NYC DOT Values Statement
We believe transportation must meet the needs of communities of color and those of all incomes, abilities, ages, gender, and sexual orientation. We respect and embrace the diversity of our communities to meet the transportation needs of all New Yorkers.
We believe everyone should be able to travel safely and securely through the City via all available mode options. We strive to create safe transportation environments and eliminate serious and fatal traffic crashes in the City through engineering, engagement, education, and enforcement.
We believe transportation choices are critical to accessing opportunity for all. We design, build, operate, and maintain an accessible transportation system that reliably and safely connects people, places, and goods.
Asset Management and Project Delivery
We believe it is paramount to maintain and protect our physical assets and maintain those assets in a state of good repair. We strive to advance our street resurfacing program, invest in technology to better monitor the condition of our assets, and complete capital projects at a lower cost and in a timely manner. All communities, notably communities of color that have not historically received adequate investment, should have priority access to high-quality assets.
Freight Movement
We believe in advancing policies and programs that reduce the impacts of trucks on communities and infrastructure, while also improving delivery efficiency. We strive to reduce air pollution and congestion, particularly in communities of color that experience a disproportionate level of trucking activity; minimize freight and land use conflicts; and develop a comprehensive five-borough freight strategy.
The Public Realm
We believe transportation is essential to support daily life. We manage the streets and sidewalks that enrich public life and improve community health. We strive to make our streets more inviting places for people of all ages, abilities, and socioeconomic status by addressing historical inequities and disinvestment that affect the condition of our physical spaces.
Sustainability & Resilience
We believe environmental health should improve for future generations through sustainable transportation. We address the climate crisis through a sustainable, resilient transportation system. We support environmental justice which seeks to dismantle past environmental policies that have disproportionately harmed low-income communities.
Organizational Excellence
We believe in exceeding the expectations of the communities we serve. We build a broad, inclusive, racially diverse team committed to excellence and equipped with the skills to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow. We strive to establish and promote high standards of professionalism, racial equity, and competence in our work.
Public Engagement
We believe in listening to and being held accountable to our most important stakeholders, New Yorkers. We engage New Yorkers through various channels, ensure we inform our communities about potential changes that will impact their lives, and receive input from diverse perspectives, not only the loudest voices.