYC Office of Technology and Innovation
NYC Office of Technology and Innovation on LinkedIn
NYC Office of Technology and Innovation
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NYC Office of Technology and Innovation
NYC Office of Technology and Innovation on Instagram
NYC 311 on Twitter
NYC 311
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NYC 311
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Veterans' Services, Department of (DVS)
NYC Veterans
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NYC Veterans
Department of Veterans' Services on YouTube
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