Parkway Truck Restrictions
Certain roadways within New York City have commercial vehicle restrictions. For the most part, commercial vehicles are prohibited from using the portion of the limited-arterial highway network, commonly referred to as the Parkway System.
Parkway Truck Regulations Brochure
Brochure about Parkway Truck Regulations 小冊子 - 紐約州景觀道路系統禁行 卡車 брошюра - Грузовикам запрещается заезжать на парковые автострады штата Нью-Йорк Panfleto - Los camiones no son permitidos en las carreteras denominadas Parkways Request paper copies of the Parkway Truck Regulations Brochure
Map of New York State Parkways

New York City Parkways
Commercial vehicles are not permitted in the following roadways:
- Belt Parkway (Brooklyn and Queens)
- F.D.R Drive (Manhattan)
- Henry Hudson Parkway (North of 59th Street to the Bronx-Westchester county line)
- Cross Island Parkway (Queens)
- Jackie Robinson Parkway (Brooklyn/Queens)
- Bronx River Parkway (Bronx)
- Hutchinson River Parkway
- Mosholu Parkway (Bronx)
- Pelham Parkway (Bronx)
- Ocean Parkway (Brooklyn)
- Korean War Veterans Parkway (Staten Island)
- Grand Central Parkway, except for the portion of the Parkway between the Robert Kennedy (Triborough) Bridge and the western leg of the Brooklyn Queens Expressway. Single-unit vehicles with no more than three axles and ten tires may operate in both directions on this segment of the Grand Central Parkway, between the Robert Kennedy (Triborough) Bridge and the western leg of the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway. Buses are prohibited from operating on the Grand Central Parkway without consent.
In addition, certain segments of roadways throughout the City restrict access to commercial vehicles. For example, portions of Fifth Avenue, Park Avenue and the Brooklyn Bridge have restrictions for commercial vehicles and are signed accordingly. Please obey all posted signage in these areas.
Learn more about operating trucks and commercial vehicles in New York City