Directives & Memoranda

Index for Selected Directives, Memoranda, Policy & Procedure Notices and Interpretations through 1996.

DISCLAIMER: This is an Index for selected documents issued through 1996. For documents issued after 1996, check our other Reference Materials (located in our Codes). You should check with the Department to ensure compliance with all rulings and interpretations.

Click on a letter above to see categories matching that letter. Related sections may be referenced and linked.

LEGEND - S = Superseded   A = Amended   R = Rescinded

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- Z -
Allowable Allowances in Applying the Building Code/ Zoning Resolution Requirements PPN 3-4-91
Automobile Service Station, Accessory use to, Denial of Appeal to BSA Memo 8-12-88 * R
Adult Uses, Physical. Culture Establishments Memo 10-4-78R
Amusement Arcades Memo 11-16-81 *
Attic Space Memo 9-11-64 S R
Attic Space Memo 1-17-75 S R
Attic Space and Floor Area Memo 6-14-88 *
Attic Used for Dwelling Purposes Letter 8-20-91 R
Automobile Laundries Memo 1-15-75 R
Automobile Rental Establishments Directive 6 of 1963
Baseball Batting Cages Use Groups Letter 2-1-90 R
Baseball Batting Range (Outdoor/Indoor) Memo 8-22-78 R
Business School or College Letter 4-11-89 R
Charter Sec. 668(c) Amended Memo 6-22-77 R
Club, U.G. #4 Memo 12-23-85 *
Contextual Zoning, Parking Section 23-12 & Memo 9-27-89 R
Building Height Section 119-212 Z.R.
Lower Density Contextual Zoning Amendment Grandfathering - PPN 6-25-91 *
Renewal of Building Permits
Conversions Memo 2-23-79R
Custom Printing, sp. Lower Manh. use Letter 9-6-85 R
District Crematoriums Memo 3-12-65
Discontinued Non-Conforming uses PPN 6-12-91 *
Dental Laboratories (Home Occupation) Memo 3-13-64
Drive-in Facilities Memo 2-6-79 R
Embassies, Diplomatic Mission & Consulates Memo 4-11-84
Factory Use in a Business District Letter 2-2-89 R
Floor Area, Section 12-10 Z.R. Memo 4-21-88 R
Floor Area, Section 12-10 Z.R. Letter 11-6-89R
Floor Area, Section 12-10 Z.R. PPN 11-23-93
Front Yards (Open Acc. Off Street Parking) Memo 5-25-79 R
Greenhouses Memo 4-8-77 * S R
Group Buildings in Single Ownership Memo 5-26-65 R
Gymnasiums Memo 3-23-79 R
Home Occupations, Practice of Optometry Memo 7-25-68 *
Lot Areas in Mapped Streets Directive 28 of 1970 *
Lot Areas in Mapped Streets Memo 7-10-73
Loft Conversion Memo 10-30-81 * A R
Medical Offices Section 22-14 Z.R. Memo 8-14-89 R
Model Home Sales Letter 6-23-77 R
Non-Commercial Greenhouses Memo 4-8-77 *
Open Porches Memo 2-11-86 S
Optometry Memo 7-25-68 *
Parking (Open Acc. Off Street in Front Yards) Memo 5-25-79 R
Rear Yard Equivalents Directive 43 of 1967
Sewage Disposal Plant, Accessory Letter 9-15-89 * S
Sewage Pumping Station Section 74-732 Z.R. Letter 10-6-89
Show Windows - Non-conforming Stores Directive 31 of 1967 R
Side Yards Memo 11-26-75 R
Side Yard Elevation Memo 12-20-89
Small Lots Directive 14 of 1967 R
Solid Waste Transfer Stations PPN 3-28-91 *
Existing Small Zoning Lots Letter 6-2-88 R
Special Planned Community Preservation Districts - Fencing Memo 12-2-74 R
Studios and Accessory Living Memo 11-28-78 R
Symbols Letter 9-5-91 S
Tennis Courts in Residential Districts Memo 5-24-76 *
Zoning Lot Certification -
Partially Superseded by Buildings Bulletin 2020-003
Memo 5-18-78 *
Zoning Lot Definition Letter 9-28-77R
Zoning Lot Ownership Declarations Memo 4-11-78R
Yards in Irregular Lots Memo 5-28-82 R
Zoning Lot Divided District Boundaries Memo 8-1-86 *
Resolution of Technical/Zoning Issues PPN 3-1-93 R
Zoning Use Group Designation for Pet Received Facilities PPN 9-21-93
Districts Memo 12-2-74
Sec. 11-13 Directive 3 of 1969R
Sec. 11-41 Directive 39 of 1967 R
Sec. 12-10 Attic Space Memo 9-11-64 S
Sec. 12-10 Home Occupation Optometry Memo 7-25-68
Sec. 12-10 Public Parks Directive 3 of 1969R
Sec. 12-10 Public Parks Memo 3-13-69
Sec. 12-10 Parking Memo 10-5-72 R
Sec. 12-10 Attics Memo 1-17-75 R
Attic Space and Floor Area - Sec. 12-10 Z.R. Memo 8-4-88
Sec. 12-10 Floor Area Memo 11-6-89R
Sec. 12-10 Lot Definition (see also Lots) Letter 9-28-77R
Sec. 12-10 Zoning Lot (see also Lots) Memo 4-11-78R
Sec. 12-10 Zoning Lot (see also Lots) Memo 5-18-78 *
Sec. 12-10 Zoning Lot Subdivision Int. 10-24-91 R
Sec. 12-10 Home Occupation "Knowledge Worker" Letter 3-8-85 *
Sec.12-10 Predominantly Built-Up Area and Block Cemeteries Memo 12-30-87
Z.R. Floor Area Sec. 12-10 Memo 4-21-88 R
Certificate of Occupancy Memo 12-7-82 *
Offices for Psychology, Optometry and Podiatry in Residential Districts, Sec. 22-14 Z.R. Letter 8-4-88 * R
Medical Offices Sec. 22-14 Z.R. Memo 8-14-89 R
Community Facility Use in Residential Zone Districts Letter 4-10-85 R
Sec. 22-14B Memo 3-12-65
Sec. 22-41 RR & Transit Air Space Memo 9-24-75 R
Sec. 23-33 Small Lots Directive 14 of 1967 R
Sec. 23-44 Non-Commercial Greenhouse Memo 4-8-77 *
Sec. 23-44 Open Access Parking in Front Yard Memo 5-25-79 R
Sec. 23-44 Open Porches Memo 2-11-86 S
Sec. 23-70 Distance Between Buildings Letter 11-10-86 R
Sec. 23-462 Side Yards Memo 11-26-75 R
Sec. 23-462(b) Interpretation of Zoning Resolution Memo 10-3-86 R
Sec. 23-49 Special Provision for Party or Side Lot Walls Memo 9-2-86 R
Sec. 23-533 R. Y. Equivalents Directive 43 of 1967
Sec. 23-631 Height and Setback Requirements Memo 1-23-76
Sec. 23-65 Community Facility Building and Residence Letter 11-7-86 R
Sec. 23-661 Side Yard Elevation Memo 12-20-89
Sec. 23-691 Re: Printing Error Memo 10-15-74 R
Sec. 24-382 - R. Y. Equivalent Directive 43 of 1967
Sec. 24-521 - Height and Setback Requirements Memo 1-23-76
Sec. 24-54 Tower Regulations in R8 Districts Letter 9-11-86 * R
Exception to Maximum Size of Accessory Group Parking Facility, Sections 25-13 and 25-14 Z.R Memo 9-16-88
Sec. 32-15 Memo 2-6-79 R
Sec. 32-15 - Amusement Arcades Memo 11-16-81 *
Sec. 32-15 Central "Node" Component Int. 9-5-90 R
Sec. 32-17 Directive 6 of 1963
Sec. 32-17 - Amusement Arcades Memo 11-16-81 *
Sec. 32-18 Directive 16 of 1969
Sec. 32-21 Directive 16 of 1969
Sec. 32-21 & Sec. 32-24 - Amusement Arcades Memo 11-16-81 *
Sec. 32-25 - Auto Laundries Memo 1-15-75 R
Location of Floors Occupied by Non-Residential uses - Section 32-422 Z.R. Letter 9-13-88 * R
Sec. 32-44 RR & Transit Air Space Memo 9-24-75 R
Sec. 32-64 - Thru 32-64.5 Directive 38 of 1967
Sec. 33-283 - R.Y. Equivalent Directive 43 of 1967
Sec. 42-12 Directive 6 of 1963
Sec. 43-14 - & Sec. 43-17 Loft Conversions Memo 10-30-81 * A R
Sec. 43-23 - R.Y. Equivalent Directive 43 of 1967
Sec. 52-21 - Show Windows Directive 31 of 1967 R
Existing Use - Documentation of, (Sec. 52-61 Z.R.) Memo 8-31-88 *
Sec. 54-311 - Conversions Memo 2-23-79R
Sec. 72-23, 73-70, and 74-99 of the Zoning Resolution Substantial Construction Memo 10-24-86
Sec. 74-99 (a)(2) Int. 9-13-91 *
Sec. 74-711 - & Sec. 74-782 Loft Conversions Memo 10-30-81 * A
Sec. 77-11 and 72-211 Merged Zoning Lots Divided by District Boundaries Memo 12-5-86
Sec. 78-20 Memo 5-3-65
Controlled Inspections for Illumination Levels of the Signs Required in the Special Times Square Area as per Section 81-732 Z.R PPN 10-20-88
Sec. 95-041 - Transit Easements Memo 11-29-74 R
Sec. 95-14 - Transit Easements Memo 11-29-74 R
Sec. 96-108 Memo 3-3-86 R
Sec. 99-03 Special Madison Avenue Preservation District Letter 11-7-86 R
Sec. 99-03 Letter 9-24-86 R
Sec. 99-052(a)(1) Letter 5-17-95
Sec. 99-052(a)(3) Letter 5-17-95
Interior Enlargements Section 103-02 Z.R. Sec. 103-08 - Memo 3-15-88
Fencing In Special Planned Community Preservation
Sec.111-103 Loft Conversions Memo 10-30-81 * A R
Sec. 111-104(a)5 Sp. Lower Manhattan Use District Memo 11-18-85
Sec. 119-212 Z.R. - Building Height Contextual Zoning Memo 9-27-89

Letter 9-20-89 * R
Sec. 74-732 Z.R. - Sewage Pumping Station Letter 10-6-89