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Hearings Division Forms

Translation Services

If you feel more comfortable writing your responses on these forms in a language other than English, please do so. Your responses can be written on these forms in the language of your choice. The OATH Hearings Division will have all applications and forms translated into English, free of charge.

Requesting Records

OATH provides transparency in its operations by making a large amount of information accessible to the general public. To learn about these resources as well as how to request records, visit the Data/Records Requests page.

Reschedule Hearing Forms

Request to Reschedule an Upcoming Hearing Online
Request to Reschedule an Upcoming Hearing by Mail (Español) (اللغة العربية) (বাংলা) (中文) (Français) (Kreyòl) (한국어) (Polskie) (Русском) (اردو) (Türkçe) (Wolof)
Enforcement Agency's Request to Reschedule an Upcoming Hearing

Hearing Forms

One-Click (online) Hearing Form
General Request for the Audio Recording of an OATH Hearing (Not for Appeal Purposes) (Español) (اللغة العربية) (বাংলা) (中文) (Français) (Kreyòl) (한국어) (Русском) (اردو)
Respond to Adjournment Order from OATH Remote Hearings Unit - Online Response Form

Failure to Appear at Scheduled Hearing (Default) Forms

Request a New Hearing after a Default Online
Request a New Hearing after a Default by Mail (Español) (اللغة العربية) (বাংলা) (中文) (Français) (Kreyòl) (한국어) (Polskie) (Русском) (اردو) (Türkçe) (Wolof)
Respond to OATH's Request for Information on Standing - Online Response Form

Appeal Online Form

File Your Appeal Online
Financial Hardship

Appeal by Mail Forms

File Your Appeal by Mail (Español) (اللغة العربية) (বাংলা) (中文) (Français) (Kreyòl) (한국어) (Polskie) (Русском) (اردو) (Türkçe) (Wolof)
Request for Extensions and Hearing Recordings by Mail (Español) (اللغة العربية) (বাংলা) (中文) (Français) (Kreyòl) (한국어) (Polskie) (Русском) (اردو)
File Your Response to an Appeal by Mail (Español) (اللغة العربية) (বাংলা) (中文) (Français) (Kreyòl) (한국어) (Polskie) (Русском) (اردو)
Request an Extension of Time to Respond to an Appeal (Español) (اللغة العربية) (বাংলা) (中文) (Français) (Kreyòl) (한국어) (Polskie) (Русском) (اردو)

Invoice Search Requests for License Renewals

Email the form that corresponds with your license to

Invoice Search Request Form- General Vendors (Español) (اللغة العربية) (বাংলা) (中文) (Français) (Kreyòl) (한국어) (Polskie) (Русском) (اردو) (Türkçe) (Wolof)

Invoice Search Request Form- Food Vendors (Español) (اللغة العربية) (বাংলা) (中文) (Français) (Kreyòl) (한국어) (Polskie) (Русском) (اردو) (Türkçe) (Wolof)

Department of Buildings (DOB) -related requests are made via email to and should include a copy of the front and back of your license and a statement of your request. Alternatively, you can instantaneously obtain a clearance letter by visiting the Department of Finance at and entering your unique DOF-issued “OATH ID” and then selecting the link to view the clearance letter.

All other requests for bills or invoices should be sent to

Registered Representative Forms

Representative Registration Form
Authorization for Registered Representative to Appear (Español) (اللغة العربية) (বাংলা) (中文) (Français) (Kreyòl) (한국어) (Polskie) (Русском) (اردو)(Yiddish יידיש )

Informational Brochures

What is the OATH Hearings Division? (Español) (اللغة العربية) (বাংলা) (中文) (Français) (Kreyòl) (한국어) ( Polskie) (Русском) (اردو)