Commercial Refuse Container Permits
NYC DOT requires carting companies to obtain a permit for each Commercial Refuse Container (CRC) placed on a city street adjacent to the curb. Each permit allows placement of one container for up to five consecutive days. NYC DOT uses CRC permits to track the placement of containers and prevent conflicts with scheduled construction work or special events.
Please note: the CRC permit is different from the 30 to 90 day Construction Debris Container permit. Worksites requiring a Department of Buildings (DOB) or NYC DOT construction permit are eligible for a 30 to 90 day Construction Debris Container permit. This permit type is only issued to registered general contractors.
For approved applications, registered permittees should be able to obtain a Commercial Refuse Container permit the same business day or by the next business day.
Apply for a Commercial Refuse Container Permit Translations of NYC DOT Licenses, Permit Applications & Registrations
The online application for Commercial Refuse Container permits is available 24 hours a day, seven days week, except during periods of maintenance.
ParkingThe Commercial Refuse Container permit does not carry parking privileges, and does not allow the owner of the container to reserve a parking space in which to place the container. Additional regulations regarding container placement can be found in Section 2-14(f) of the New York City Highway Rules.
Special EventsThe NYC DOT permit system will notify the applicant if the requested location and/or dates are in conflict with a special event. Visit the NYC Street Closures Map
Multiple ContainersA permit allows placement of one commercial refuse container at a specific location for up to five days. If a container is filled and needs to be exchanged for another container within the permit’s five-day timeframe, the carting company would not need to secure another permit. However, a second container added to the original location requires a separate permit.