Don’t risk losing your benefits. If you get a Conciliation or Reengagement appointment, don’t ignore it. Your case may be sanctioned for not complying with work-related appointments without a good reason.
Eligible families may receive up to 60 months of federally funded cash assistance under the Temporary Aid to Needy Families Program (TANF). Single individuals without children and families who have already received cash assistance for 60 months may receive benefits under the New York State Safety Net Program.
Are you eligible for Cash Assistance? Here are some situations that may make you eligible for additional cash assistance. If you are eligible, apply online through AccessHRA.
Eligible clients receiving temporary cash assistance are required to engage in work and/or educational activities in most cases. Learn more about educational opportunities on our Training and Education page.
(Those participating in an approved program can receive transportation and child care expenses so that they can meet their requirements.)
All Cash Assistance and SNAP applicants that have been approved for benefits will receive an EBT card in the mail. If your EBT card has not yet arrived, you can go to the Brooklyn OTC site for your permanent card, or one of seven open center locations for a temporary card that will have all benefits available until the EBT card arrives. Please see this list of locations.
If you apply for ongoing Cash Assistance (CA), we will also determine your eligibility for Medicaid and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). If denied for CA, you may still get Medicaid and/or SNAP. We will either decide at the same time or we will decide at a later date. The notice that says "denied" for CA will tell you. If that notice says we will decide later, then we will also send you separate notices for Medicaid and for SNAP.
Regarding case inquiries, HRA requires submitting a Client Consent Form to verify a client's consent before releasing case information to a third party.
Please be aware that unscrupulous individuals may use COVID-19 as an opportunity to create a scam in order to steal your personal information. Learn more about this Potential Fraud Scam Alert and other EBT Scams Alerts.
Once you submit your online cash assistance application or your recertification, call 929-273-1872 anytime between 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday to complete your interview. Please remember to upload your documents using the ACCESS HRA app.
Here is a list of documents you may need to determine your eligibility for CA (W-119D):
You may be able to get help if you cannot pay your bills because you lost your job, you are getting less pay from your job, or you had another emergency like an unexpected medical situation. This help is called “Emergency Assistance” or a “One Shot Deal.”
Emergency Assistance can help you if:
More Information:
You can apply for Emergency Assistance online using ACCESSHRA or by visiting your nearest HRA Job Center. For more information, call the DSS OneNumber at 718-557-1399.
View the Emergency Rental Assistance Grant Flyer in:
You can ask for a Special Grant to get benefits for emergencies or add members of your household to your case. You can find forms that are used to ask for a Special Grant in our Special Grant Document Guide.
The Wellness, Comprehensive Assessment Rehabilitation and Employment (WeCARE) program is a unique initiative that addresses the needs of cash assistance clients with medical and/or mental health barriers to employment. The WeCARE program is available by referral only.
Daily Timekeeping System (DTS): For agencies that employee HRA clients
Payment and Claiming System on the Web (PACSWeb): Enables vendors to request payments for services provided to HRA clients
Substance Abuse Tracking and Reporting System (STARS): For treatment providers
Supportive Housing System (PACT): The Office of Health and Mental Health Services’ Placement, Assessment and Client Tracking Unit
Training Provider Tracking System (TPTS): For training providers
Available Training/Educational Programs: Search for training/educational providers and programs
New Training Provider Application: Become a training provider
WeCare: Wellness, Comprehensive Assessment, Rehabilitation and Employment program
Youth Applicant Frequently Asked Questions
Housing: Know Your Rights
Parents and guardians who are employed or engage in work-related activities (required or voluntary), including those in school, may be eligible for child care. If eligible for child care, parents and guardians have the right to appropriate, affordable, accessible, and suitable child care. HRA will never require you to use a specific provider but can help you find one that is best for you if you need one.
If you are employed or participating in a work activity and would like HRA to help pay for child care, you and the provider will need to complete and submit the forms below.
Automated Child Care Eligibility and Enrollment System (ACEE): Child care programs for HRA clients
Child Care Provider Search: Easy to use search tool to locate NYC contracted & non-contracted Child Care Providers & short list/filter based on client needs
View Child Care Provider Enrollment Supplement (CS-274W) in:
View the Proof of ID and Residency for Child Care Providers (CFWB-004) form in:
View the Additional Local Standard Release (CFWB-047) form in:
View the Important Information about Child Care (FIA-1144) form in:
View the Enrollment Form for Provider of Legally-Exempt In-Home Child Care and Legally-Exempt Family Child Care (OCFS-LDSS-4699) in:
View the Instructions for Enrollment Form for Provider of Legally-Exempt In-Home Child Care and Legally- Exempt Family Child Care (OCFS-LDSS-4699a) in:
Part A: Enrollment Form for Legally-Exempt Group Child Care Program (OCFS-LDSS-4700) in:
Instructions for Part A: Enrollment Form for Legally-Exempt Group Child Care Program (OCFS-LDSS-4700a) in:
View the Work Schedule for Child Care (FIA-1100) form in:
HRA-154: School/ Training Enrollment Letter in:
CFWB-001: Special Needs Application
View the Verification of Secondary Tenant's Residence and Housing Costs form in:
View the Request for Additional Allowance form in:
Request for Review for Underpayment
Request for Payment of Rent Arrears in Excess of CA Limit
Adverse Childhood Experiences are caused by traumatic events or conditions such as poverty and violence, and can lead to serious health effects throughout a child’s life. Learn more about ACEs and how to help develop resilience to reduce their impact.