Local Laws

The Department of Buildings offers direct access to selected Local Laws. More local laws can be found at the New York City Council.

Click a topic, or press the enter key on a topic, to reveal its answer.

Local Laws of 2024

  • Local Law 79 of 2024 (Intro No. 79-A)
    A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to establishing a proactive inspection program for buildings. Read Local Law 79 of 2024
  • Local Law 71 of 2024 (Intro No. 231-A)
    A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to increasing the frequency of parking structure inspections.  Read Local Law 71 of 2024

  • Local Law 70 of 2024 (Intro. No. 170-A)
    A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to increased penalties for department of buildings violations issued to parking structures. Read Local Law 70 of 2024

  • Local Law 69 of 2024 (Intro. No. 135-A)
    A Local Law in relation to a study on structural loadbearing capacity of parking garages.  Read Local Law 69 of 2024

  • Local Law 55 of 2024
    A local law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York and the New York city building code, in relation to electric vehicle supply equipment in open parking lots and parking garages.  Read Local Law 55 of 2024

Local Laws of 2023

  • Local Law 126 of 2023 (Intro. No. 689A)
    A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to elimination of permit and or filing fees for green building projects undertaken on one to three family homes. Read Local Law 126 of 2023

  • Local Law 77 of 2023 (Intro. No. 875-B)
    A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, the New York city plumbing code, the New York city building code, the New York city mechanical code and the New York city fuel gas code, in relation to technical corrections, clarifications and modifications to provisions of the New York city construction codes. Read Local Law 77 of 2023
  • Local Law 57 of 2023 (Intro 239-A)
    A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to education and outreach regarding solar and green roof systems. Read Local Law 57 of 2023

  • Local Law 24 of 2023 (Int. No. 141-A)
    To amend the New York City Building Code, in relation to signage for automatic doors. Read Local Law 24 of 2023

  • Local Law 43 of 2023 (Intro. No. 886)
    A Local Law in relation to accessory sign violations and waiving penalties and fees for signs that are accessory to a use on the same zoning lot. Read Local Law 43 of 2023

Local Laws of 2022

  • Local Law 109 of 2022 (Proposed Int. No. 442-A)
    A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York and the New York city building code, in relation to abating rodents as a requirement for the issuance of certain construction permits. Read Local Law 109 of 2022

  • Local Law 66 of 2022 (Proposed Int. No. 155-A)
    A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to permit filing fees for one-, two-, and three-family dwellings damaged by a fire. Read Local Law 66 of 2022
  • Local Law 63 of 2022 (Int. No. 105-A)
    A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to self-closing door corrections and certification, and penalties for self-closing door violations. Read Local Law 63 of 2022

  • Local Law 50 of 2022 (Int. No. 2449-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to penalties for failing to certify correction of immediately hazardous conditions and the reinspection of immediately hazardous conditions at construction sites. Read Local Law 50 of 2022

  • Local Law 44 of 2022 (Int. No. 2265-B)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to stove safety knobs. Read Local Law 44 of 2022.

Local Laws of 2021

  • Local Law 163 of 2021
    A Local Law to amend the New York city charter and New York city building code in relation to the display of artwork on temporary protective structures on construction sites. Read Local Law 163 of 2021.

  • Local Law 154 of 2021
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to the use of substances with certain emission profiles. Read Local Law 154 of 2021.

  • Local Law 149 of 2021
    A A Local Law to amend the New York city building code, in relation to construction superintendents. Read Local Law 149 of 2021.

  • Local Law 148 of 2021
    A Local Law to amend the New York city building code, in relation to cold-formed steel construction. Read Local Law 148 of 2021.

  • Local Law 147 of 2021
    A Local Law to amend the New York city building code, in relation to the definition of major building. Read Local Law 147 of 2021.

  • Local Law 146 of 2021
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to final inspections for temporary construction equipment permits and prohibiting stand-off brackets. Read Local Law 146 of 2021.

  • Local Law 140 of 2021 (Int. No. 2404-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York in relation to certifications of no harassment. Read Local Law 140 of 2021.

  • Local Law 138 of 2021
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to inspection of building gas piping systems and extension of time to complete work required by inspection. Read Local Law 138 of 2021.

  • Local Law 137 of 2021 (Int. No. 2259-A)
    A Local Law in relation to an extension of the deadlines for inspection and correction of building gas piping systems in certain community districts. Read Local Law 137 of 2021. Read Local Law 137 of 2021.

  • Local Law 126 of 2021 (Int. No. 2261-A-2021) Construction Codes Revision Bill
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, the New York city plumbing code, the New York city building code, the New York city mechanical code and the New York city fuel gas code in relation to bringing such codes and related provisions of law up to date with the 2015 editions of the international building, mechanical, fuel gas and plumbing codes, with differences that reflect the unique character of the city, clarifying and updating administration and enforcement of such codes and the 1968 code and repealing chapters 2 and 35, appendices K and M, section N102 of appendix N, appendices P and Q, and section R103.3 figures 1A and 1B of appendix R of the New York city building code, chapter 15 and appendix A of the New York city mechanical code and chapter 8 of the New York city fuel gas code in relation thereto. Read Local Law 126 of 2021 – effective November 7, 2022.

  • Local Law 119 of 2021 (Int. No. 2403)
    A Local Law in relation to extending the certification of no harassment pilot. Read Local Law 119 of 2021.

  • Local Law 101 of 2021 (Int. No. 2283-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to reductions in and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions Read Local Law 101 of 2021.

  • Local Law 81 of 2021 (Int. No. 2234-A)
    A Local Law to establish a temporary program to resolve outstanding judgments imposed by the environmental control board. Read Local Law 81 of 2021.

  • Local Law 80 of 2021 (Int. No. 2233-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to reducing penalties and allowing opportunities to cure for certain violations. Read Local Law 80 of 2021.

  • Local Law 74 of 2021 (Int. No. 1128-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to fences at stalled construction sites. Read Local Law 74 of 2021.

  • Local Law 43 of 2021 (Int. No. 2198-A)
    A Local Law to amend the New York city building code, in relation to additional freeboard for structures in the floodplain. Read Local Law 43 of 2021.

  • Local Law 40 of 2021 (Int. No. 874-A)
    A Local Law to amend the New York city Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to improving tenant notification, interagency cooperation, conducting inspections and issuing stop work orders, in connection with lead paint and construction work. Read Local Law 40 of 2021.

  • Local Law 29 of 2021 (Int. No. 2044-A)
    A Local Law in relation to accessory sign violations and waiving penalties and fees for signs that are accessory to a use on the same zoning lot. Read Local Law 29 of 2021.

  • Local Law 25 of 2021 (Int. No. 2204-A)
    A Local Law to amend local law number 49 for the year 2019, relating to establishing a demonstration program to facilitate the creation and alteration of habitable apartments in basements and cellars of certain one- and two-family dwellings, in relation to extending the time limit for filing construction documents for such program. Read Local Law 25 of 2021.

  • Local Law 13 of 2021 (Int. No. 2171-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York and the New York city building code, in relation to the date by which carbon monoxide detectors are required to be installed in commercial spaces. Read Local Law 13 of 2021.

  • Local Law 12 of 2021 (Int. No. 2151-A)
    A Local Law in relation to extending the deadlines for inspection and correction of building gas piping systems in certain community districts. Read Local Law 12 of 2021

  • Local Law 6 of 2021 (Int. No. 2033-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to statements of compliance, issuance and posting requirements of certificates of occupancy and interim certificates of occupancy. Read Local Law 6 of 2021

Local Laws of 2020

  • New York State Laws of 2020 Chapter 55
    AN ACT to amend the labor law, relating to requiring the licensing of persons engaged in the design, construction, inspection, maintenance, alteration, and repair of elevators and other automated people moving devices. Read New York State Laws of 2020 Chapter 55.

  • Local Law 117 of 2020 (Int. No. 2072-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York in relation to greenhouse gas emissions reduction methods and outreach and education. Read Local Law 117 of 2020.

  • Local Law 116 of 2020 (Int. No. 1947-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York in relation to rent regulated accommodations. Read Local Law 116 of 2020.

  • Local Law 102 of 2020 (Int. No. 1853-A)
    A Local Law in relation to requiring the Department of Buildings to report on the safety and feasibility of authorizing building exterior wall examinations by unmanned aircraft systems. Read Local Law 102 of 2020.

  • Local Law 96 of 2020 (Int. No. 2059-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to the definition of site safety training full compliance date. Read Local Law 96 of 2020.

  • Local Law 95 of 2020 (Int. No. 1982-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to marginal emissions. Read Local Law 95 of 2020.

  • Local Law 93 of 2020 (Int. No. 1946-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to outreach to building owners regarding making energy efficiency improvements. Read Local Law 93 of 2020.

  • Local Law 91 of 2020 (Int. No. 1851-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, the New York city plumbing code and the New York city building code in relation to city-wide stormwater management controls. Read Local Law 91 of 2020

  • Local Law 80 of 2020 (Int. No. 1609)
    A Local Law to amend the charter and Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to changing the name of the Department of Consumer Affairs to the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection, and to repeal the following provisions of the New York city charter: section 20-a in relation to the office of labor standards; section 2204, in relation to the consumers council; and also to repeal the following provisions of the administrative code of the city of New York: subdivision b of section 20-9016 of chapter 1 of title 20-A in relation to hearings concerning shipboard gambling; subchapter 4 of chapter 2 of title 20 of the administrative code of the city of New York in relation to licenses for maintaining a billiard or pocket billiard room; section 20-526 of chapter 2 of title 20 in relation to the tow advisory board and other incidental technical amendments. Read Local Law 80 of 2020

  • Local Law 57 of 2020 (Int. No. 1940-A)
    A Local Law in relation to license, permit, consent and registration renewal extensions, and requiring at least 45 days notice for renewal following the COVID-19 emergency. Read Local Law 57 of 2020.

  • Local Law 48 of 2020 (Int. No. 1816-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to conforming the New York City Energy Conservation Code to the New York State Energy Code with amendments unique to construction in the City and incorporate therein provisions of the NYStretch Energy Code-2020, and to repeal section 28-1001.2 of such Administrative Code relating to such conforming amendments. Read Local Law 48 of 2020.

  • Law 15 of 2020 (Int. No. 1482-B)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York and the New York City Building Code, in relation to bird friendly materials. Read Local Law 15 of 2020.

  • Local Law 14 of 2020 (Int. No. 1481-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York and the New York City Plumbing Code in relation to bringing such Code up to date with the 2015 edition of the International Plumbing Code with differences that reflect the unique character of the City and repealing chapter 11 and appendices C, F, and G of the New York City Plumbing Code in relation thereto. Read Local Law 14 of 2020.

  • Local Law 10 of 2020 (Int. No. 1661-A)
    A Local Law to amend the New York City Building Code, in relation to providing construction workers with information pertaining to site safety training during site safety orientations and refreshers. Read Local Law 10 of 2020.

Local Laws of 2019

  • New York State Laws of 2019 Chapter 750
    AN ACT to amend the labor law and the state finance law, in relation to requiring the licensing of persons engaged in the design, construction, inspection, maintenance, alteration, and repair of elevators and other automated people moving devices (Part A); and to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to the licensing of approved elevator agency directors, inspectors, and technicians performing elevator work in the City of New York; and to repeal the definition of private elevator inspection agency in section 28-401.3 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York (Part B). New York State Laws of 2019 Chapter 750.

  • Local Law 219 of 2019 (Int. No. 720-C)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York and the New York City Building Code, in relation to clarifying the requirements for site safety training providers and persons required to obtain site safety training. Read Local Law 219 of 2019.

  • Local Law 147 of 2019
    A Local Law to amend the New York City charter and the Administrative Code of the City of New York in relation to greenhouse gas emissions. Read Local Law 147 of 2019.

  • Local Law 122 of 2019 (Int. No. 0342-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code and the building Code of the City of New York, in relation to requirements for portable ramps in prior Code buildings where such portable ramps are permissible and signage relating thereto. Read Local Law 122 of 2019.

  • Local Law 119 of 2019 (Int. No. 1533-A)
    A Local Law to amend the New York City building Code, in relation to the definition of site safety training full compliance date and site safety training second compliance date. Read Local Law 119 of 2019.

  • Local Law 118 of 2019 (Int. No. 1280-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to the tenant protection plan and penalties for false statements relating to tenant occupancy on certain construction documents. Read Local Law 118 of 2019.

  • Local Law 117 of 2019 (Int. No. 1279-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to requiring the Department of Buildings and the Department of Housing Preservation and Development to audit a certain percentage of certifications of correction. Read Local Law 117 of 2019.

  • Local Law 116 of 2019
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York and the New York City building Code, in relation to requiring heightened review of tenant protection plans and increased enforcement of building Code standards. Read Local Law 116 of 2019.

  • Local Law 115 of 2019 (Int. No. 1277-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to preliminary inspections. Read Local Law 115 of 2019.

  • Local Law 114 of 2019 (Int. No. 1275-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to denying permits for occupied buildings. Read Local Law 114 of 2019.

  • Local Law 111 of 2019 (Int. No. 1357-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to inspections of construction sites for which the Department of Buildings has issued a permit. Read Local Law 111 of 2019.

  • Local Law 110 of 2019 (Int. No. 1247-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to providing residents with copies of notices of violations. Read Local Law 110 of 2019.

  • Local Law 108 of 2019 (Int. No. 1241-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to expanding sanctions for submission of professionally-certified false or noncompliant building permit applications or plans. Read Local Law 108 of 2019.

  • Local Law 107of 2019 (Int. No. 1171-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to identifying unlawful statements in submissions to the Department of Buildings. Read Local Law 107 of 2019

  • Local Law 106 of 2019 (Int. No. 1107-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to submittal of construction documents, applicant and owner statements, and tenant protection plans. Read Local Law 106 of 2019

  • Local Law 105 of 2019 (Int. No. 977-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to sanctions for submitting incorrect professionally certified applications for construction document approval. Read Local Law 105 of 2019

  • Local Law 104 of 2019 (Int. No. 975-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to denying building permits where a residential building has an excessive number of violations. Read Local Law 104 of 2019

  • Local Law 98 of 2019 (Int. No. 1317-A)
    A Local Law in to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, and the New York City building Code, in relation to large wind turbines. Read Local Law 98 of 2019

  • Local Law 97 of 2019 (Int. No. 1253-C)
    A Local Law in to amend the New York City charter and the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to the commitment to achieve certain reductions in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Read Local Law 97 of 2019

  • Local Law 95 of 2019 (Int. No. 1251-A)
    A Local Law in to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to a building energy efficiency grade. Read Local Law 95 of 2019

  • Local Law 94 of 2019 (Int. No. 1032-A)
    A Local Law in to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York and the New York City building Code, in relation to requiring that the roofs of certain buildings be covered in green roofs or solar photovoltaic electricity generating systems. Read Local Law 94 of 2019

  • Local Law 93 of 2019 (Int. No. 1031-A)
    A Local Law in to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to posting information regarding green roofs on the website of the Department of Buildings. Read Local Law 93 of 2019.

  • Local Law 92 of 2019 (Int. No. 276-A)
    A Local Law in to amend the New York City building Code, in relation to requiring that the roofs of certain buildings be partially covered in green roof or solar photovoltaic electricity generating systems. Read Local Law 92 of 2019.

  • Local Law 76 of 2019 (Int. No. 1149-B)
    A Local Law in to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to documentation, submission and public availability of cooling tower inspections and certifications. Read Local Law 76 of 2019.

  • Local Law 62 of 2019 (Int. No. 862)
    A Local Law in to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to allowing the Department of Buildings to issue stop work orders along with notices to revoke work permits. Read Local Law 62 of 2019.

  • Local Law 59 of 2019 (Int. No. 353-B)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to the provision of e-mail notifications for construction project status updates. Read Local Law 59 of 2019.

  • Local Law 49 of 2019
    To establish a demonstration program to facilitate the creation and alteration of habitable apartments in basements and cellars of certain one- and two-family dwellings. Read Local Law 49 of 2019.

  • Local Law 28 of 2019 (Int. No. 728-B)
    A Local Law in relation to establishing temporary programs, conducting education, establishing a task force related to accessory sign violations and waiving penalties for violations for signs that are accessory to a use on the same zoning lot. Read Local Law 28 of 2019.

Local Laws of 2018

  • Local Law 195 of 2018 (Int. No. 836-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, the New York City building Code, the New York City Mechanical Code and the New York City Fire Code, in relation to approval processes for alternative automatic fire extinguishing systems, fire alarm systems, emergency alarm systems, Fire Department in-building auxiliary radio communication systems and fire protection plans. Read Local Law 195 of 2018.

  • Local Law 191 of 2018 (Int. No. 644-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York and the New York City building Code, in relation to requiring carbon monoxide detectors in commercial spaces. Read Local Law 191 of 2018.

  • Local Law 190 of 2018 (Int. No. 465-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation conducting education and outreach regarding single-occupant toilet room requirements. Read Local Law 190 of 2018.

  • New York State Laws of 2018 Chapter 217
    AN ACT to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to requiring notice to adjoining owners of construction or demolition work. New York State Laws of 2018 Chapter 217.

  • Local Law 117 of 2018 (Int. No. 610-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to stove knob covers. Read Local Law 117 of 2018.

  • Local Law 113 of 2018 (Int. No. 604-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York and the New York City building Code, in relation to requirements for smoke alarms and smoke detectors in residential and non-residential occupancies. Read Local Law 113 of 2018.

  • Local Law 111 of 2018 (Int. No. 602-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to self-closing doors. Read Local Law 111 of 2018.

  • Local Law 106 of 2018 (Int. No. 96-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to allowing residential cooperatives to consolidate required energy efficiency reports. Read Local Law 106 of 2018.

  • Local Law 105 of 2018 (Int. No. 50-A)
    A Local Law to amend the New York City noise control Code, the Administrative Code of the City of New York and the New York City building Code, in relation to small wind turbines. Read Local Law 105 of 2018.

  • Local Law 70 of 2018 (Int. No. 1419-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to penalties for construction site safety violations that result in or are accompanied by death or serious physical injury. Read Local Law 70 of 2018.

  • Local Law 65 of 2018 (Int. No. 1120-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to notification of proposed soil or foundation work. Read Local Law 65 of 2018.

  • Local Law 64 of 2018 (Int. No. 1015-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to establishing a housing portal. Read Local Law 64 of 2018.

  • Local Law 62 of 2018 (Int. No. 1009-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to an online portfolio report of registered property owners. Read Local Law 62 of 2018

  • Local Law 55 of 2018 (Int. No. 385-C)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to indoor asthma allergen hazards in residential dwellings and pest management, and to repeal section 27-2018 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York, relating to rodent and insect eradication and extermination. Read Local Law 55 of 2018.

  • Local Law 48 of 2018 (Int. No. 1678-B)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to amending the definition of harassment to include discriminatory threats and requests for proof of citizenship status. Read Local Law 48 of 2018.

  • Local Law 34 of 2018 (Int. No. 1241-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to diaper changing accommodations. Read Local Law 34 of 2018.

  • Local Law 33 of 2018 (Int. No. 1632-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to energy efficiency scores and grades for certain buildings. Read Local Law 33 of 2018.

  • Local Law 32 of 2018 (Int. No. 1629-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to requiring periodic recommendations on adoption of more stringent energy efficiency requirements for certain buildings. Read Local Law 32 of 2018.

  • Local Law 30 of 2018 (Int. No. 1039-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to City-owned vacant property that may be suitable for the development of affordable housing. Read Local Law 30 of 2018.

  • Local Law 29 of 2018 (Int. No. 1036-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to a census of vacant properties. Read Local Law 29 of 2018.

  • Local Law 24 of 2018 (Int. No. 1721-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to amending the definition of harassment. Read Local Law 24 of 2018.

  • Local Law 14 of 2018 (Int. No. 1413-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to the registration and duties of lift directors. Read Local Law 14 of 2018.

  • Local Law 13 of 2018 (Int. No. 1403-A)
    A Local Law to amend the New York City building Code, in relation to requiring anemometers on cranes. Read Local Law 13 of 2018.

  • Local Law 7 of 2018 (Int. No. 1210-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to creating a program for evaluation of certain multiple dwellings and transactions to establish a speculation list. Read Local Law 7 of 2018.

  • Local Law 3 of 2018 (Int. No. 443-A)
    A Local Law to amend the New York City building Code, in relation to crane modernization. Read Local Law 3 of 2018.

  • Local Law 1 of 2018 (Int. No. 152-C)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to requiring a certification of no harassment prior to approval of construction documents or issuance of permits for demolition or renovation of certain buildings. Read Local Law 1 of 2018.

Local Laws of 2017

  • Local Law 250 of 2017 (Int. No. 1692-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to technical corrections to local law 116 for the year 2017. Read Local Law 250 of 2017.

  • Local Law 248 of 2017 (Int. No. 1637-A)
    A Local Law to amend the New York City building Code, in relation to creating a long-term energy plan for the City and establishing a New York City energy policy advisory subcommittee. Read Local Law 248 of 2017.

  • Local Law 233 of 2017 (Int. No. 1644-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to creating an office of alternative energy. Read Local Law 233 of 2017.

  • Local Law 224 of 2017 (Int. No. 1436-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to requiring the Department of Buildings to report on site safety managers and coordinators. Read Local Law 224 of 2017.

  • Local Law 219 of 2017 (Int. No. 1307-A)
    A Local Law to amend the New York City charter, in relation to Department of Buildings inspectors. Read Local Law 219 of 2017.

  • Local Law 206 of 2017 (Int. No. 1444-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to requiring site-specific safety orientations for workers at construction sites. Read Local Law 206 of 2017.

  • Read Local Law 205 of 2017 (Int. No. 1437-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to increasing the civil penalties for construction sites with excessive violations. Read Local Law 205 of 2017.

  • Local Law 204 of 2017 (Int. No. 1429-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to requiring pre-shift safety meetings for workers at construction sites. Read Local Law 204 of 2017.

  • Local Law 203 of 2017 (Int. No. 1404-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to penalties for violations of site safety provisions of the Construction Codes. Read Local Law 203 of 2017.

  • Local Law 196 of 2017 (Int. No. 1447-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to construction site safety training and repealing section 3310.10.2 of the New York City Building Code. Read Local Law 196 of 2017.

  • Local Law 188 of 2017 (Int. No. 934-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to the creation of a real time enforcement unit in the Department of Buildings. Read Local Law 188 of 2017.

  • Local Law 187 of 2017 (Int. No. 139-C)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to the regulation of non-tobacco smoking products, and to amend the Fire Code of the City of New York, and the New York City Mechanical Code, in relation to the operation of non-tobacco hookah establishments. Read Local Law 187 of 2017

  • Local Law 184 of 2017 (Int. No. 1550-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to harassment in private dwellings. Read Local Law 184 of 2017.

  • Local Law 165 of 2017 (Int. No. 1556-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to penalties for tenant harassment. Read Local Law 165 of 2017.

  • Local Law 164 of 2017 (Int. No. 1549-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to repeated acts of harassment. Read Local Law 164 of 2017.

  • Local Law 163 of 2017 (Int. No. 1548-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to amending the definition of harassment to include repeatedly contacting or visiting a tenant under certain circumstances. Read Local Law 163 of 2017.

  • Local Law 162 of 2017 (Int. No. 1530-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to creating a rebuttable presumption regarding harassment. Read Local Law 162 of 2017.

  • Local Law 161 of 2017 (Int. No. 1523-A)
    A Local Law to amend the New York City Charter, in relation to the creation of an Office of the Tenant Advocate within the Department of Buildings. Read Local Law 161 of 2017.

  • Local Law 160 of 2017 (Int. No. 1133-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to the denial of certain building permits where outstanding charges are owed to the City. Read Local Law 160 of 2017.

  • Local Law 159 of 2017 (Int. No. 960-A)
    A Local Law to amend the New York City Administrative Code, in relation to creating a Safe Construction Bill of Rights. Read Local Law 159 of 2017.

  • Local Law 158 of 2017 (Int. No. 944-A)
    (Int. No. 944-A) A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to construction work permits. Read Local Law 158 of 2017.

  • Local Law 157 of 2017 (Int. No. 940-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to increasing the penalties for a violation of a stop work order. Read Local Law 157 of 2017.

  • Local Law 156 of 2017 (Int. No. 939-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to increasing the penalties for work without a permit. Read Local Law 156 of 2017

  • Local Law 155 of 2017 (Int. No. 938-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to requiring increased oversight of construction contractors who have engaged in work without a required permit. Read Local Law 155 of 2017.

  • Local Law 154 of 2017 (Int. No. 936-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York and the New York City building Code, in relation to tenant protection plans, and to repeal section 1704.20.10 of the building Code of the City of New York, in relation to special requirements for work in occupied multiple dwellings. Read Local Law 154 of 2017.

  • Local Law 153 of 2017 (Int. No. 931-B)
    (Int. No. 931-B) A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to building violations adjudicated before the office of administrative trials and hearings. Read Local Law 153 of 2017.

  • Local Law 152 of 2017 (Int. No. 930-A)
    (Int. No. 930-A) A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to distressed buildings subject to foreclosure by action in rem. Read Local Law 152 of 2017.

  • Local Law 151 of 2017 (Int. No. 926-A)
    A Local Law in relation to creating a task force on construction work in occupied multiple dwellings. Read Local Law 151 of 2017.

  • Local Law 150 of 2017 (Int. No. 924-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to vacate orders. Read Local Law 150 of 2017.

  • Local Law 149 of 2017 (Int. No. 918-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to professionally certified applications for construction document approval and final inspections of permitted work. Read Local Law 149 of 2017.

  • Local Law 148 of 2017 (Int. No. 347-B)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to remedies for the breach of the duty of an owner to refrain from harassment of tenants. Read Local Law 148 of 2017.

  • Local Law 116 of 2017 (Int. No. 1219-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to reporting and publication of information about privately owned public spaces. Read Local Law 116 of 2017.

  • Local Law 109 of 2017 (Int. No. 1586-A)
    A Local Law to amend local law 50 for the year 2015, relating to the preservation of certain hotels, a moratorium and report relating to such preservation, and the expiration and repeal of such amendments, in relation to extending the effective period of the provisions of such local law and requiring a supplemental report relating to such preservation. Read Local Law 109 of 2017.

  • Local Law 97 of 2017 (Int. No. 1346-A)
    (Int. No. 1346-A) A Local Law to amend the New York City charter, the Administrative Code of the City of New York, the New York City Plumbing Code and the New York City building Code, in relation to water pollution control, including provisions relating to stormwater management and control of discharges into storm sewers. Read Local Law 97 of 2017.

  • Local Law 94 of 2017 (Int. No. 1218-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to illegal conversions. Read Local Law 94 of 2017.

  • Local Law 87 of 2017 (Int. No. 823-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to reporting on illegal conversions of dwelling units for other than permanent residence purposes. Read Local Law 87 of 2017.

  • Local Law 86 of 2017 (Int. No. 722-A)
    To amend the Administrative Code of the city of New York, in relation to minimum temperatures required to be maintained in dwellings. Read Local Law 86 of 2017.

  • Local Law 81 of 2017 (Int. No. 1448-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to requiring Construction Superintendents at certain construction sites. Read Local Law 81 of 2017.

  • Local Law 80 of 2017 (Int. No. 1446-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to licensing for operators of certain complex cranes. Read Local Law 80 of 2017.

  • Local Law 79 of 2017 (Int. No. 1435-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to maintaining crane event records. Read Local Law 79 of 2017.

  • Local Law 78 of 2017 (Int. No. 1433-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to requiring the department of buildings to report on all construction incidents that result in an injury or fatality to a member of the public or a construction worker. Read Local Law 78 of 2017.

  • Local Law 77 of 2017 (Int. No. 1421-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to requiring cranes to be equipped with global positioning systems or similar locating devices. Read Local Law 77 of 2017.

  • Local Law 69 of 2017 (Int. No. 648-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to reporting and providing information concerning bedbugs. Read Local Law 69 of 2017.

  • Local Law 68 of 2017 (Int. No. 81-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to the OSHA Notification Act. Read Local Law 68 of 2017.

  • Local Law 51 of 2017 (Int. No. 882-A)
    A Local Law to amend the New York City Charter, in relation to requiring the installation of induction loops systems for certain capital projects paid in whole or in part from the City treasury and requiring the publication of public locations where such systems are available. Read Local Law 51 of 2017.

  • Local Law 46 of 2017 (Int. No. 247-A)
    (Int. No. 247-A) A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to criminal and civil penalties for the performance of unlicensed electrical work. Read Local Law 46 of 2017.

Local Laws of 2016

  • New York State Laws of 2016 Chapter 393
    AN ACT to amend the real property tax law, in relation to extending the expiration of the solar electric generating system tax abatement. New York State Laws of 2016 Chapter 393.

  • Local Law 159 of 2016 (Int. No. 1102)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to designating violations of existing law regarding gas piping systems as immediately hazardous. Read Local Law 159 of 2016.

  • Local Law 158 of 2016 (Int. No. 1101)
    A Local Law in relation to a temporary waiver of penalties for violations relating to Fuel Gas piping systems and appliances that are promptly repaired. Read Local Law 158 of 2016.

  • Local Law 157 of 2016 (Int. No. 1100-A)
    A Local Law to amend the New York City housing maintenance Code and the New York City building Code, in relation to requiring the installation of natural gas detecting devices, and to repeal sections 27-2045, 27-2046, 27-2046.1 and 27-2046.2 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York, relating to smoke detecting devices and carbon monoxide detecting devices. Read Local Law 157 of 2016.

  • Local Law 154 of 2016 (Int. No. 1093-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to requiring gas service providers and owners to notify the Department of Buildings within twenty-four hours when gas service is shut-off or not restored due to safety concerns. Read Local Law 154 of 2016.

  • Local Law 153 of 2016 (Int. No. 1090-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to requiring owners to provide notice to their tenants regarding procedures that should be followed when a gas leak is suspected. Read Local Law 153 of 2016.

  • Local Law 152 of 2016 (Int. No. 1088-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to periodic inspections of gas piping systems. Read Local Law 152 of 2016.

  • Local Law 151 of 2016 (Int. No. 1079-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to final inspections of gas piping systems. Read Local Law 151 of 2016.

  • Local Law 150 of 2016 (Int. No. 738-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to a qualification for gas work. Read Local Law 150 of 2016.

  • Local Law 134 of 2016 (Int. No. 1165)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to upgrading lighting systems in certain buildings. Read Local Law 134 of 2016.

  • Local Law 133 of 2016 (Int. No. 1163-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to expanding the list of buildings required to be benchmarked for energy and water efficiency. Read Local Law 133 of 2016.

  • Local Law 132 of 2016 (Int. No. 1160)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the city of New York, in relation to the installation of sub-meters in certain tenant spaces. Read Local Law 132 of 2016.

  • New York State Laws of 2016 Chapter 396
    An ACT to amend the multiple dwelling law and the Administrative Code of the city of New York, in relation to prohibiting advertising that promotes the use of dwelling units in a class A multiple dwelling for other than permanent residence purposes. Read New York State Laws of 2016 Chapter 396.

  • Local Law 125 of 2016 (Int. No. 1277-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the city of New York, in relation to conforming the New York City energy conservation Code to recent amendments to the 2016 New York state Energy Code. Read Local Law 125 of 2016.

  • Local Law 119 of 2016 (Int. No. 642-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to the use of clean heating oil. Read Local Law 119 of 2016.

  • Local Law 107 of 2016 (Int. No. 795-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to bicycle access in office buildings. Read Local Law 107 of 2016.

  • Local Law 106 of 2016 (Int. No. 695-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to bicycle access for elevators in residential buildings. Read Local Law 106 of 2016.

  • Local Law 105 of 2016 (Int. No. 405-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to foldable bicycle access in passenger elevators. Read Local Law 105 of 2016.

  • Local Law 91 of 2016 (Int. No. 1169-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to conforming the New York City energy conservation Code to the New York state Energy Code with amendments unique to construction in the City and repealing section 28-1001.2 in relation thereto. Read Local Law 91 of 2016.

  • Local Law 79 of 2016 (Int. No. 871-A)
    To amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, the New York City Plumbing Code and the New York City building Code, in relation to gender-neutral single-occupant bathrooms. Read Local Law 79 of 2016.

  • Local Law 59 of 2016 (Int. No. 1037-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to violations received after a disaster. Read Local Law 59 of 2016.

  • Local Law 56 of 2016 (Int. No. 609-A)
    (Int. No. 831-A) A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to permit filing fees for new buildings and alterations. Read Local Law 56 of 2016.

  • Local Law 54 of 2016 (Int. No. 448-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to civil and criminal penalties for building Code violations resulting from certain work done in response to a natural or man-made disaster. Read Local Law 54 of 2016.

  • Local Law 10 of 2016 (Int. No. 49-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to the provision of notice to council members and community boards of applications filed with and rejected by the Department of Buildings. Read Local Law 10 of 2016.

  • Local Law 6 of 2016 (Int. No. 609-A)
    (Int. No. 609-A) A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to geothermal systems. Read Local Law 6 of 2016.

Local Laws of 2015

  • New York State Laws of 2015 Chapter 520
    An act to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to scaffolding permit renewals. Read New York State Laws of 2015 Chapter 520.

  • Local Law 110 of 2015 (Int. No. 915-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to the timely updating of certain public data sets on the open data portal. Read Local Law 110 of 2015.

  • Local Law 109 of 2015 (Int. No. 914-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to establishing response timelines for public requests on the open data portal. Read Local Law 109 of 2015.

  • Local Law 108 of 2015 (Int. No. 900-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to the standardization of address and geospatial information on the open data portal. Read Local Law 108 of 2015.

  • Local Law 101 of 2015 (Int. No. 462-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to the referral of certain elevator-related violations to the Department of Housing Preservation and Development for consideration under the emergency repair program. Read Local Law 101 of 2015.

  • Local Law 78 of 2015 (Int. No. 145-A)
    A Local Law to amend the New York City building Code, in relation to the installation of fire sprinklers in certain establishments that provide services for animals. Read Local Law 78 of 2015.

  • Local Law 77 of 2015 (Int. No. 866)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to regulation of cooling towers. Effective August 18, 2015. Read Local Law 77 of 2015

  • Local Law 63 of 2015 (Int. No. 318)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to prohibiting discrimination based on one's arrest record or criminal conviction. Read Local Law 63 of 2015.

  • Local Law 51 of 2015 (Int. No. 702-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to requiring the development of a guide for building owners regarding aging in place. Read Local Law 51 of 2015.

  • Local Law 50 of 2015 (Int. No. 592-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to the preservation of certain hotels, a moratorium and report relating to such preservation, and the expiration and repeal of such amendments. Read Local Law 50 of 2015.

  • Local Law 47 of 2015 (Int. No. 222-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to amending the obligations of owners to provide notice to their tenants for service interruptions. Read Local Law 47 of 2015

  • Local Law 45 of 2015 (Int. No. 181-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to notice requirements for hotel development plans. Read Local Law 45 of 2015.

  • Local Law 39 of 2015 (Int. No. 433-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to the installation and maintenance of electrical outlet safety devices and tamper-resistant receptacles in certain public parts of multifamily dwellings. Read Local Law 39 of 2015.

  • Local Law 38 of 2015 (Int. No. 271-A)
    A local law to amend the New York City charter, the Administrative Code of the City of New York, the New York City building Code, and the New York City Mechanical Code, in relation to the New York City air pollution control Code. Read Local Law 38 of 2015.

  • Local Law 4 of 2015 (Int. No. 550-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to conforming the New York City energy conservation Code to the New York state Energy Code with amendments unique to construction in the City and repealing section 28-1001.2 in relation thereto. Read Local Law 4 of 2015.

Local Laws of 2014

  • Local Law 52 of 2014 (Int. No. 474)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to extending the effective date for the 2014 revisions to the New York City Construction Codes. Read Local Law 52 of 2014.

  • Local Law 51 of 2014 (Int. No. 472-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to technical corrections and clarifications of provisions of the New York City Construction Codes. Read Local Law 51 of 2014.

  • Local Law 33 of 2014 (Int. No. 389)
    (Int. No. 389) A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to authorizing the commissioner of buildings to waive certain fees in connection with work funded under the "Build It Back" program. Read Local Law 33 of 2014.

  • Local Law 18 of 2014 (Int. No. 263-A)
    A Local Law to amend the New York City building Code, in relation to construction site lighting. This local law has an effective date of December 31, 2014 except that it shall not apply to work related to applications for construction document approval filed prior to such effective date. Read Local Law 18 of 2014.

  • Local Law 17 of 2014 (Int. No. 203-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, the New York City Building Code and the New York City Fire Code, in relation to hold-open devices and automatic closing of exit doors serving vertical exit enclosures. This local law has an effective date of December 31, 2014 except that it shall not apply to work related to applications for construction document approval filed prior to such effective date. Read Local Law 17 of 2014.

  • Local Law 13 of 2014 (Int. No. 93-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York and the New York City Building Code, in relation to requiring the use of mold-resistant gypsum board and cement board in moisture-prone locations. This local law has an effective date of December 31, 2014 except that it shall not apply to work related to applications for construction document approval filed prior to such effective date. Read Local Law 13 of 2014.

  • Local Law 12 of 2014 (Int. No. 16-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to requiring insulation of existing concealed pipes exposed during alteration or repair. This local law has an effective date of December 31, 2014 except that it shall not apply to work related to applications for construction document approval filed prior to such effective date. Read Local Law 12 of 2014.

  • Local Law 10 of 2014 (Int. No. 11-A)
    (Int. No. 11-A) - A Local Law to amend the New York City building Code, in relation to requiring carbon monoxide detectors in certain assembly spaces. This local law has an effective date of December 31, 2014 except that it shall not apply to work related to applications for construction document approval filed prior to such effective date. Read Local Law 10 of 2014.

Local Laws of 2013

  • Local Law 250 of 2013 (Int. No. 1174-A)
    A Local Law to amend the New York City Fire Code, in relation to the enhancement of emergency preparedness in New York City and the adoption of current fire safety standards as incorporated in the 2009 edition of the international Fire Code, and to amend certain provisions of the New York City charter, the New York City Mechanical Code and the New York City Plumbing Code consistent with amendments to the New York City Fire Code. Read Local Law 148 of 2013.

  • Local Law 141 of 2013 (Int. No. 1056-A)
    A local law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, the New York City Plumbing Code, the New York City building Code, the New York City Mechanical Code and the New York City Fuel Gas Code in relation to bringing such Codes up to date with the 2009 editions of the international building, Mechanical, Fuel Gas and Plumbing Codes, with differences that reflect the unique character of the City and clarifying and updating administration and enforcement of such Codes and the 1968 Code, and repealing section 27-123.1 and 27-123.2 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York, subarticle 2 of article 2 of subchapter 4 of chapter 1 of title 27 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York, articles 8, 9 and 10 of subchapter 4 of chapter 1 of title 27 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York and reference standard RS 4 of the building Code Reference Standards set forth in the appendix to chapter 1 of title 27 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York. - Please note that this local law shall take effect on December 31, 2014 except (i) that this local law shall not apply to construction work related to applications for construction document approval filed prior to such effective date (ii) sections 28-304.6.4, 28-304.6.5 and 28-304.6.6 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York as amended by section 61 of part A of this local law and sections 2 through 9 of this local law shall take effect immediately and (iii) section 403.5.2 of the New York City building Code as added by section 1 of subpart 4 of part C of this local law shall take effect the later of 18 months after the date of enactment of this local law or the date of an amendment of the definition of floor area in the New York City zoning resolution providing for the exclusion of the floor area of the additional exit stairway and additional exit stairway width from the calculation of floor area for purposes of the New York City zoning resolution. Read Local Law 141 of 2013.

  • Local Law 130 of 2013 (Int. No. 1176-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York and the New York City building Code, in relation to electric vehicle charging stations in open parking lots and parking garages. This local law has an effective date of December 31, 2014 except that it shall not apply to work related to applications for construction document approval filed prior to such effective date. Read Local Law 130 of 2013.

  • Local Law 112 of 2013 (Int. No. 1111-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York and the New York City building Code, in relation to smoke alarms. Read Local Law 112 of 2013.

  • Local Law 111 of 2013 (Int. No. 1101-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, the New York City building Code, and the New York City Mechanical Code, in relation to emergency and standby power systems and natural gas usage. Read Local Law 111 of 2013.

  • Local Law 110 of 2013 (Int. No. 1094-A)
    A Local Law to amend the New York City Plumbing Code and the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to requiring residential buildings to provide drinking water to a common area supplied directly through pressure in the public water main. - This local law has an effective date of December 31, 2014 except that it shall not apply to work related to applications for construction document approval filed prior to such effective date. Read Local Law 110 of 2013.

  • Local Law 109 of 2013 (Int. No. 1093-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York and the New York City building Code, in relation to removing barriers to the usage of temporary flood control and response devices. Read Local Law 109 of 2013.

  • Local Law 108 of 2013 (Int. No. 1092-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York and the New York City building Code, in relation to secondary electrical power, heating and cooling systems for I-1 and I-2 occupancies and for adult homes, enriched housing, community residences and intermediate care facilities, where such occupancies are located in flood-prone areas. - This local law has an effective date of December 31, 2014 except that it shall not apply to work related to applications for construction document approval filed prior to such effective date. Read Local Law 108 of 2013.

  • Local Law 101 of 2013 (Int. No. 1099-A)
    A Local Law to amend the New York City building Code and the New York City Mechanical Code, in relation to preventing wind damage to certain buildings and systems. - This local law has an effective date of December 31, 2014 except that it shall not apply to work related to applications for construction document approval filed prior to such effective date. Read Local Law 101 of 2013.

  • Local Law 100 of 2013 (Int. No. 1096-A)
    A Local Law to amend the New York City building Code, the New York City Mechanical Code and the New York City Fire Code, in relation to relocating and protecting building systems in flood-prone areas. - This local law has an effective date of December 31, 2014 except that it shall not apply to work related to applications for construction document approval filed prior to such effective date. Read Local Law 100 of 2013.

  • Local Law 250 of 2013 (Int. No. 1089-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, the New York City building Code and the New York City Mechanical Code, in relation to cabling for certain building systems and fuel-oil storage in flood-prone areas. Read Local Law 99 of 2013.

  • Local Law 96 of 2013 (Int. No. 990-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York and the New York City building Code, in relation to the adoption of best available flood maps. Read Local Law 96 of 2013.

  • Local Law 95 of 2013 (Int. No. 983-A)
    A Local Law to amend the New York City building Code, in relation to flood-resistant construction requirements for health facilities. Read Local Law 95 of 2013.

  • Local Law 83 of 2013 (Int. No. 1098-A)
    A Local Law to amend the New York City Plumbing Code and the New York City building Code, in relation to preventing the backflow of sewage. Read Local Law 83 of 2013.

  • Local Law 82 of 2013 (Int. No. 1095-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to creating a manual on flood construction and protection standards. Read Local Law 82 of 2013.

  • Local Law 79 of 2013 (Int. No. 1086-A)
    A Local Law to amend the New York City Plumbing Code, in relation to requiring that toilets and faucets be capable of operating without an external supply of electrical power. - This local law has an effective date of December 31, 2014 except that it shall not apply to work related to applications for construction document approval filed prior to such effective date. Read Local Law 79 of 2013.

  • New York State Laws of 2013 Chapter 100
    AN ACT authorizing the reinstatement of prior approved work permits and waiving the requirements of section 35 and subdivision 2 of section 36 of the general City law as such provisions relate to rebuilding and repairing homes devastated by Hurricane Sandy in the City of New York. Extended to July 11, 2017. Read New York State Laws of 2013 Chapter 100.

  • Local Law 51 of 2013 (Preconsidered Int. No. 1057)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to extending the waiver of certain permit and inspection fees for work related to Plumbing and electrical systems in buildings damaged by the severe storm that occurred on October 29 and 30, 2012, commonly referred to as "Hurricane Sandy." Read Local Law 51 of 2013.

  • Local Law 47 of 2013 (Proposed Int. No. 1003-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to signs at construction sites with fences or sheds and repealing section BC 3301.9 of the New York City building Code in relation thereto. Read Local Law 47 of 2013.

  • Local Law 31 of 2013 (Preconsidered Int. No. 1017)
    A Local Law in relation to waiver of fees for businesses recovering from damage caused by Hurricane Sandy. Read Local Law 31 of 2013.

  • Local Law 29 of 2013 (Int. No. 1007-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York and the New York City building Code, in relation to the raising and moving of a building. Read Local Law 29 of 2013.

  • Local Law 4 of 2013 (Int. No. 977A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to waiving certain permit and inspection fees for the demolition, alteration, rebuilding or repair of certain buildings and systems damaged by the severe storm that occurred on October 29 and 30, 2012, commonly referred to as "Hurricane Sandy." Read Local Law 4 of 2013. Read

  • Local Law 2 of 2013 (Int. No. 943A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to the place of assembly certificate of operation and the place of assembly permit. Read Local Law 2 of 2013

Local Laws of 2012

  • Local Law 60 of 2012 (Proposed Int. No. 575A)
    A Local Law to amend the New York City building Code, in relation to requiring newly constructed multi-family residences to provide adequate space to store and sort designated recyclable material. Read Local Law 60 of 2012.

  • Local Law 47 of 2012 (Int. No. 797A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to requiring a sign at inaccessible building entrances, public toilets, and elevators giving directions to the nearest available accessible entrance or facility for persons with disabilities when such entrance or facility exists. Read Local Law 47 of 2012.

  • Local Law 45 of 2012 (Int. No. 404A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to fines for illegal conversions of dwelling units from permanent residences. Read Local Law 45 of 2012.

  • Local Law 41 of 2012 (Int. No. 807A)
    A Local Law to amend the New York City Plumbing Code, in relation to bringing it up to date with the 2009 edition of the international Plumbing Code, with differences that reflect the unique character of the City. - This local law has an effective date of December 31, 2014 except that it shall not apply to work related to applications for construction document approval filed prior to such effective date. Read Local Law 41 of 2012

  • Local Law 28 of 2012 (Int. No. 340A)
    A Local Law to amend the New York City building Code, in relation to sun control devices. Read Local Law 28 of 2012.

  • Local Law 2 of 2012
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York in relation to establishings limits on the emissions of volatile organic compounds in carperts and carpet cushions. Read Local Law 2 of 2012.

Local Laws of 2011

  • Local Law 75 of 2011 (Int. No. 746)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, relation to carbon monoxide alarms. Read Local Law 75 of 2011.

  • Local Law 72 of 2011 (Int. No. 592-A)
    A Local Law to amend the New York City Mechanical Code, in relation to filtering soot from incoming air in buildings. Read Local Law 72 of 2011.

  • Local Law 71 of 2011 (Int. No. 578-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York and the New York City building Code, in relation to the use of reclaimed asphalt pavement. Read Local Law 71 of 2011.

  • Local Law 70 of 2011 (Int. No. 576-A)
    A Local Law to amend the New York City building Code, in relation to the regulation of concrete washout water. Read Local Law 70 of 2011.

  • Local Law 49 of 2011 (Int. No. 338-A)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York and the New York City building Code, in relation to greenhouses. Read Local Law 49 of 2011.

  • Local Law 45 of 2011 (Int. No. 570)
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to filing fees. Read Local Law 45 of 2011.

  • Local Law 22 of 2011
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York and the New York City building Code, in relation to combined heat and power systems. Read Local Law 22 of 2011.

  • Local Law 21 of 2011
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York and the New York City building Code, in relation to roof coating standards. Read Local Law 21 of 2011.

  • Local Law 20 of 2011
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York and the New York City building Code, in relation to allowing large solar rooftop installations. Read Local Law 20 of 2011.

  • Local Law 1 of 2011
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to amending the New York City energy conservation Code. Read Local Law 1 of 2011.

Local Laws of 2010

  • New York State Laws of 2010 Chapter 225
    An act to amend the multiple dwelling law and the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to clarifying certain provisions relating to occupancy of class A multiple dwellings. Read Chapter 225 Amendment. Read New York State Laws of 2010 Chapter 225.

  • Local Law 57 of 2010
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to enhancing water efficiency standards. Read Local Law 57 of 2010.

  • Local Law 56 of 2010
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to preventing water waste in buildings. Read Local Law 56 of 2010.

  • Local Law 55 of 2010
    A Local Law to amend the New York City Plumbing Code, in relation to drinking fountains. Read Local Law 55 of 2010

  • Local Law 54 of 2010
    A Local Law to amend the New York City Plumbing Code, in relation to reducing the waste of potable water for cooling. Read Local Law 54 of 2010.

  • Local Law 51 of 2010
    To amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to lighting of temporary walkways, foot bridges and sidewalk sheds at construction sites. Read Local Law 51 of 2010.

  • Local Law 49 of 2010
    To amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to including environmental concerns as a guiding principle and purpose of the New York City Construction Codes. Read Local Law 49 of 2010.

  • Local Law 48 of 2010
    To amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to energy efficiency in commercial buildings. Read Local Law 48 of 2010

  • Local Law 47 of 2010
    To amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to reducing unnecessary artificial lighting in lobbies and hallways. Read Local Law 47 of 2010.

  • Local Law 28 of 2010
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to elevator inspection fees. Read Local Law 28 of 2010.

  • Local Law 17 of 2010
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to civil penalties for unlicensed plumbing and fire suppression work. Read Local Law 17 of 2010.

  • Local Law 5 of 2010
    A Local Law to amend the New York City charter and the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to streamlining approvals for environmentally beneficial technologies, design and construction techniques, materials and products. Read Local Law 5 of 2010.

Local Laws of 2009

  • New York State Laws of 2009 Chapter 250
    An act to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to adding civil penalties for failure to certify correction of immediately hazardous violations that pose a threat of imminent danger and creating a duty to reinspect and abate hazardous activities in violation of the New York City Building Code. *See footnote. New York State Laws of 2009 Chapter 250.

  • Local Law 88 of 2009
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to upgrading lighting systems and the installation of sub-meters in certain buildings. Read Local Law 88 of 2009.

  • Local Law 87 of 2009
    A Local Law to amend the New York City charter and the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to requiring energy audits and retro-commissioning of base building systems of certain buildings and retro-fitting of certain City-owned buildings. Read Local Law 87 of 2009.

  • Local Law 85 of 2009
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to establishing a New York City Energy Code. Read Local Law 85 of 2009.

  • Local Law 84 of 2009
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to benchmarking the energy and water efficiency of buildings. Read Local Law 84 of 2009.

  • Local Law 77 of 2009
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to the concurrent performance of demolition work and asbestos abatement activities within the same building. Read Local Law 77 of 2009.

  • Local Law 75 of 2009
    To amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to security grilles used to secure commercial premises. Read Local Law 75 of 2009.

  • Local Law 71 of 2009
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to methane and radon gas vent piping, the approval of Mechanical joint piping systems and the approval of non-Code prescribed drainage vent systems. Read Local Law 71 of 2009.

  • Local Law 70 of 2009
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to the safety and security of construction sites at which permitted work has been suspended. Read Local Law 70 of 2009.

  • Local Law 64 of 2009
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, the New York City building Code and the New York City Fire Code, in relation to an air pressurized alarm system for standpipes. Read Local Law 64 of 2009.

  • Local Law 63 of 2009
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York and the New York City building Code, in relation to hydrostatic pressure testing of standpipes and sprinklers. Read Local Law 63 of 2009.

  • Local Law 60 of 2009
    To amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York and the New York City building Code, in relation to cutting and capping of standpipes and sprinklers. Read Local Law 60 of 2009.

  • Local Law 59 of 2009
    To amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to site safety managers and coordinators. Read Local Law 59 of 2009.

  • Local Law 58 of 2009
    To amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York and the New York City building Code, in relation to requiring painting of dedicated standpipes and sprinklers. Read Local Law 58 of 2009.

  • Local Law 57 of 2009
    To amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to submittal documents for demolition. Read Local Law 57 of 2009.

  • Local Law 52 of 2009
    To amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to bicycle access to office buildings. Read Local Law 52 of 2009.

  • Local Law 39 of 2009
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to inter-agency notification. Read Local Law 39 of 2009.

  • Local Law 37 of 2009
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to asbestos abatement and repealing article 106 of chapter 1 of title 28 of the Administrative Code in relation thereto. Read Local Law 37 of 2009.

  • Law 36 of 2009
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to prohibiting smoking at construction sites. Read Local Law 36 of 2009.

  • Local Law 35 of 2009
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the city of New York, in relation to prohibiting smoking at abatement sites. Read Local Law 35 of 2009.

  • Local Law 32 of 2009
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to the unlawful damage or removal of trees within a Special Natural Area District. Read Local Law 32 of 2009.

  • Local Law 21 of 2009
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to coordination between the Department of Buildings and other governmental agencies when development is proposed for the City's coastal and water-sensitive inland zones. Read Local Law 21 of 2009.

  • Local Law 8 of 2009
    To amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to requiring safety registration numbers. Read Local Law 8 of 2009.

  • Local Law 6 of 2009
    To amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to the appointment of a safety compliance officer with respect to construction sites. Read Local Law 6 of 2009.

Local Laws of 2008

  • Local Law 46 of 2008
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to tower and climber cranes and to licensed riggers. Read Local Law 46 of 2008.

  • Local Law 45 of 2008
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to slings for tower and climber cranes. Read Local Law 45 of 2008.

  • Local Law 44 of 2008
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to training for tower and climber crane workers and riggers. Read Local Law 44 of 2008.

  • Local Law 41 of 2008
    To amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York in relation to enhanced site-specific safety plans. Read Local Law 41 of 2008.

  • Local Law 40 of 2008
    To amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to site safety personnel, including Concrete Safety Managers. Read Local Law 40 of 2008.

  • Local Law 37 of 2008
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to the inspection, maintenance and repair of retaining walls. Read Local Law 37 of 2008.

  • Local Law 34 of 2008
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York in relation to classifying housekeeping violations as immediately hazardous, certifying correction of immediately hazardous housekeeping violations, adding civil penalties for violations of stop work orders. Read Local Law 34 of 2008

  • Local Law 33 of 2008
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to requiring certain buildings or structures to undergo a structural inspection. Read Local Law 33 of 2008.

  • Local Law 29 of 2008
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to requiring the Department of Buildings to post on its website the number of fatalities and accidents at construction sites. Read Local Law 29 of 2008.

  • Local Law 27 of 2008
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to providing notice to the state concerning disciplinary proceedings against certain professionals. Read Local Law 27 of 2008.

  • Local Law 26 of 2008
    A Local Law to amend the New York City charter and Administrative Code of the city of New York, in relation to enacting the New York City Fire Code, and repealing subdivisions (7) through (19) of section 15-232 and chapter 4 of title 27 of the Administrative Code, relating to the New York City Fire Prevention Code. Read Local Law 26 of 2008.

  • Local Law 24 of 2008
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to issuance of a certificate of completion for individuals working on supported scaffolds and design requirements for supported scaffolds. Read Local Law 24 of 2008.

  • Local Law 18 of 2008
    To amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to common sewers. Read Local Law 18 of 2008.

  • Local Law 8 of 2008
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to technical corrections of the New York City Construction Codes. Read Local Law 8 of 2008.

Local Laws of 2007

  • New York State Laws of 2007 Chapter 664
    Relating to safety requirements during excavation, insurance for construction or demolition operations and support of adjoining structures during excavation. Read New York State Laws of 2007 Chapter 664

  • New York State Laws of 2007 Chapter 542
    An act to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York and the education law, in relation to filings by persons who have negligently or knowingly made false statements in documents submitted to the Department of Buildings of the City of New York and filings architects or professional engineers whose licenses have been revoked or suspended or who have been placed on probation. Read New York State Laws of 2007 Chapter 542

  • Local Law 65 of 2007
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to the use of explosives for demolition and excavation. Read Local Law 65 of 2007.

  • Local Law 38 of 2007
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to inspection cycles for exterior walls. Read Local Law 38 of 2007.

  • Local Law 37 of 2007
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to illegal conversions of manufacturing or industrial space to residential use. Read Local Law 37 of 2007.

  • Local Law 36 of 2007
    amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to the regulation of general contractors of new one-, two- or three-family homes. Read Local Law 36 of 2007.

  • Local Law 33 of 2007
    A local law to enact the NYC Construction Codes. Read Local Law 33 of 2007.

  • Local Law 24 of 2007
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to alteration permits. Read Local Law 24 of 2007.

  • Local Law 18 of 2007
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to penalties for certain violations committed by licensed riggers or persons performing the functions and duties of licensed riggers, or other persons responsible for keeping inspection records at job sites. Read Local Law 18 of 2007.

  • Local Law 17 of 2007
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to notification to the department prior to the use or installation of suspended scaffolds hung from c-hooks and outrigger beams. Read Local Law 17 of 2007.

  • Local Law 16 of 2007
    Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to inspection requirements for suspended scaffolds. Read Local Law 16 of 2007.

  • Local Law 4 of 2007
    To amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to sanctioning professional engineers and registered architects who knowingly or negligently professionally certify a false or noncompliant building permit application or plans. Read Local Law 4 of 2007.

  • Local Law 3 of 2007
    To amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to the probation of professional engineers and registered architects. Read Local Law 3 of 2007.

Local Laws of 2006

  • Local Law 49 of 2006
    To amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to the Electrical Code. Read Local Law 49 of 2006.

  • Local Law 48 of 2006
    To amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to increasing the penalties for a violation of a stop work order. View service notice (24 kb pdf) and fact sheet (54 kb pdf) for more information. Read Local Law 48 of 2006.

  • Local Law 47 of 2006
    To amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to demolition work without a permit on one- or two-family dwellings. Read Local Law 47 of 2006.

  • Local Law 46 of 2006
    To amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to the maintenance of sprinkler systems in certain residential occupancies. Read Local Law 46 of 2006.

  • Local Law 35 of 2006
    To amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to enforcement against cabarets, dance clubs and certain places of public assembly that use security personnel and to include in the nuisance abatement law certain violations of the alcoholic beverage control law and the Administrative Code. Read Local Law 35 of 2006.

Local Laws of 2005

  • Local Law 99 of 2005
    In relation to enacting the New York City Plumbing Code based on the 2003 edition of the International Plumbing Code published by the International Code Council and enacting administrative provisions applicable to such New York City Plumbing Code and to such other Codes as may hereafter be enacted by the City based on the 2003 editions of the International Codes. Read Local Law 99 of 2005.

  • Local Law 87 of 2005
    To amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to prohibiting employers from locking employees or other individuals inside a workplace and increasing the fines for obstruction of exits and unlawful change of exits. Read Local Law 87 of 2005.

  • Local Law 86 of 2005
    To amend the New York City charter, in relation to green building standards for certain capital projects. Read Local Law 86 of 2005.

  • Local Law 77 of 2005
    Relating to awnings. Read Local Law 77 of 2005.

  • Local Law 57 of 2005
    To amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to equal access to bathroom facilities. Read Local Law 57 of 2005.

  • Local Law 52 of 2005
    To amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to issuance of a certificate of completion for individuals working on supported scaffolds. Read Local Law 52 of 2005.

  • Local Law 31 of 2005
    Relating to outdoor advertising. Read Local Law 31 of 2005.

  • Local Law 28 of 2005
    Relating to cellular telephone antennas and equipment. Read Local Law 28 of 2005.

Local Laws of 2004

  • Local Law 35 of 2004
    Relating to the awnings; effective July 12, 2004. Read Local Law 35 of 2004.

  • Local Law 32 of 2004
    Relating to the Mechanical Refrigeration; effective July 12, 2004. Read Local Law 32 of 2004.

  • Local Law 26 of 2004
    Relating to the retroactive installation of sprinklers, exit signs, and photo-luminescent marking in high rise office buildings and other prospective changes to the Code relating to fire safety; effective October 22, 2004. Read Local Law 26 of 2004.

  • Local Law 7 of 2004
    Relating to the retroactive installation of carbon monoxide detectors; effective 180 days after May 5th, 2004. Read Local Law 7 of 2004. See more see Information on Carbon Monoxide.

Local Laws of 2003

  • Local Law 44 of 2003
    Relating to height requirements for awnings; signed by the mayor on July 14, 2003. Read Local Law 44 of 2003.

Local Laws of 1999

  • Local Law 10 of 1999
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to the installation of sprinkler systems and other fire protection measures in certain residential occupancies. Read Local Law 10 of 1999.

Local Laws of 1998

  • Local Law 11 of 1998
    Information package for periodic inspection of the exterior walls and appurtenances of buildings greater than six stories in height. Read Local Law 11 of 1998.

Local Laws of 1991

  • Local Law 101 of 1991
    To amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York in relation to expanding the hours of construction activities to Sundays from 10 am to 4 pm. Read Local Law 101 of 1991.

Local Laws of 1989

  • Local Law 81 of 1989
    A Local Law to amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York with respect to the installation of smoke detectors in J-3 occupancy groups. Read Local Law 81 of 1989.

Local Laws of 1987

  • Local Law 58 of 1987
    To amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to providing facilities for people having physical disabilities. Read Local Law 58 of 1987.

Local Laws of 1984

  • Local Law 16 of 1984
    To amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York in relation to fire safety requirements in certain buildings and repealing certain provisions thereof. Read Local Law 16 of 1984.

Local Laws of 1981

  • Local Law 10 of 1981
    To amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to inspections and liens for inspection fees. Read Local Law 10 of 1981.

Local Laws of 1980

  • Local Law 10 of 1980
    To amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York, in relation to requiring periodic inspection of exterior walls and exterior appurtenances of buildings and requiring a record of such inspection to be kept on the premises. Read Local Law 10 of 1980.

Local Laws of 1973

  • Local Law 5 of 1973
    To amend the Administrative Code of the City of New York in relation to fire safety requirements and controls in certain office buildings. Read Local Law 5 of 1973.

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