Press Releases
Press Release #17-047
Friday, July 7, 2017
Contact: Scott Gastel/Gloria Chin (DOT), 212-839-4850
NYC DOT Launches Initiative to Encourage Sustainable Transportation Choices on Staten Island
Go Smart Staten Island is a voluntary program that will operate in the North Shore neighborhoods of Stapleton and Rosebank during 2017
New York, NY—The New York City Department of Transportation today announced the launch of the Go Smart NYC program on the North Shore of Staten Island, with a focus on the Stapleton and Rosebank neighborhoods. The goal of the voluntary program is to increase residents’ use of public transportation, biking, carpooling, or walking to improve health and reduce the traffic congestion and emissions caused by single-occupancy motor vehicle trips.
Any Staten Island resident can participate in the program by signing up online at and ordering a free, personalized travel toolkit. The toolkit provides information about walking, biking, public transit, carpooling , Vision Zero and more. Participants will have the option of logging their trips online via desktop, mobile website or phone app. This will enable them to earn discount rewards at participating local businesses, further encouraging sustainable travel choices and local shopping. Participants who log their trips can review data on their personal travel spending, physical activity, and environmental impact, as well as aggregate data of all Go Smart NYC participants (information will be kept anonymous). Go Smart NYC is scheduled to run in the Community Board 1 target area until December, 2017.
“Staten Islanders are keenly aware of the transportation challenges in their borough, so I’m excited to launch Go Smart NYC in Staten Island to help them take advantage of New York City's growing number of sustainable transportation options,” said DOT Commissioner Polly Trottenberg. “Our first launch of this program in Queens was a success and so we are confident North Shore residents will also enjoy all the online resources and incentives that the program provides, which we expect will help them get healthier and save time and money.”
“Community Board One hopes that North shore residents use this exciting new opportunity from DOT,” said Community Board One Chairman Nicholas Siclari.
“5050 Skatepark is really excited about the Go Smart program,” said Ed Pollio, the co-founder and owner of 5050 Skatepark. “Whatever will get people off the couch and out in this beautiful city we love it. There is nothing like summers in New York. And with the Go Smart program, it will help you see it and save time and money while you do it.”
DOT will also work with the local community board to identify opportunities to site infrastructure such as City Bench, City Rack, and way-finding signage to further enhance residents’ experience with walking, biking or public transit. Go Smart NYC is funded by a Federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement grant from the U.S Department of Transportation and is being implemented in partnership with 511NY Rideshare, New York State's home for ride matching and commuter and traveler services. The program is modeled after similar successful programs nationally and internationally. All of the programs resulted in a reduction in single occupancy vehicle trips among participants.
For more information about Go Smart NYC, please visit