Click a topic, or press the enter key on a topic, to reveal its answer.
Administrative Enforcement
The Administrative Enforcement Unit (AEU) enforces compliance with NYC Construction Codes, Electrical Code and Zoning Resolution through the prosecution and processing of Notices of Violation adjudicated before the NYC OATH Hearings Division.
280 Broadway, 1st Floor
New York, NY 10007
Phone: (212) 393-2405
AEU Email Addresses:
Affordable Housing Plan Examination
The Affordable Housing Plan Examination Unit ensures the expeditious review of affordable housing projects, in cooperation with the Mayor's Office. Operating out of the Development HUB, the unit has developed standardized procedures to aide in expediting the plan review process for officially designated affordable housing project applications and development inspections.
The unit is staffed by knowledgeable and experienced plan examiners and inspectors who coordinate closely with the NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) and other agencies involved in the plan review process.
The office enables:
80 Centre Street, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10013
Phone: (212) 393-2850
The Boiler Unit oversees the installation, operational safety and enforcement inspection compliance of boilers in New York City. The Boiler Technical Unit ensures the safe installation and operation of low- and high-pressure boilers and related equipment by performing inspections and audits. Get more boiler information.
Read Boiler Frequently Asked Questions to common boilers and boiler violation questions.
280 Broadway, 1st Floor
New York, NY 10007
Non-Technical Questions
Phone: (212) 393-2661
First Test Appointment or other Technical Boiler-related Questions/Issues
Phone: (212) 393-2784
Borough Enforcement Investigations
The Borough Enforcement Investigations (BEI) Unit serves as the quality assurance enforcement liaison to borough offices and special inspection units. BEI develops and manages enforcement actions against individuals, repeat violators, problem buildings, or for specific geographic areas that are in violation of the NYC Building Code and Zoning Resolution.
Buildings Special Investigations
Working alongside the Department of Investigation, the Buildings Special Investigations Unit (BSIU) investigates allegations of misconduct related to individuals and licensees who conduct business with the Department. Working to ensure the integrity of all transactions, the unit generates cases from complaints and initiates the appropriate course of action and/or discipline.
180 Maiden Lane, 19th Floor
New York, NY 10038
Phone: (212) 825-2413
Concrete Enforcement
The Concrete Enforcement Unit (CEU) supports DOB oversight of all concrete testing at construction projects for public and worker safety. CEU performs Code data outreach to the design and construction industry, enforces against contractors, concrete labs, professionals, and assists the Construction Safety Enforcement Unit. Get additional concrete enforcement information.
Construction Inspections (Development)
The Construction Inspections Development Unit serves as a point of contact to facilitate safe and compliant development. They conduct construction inspections to ensure compliance of Building Codes and zoning regulations. Field personnel inspect the construction of new buildings and major alterations to existing structures for conformity to approved plans, applicable legislation and current safety standards throughout the five boroughs. If you have questions about the inspection of your development project, please contact the Construction Development Inspection unit in the borough where your project is located.
Bronx: (718) 960-4709 |
Brooklyn: (718) 802-4035 |
Manhattan: (212) 323-7288 |
Queens: (718) 286-8360 |
Staten Island: (718) 420-5416 |
NOTE: The Manhattan Construction Inspections Development Unit is located at One Centre Street, 23rd Floor.
Construction Inspections (Enforcement)
The Construction Inspections Enforcement Unit responds to public complaints and inter-agency referrals regarding illegal construction, structural stability and building use throughout the City. Field personnel inspect the construction of new buildings and major alterations to existing structures for conformity to the approved plans, applicable legislation, current safety standards, and the NYC Building Code and Zoning Resolution. There is a Construction Enforcement Inspection Unit in each borough office.
Bronx: (718) 960-4730 |
Brooklyn: (718) 802-3685 |
Manhattan: (212) 323-8079 |
Queens: (718) 286-8380 |
Staten Island: (718) 420-3590 |
Construction Safety Compliance
The Construction Safety Compliance (CSC) Unit performs proactive periodic inspections on all active sites with a site safety requirement, scaffold safety inspections and interior/full demolition inspections.
To request an inspection for a pre-demolition/demolition sign-off or a pre-use inspection for a corner-angle suspended scaffold, complete the CSC Appointment Request Form and submit your request to
Requests to release site safety requirements from a substantially completed job with a Construction Superintendent, Site Safety Coordinator or Site Safety Manager and sidewalk sheds removal requests are submitted in DOB NOW. See the July 2022 Site Safety Updates for more information
Please read the CSC Frequently Asked Questions and watch the CSC video for more information.
280 Broadway, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10007
Phone: (212) 393-2404 (press 2 for Compliance)
CSC Inspection Appointments
CSC Site Safety Standards & Guidance Initiative
Request to Combine Permits
Construction Safety Enforcement
The Construction Safety Enforcement (CSE) Unit conducts emergency inspections and responds to construction incidents and accidents as well as responding to construction complaints and inspections for violations or Stop Work Orders (SWO) issued by the Construction Safety Compliance Unit. The unit also performs technical reviews/audits of construction documents to verify Code compliance.
To request an appointment to get a full or partial SWO rescinded, complete a CSE Appointment Request Form and email the form to If you have questions about a violation issued by the CSE Unit or the process for rescinding a full or partial SWO, please email
280 Broadway, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10007
Phone: (212) 393-2404 (press 1)
Cranes & Derricks
The Cranes & Derricks (C&D) Unit ensures all crane and hoisting work is performed safely per the manufacturer's recommendations and best industry practice, while maintaining the requirements of the Building Code. All cranes, derricks and hoisting equipment must be prototyped and registered with the C&D Unit except delivery truck mounted cranes that are not involved with constructions and derricks with less than one ton lifting capacity. Get additional Cranes & Derricks information.
280 Broadway, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10007
Phone: (212) 393-2411
See the C&D Holiday Inspection Schedule
Customer Service
The Customer Service Unit is comprised of two units, the Customer Service Team and the Call Center. The Customer Service Team ensures Buildings' customers receive an excellent level of customer service during their interaction with DOB. The Call Center schedules appointments, enters notifications, assists and responds to inquiries about the Department's purpose, programs and processes while serving our customers with courtesy, respect and professionalism.
Phone: (212) 393-2550
Electrical Inspections (Development)
The Electrical Inspections Development Unit facilitates safe and compliant installation of electrical wiring to ensure compliance with the NYC Electrical Code and applicable national regulations. Field personnel inspect electrical installations in new buildings and major alterations to existing structures for conformity to approved plans, applicable legislation and current safety standards throughout the five boroughs. If you have questions about the inspection of your electrical development project, please contact the Electrical Development Inspection unit in the borough where your project is located.
Bronx: (718) 960-4750 |
Brooklyn: (718) 802-4342 |
Manhattan: (212) 323-7286 |
Queens: (718) 286-7650 |
Staten Island: (718) 420-3575 |
NOTE: The Manhattan Electrical Inspections Development Unit is located at One Centre Street, 23rd Floor. All other units are located at the borough office.
Electrical Enforcement
The Electrical Enforcement Unit enforces the requirements of the NYC Electrical Code and applicable national regulations. Our highly skilled electrical inspectors respond to public complaints, industry referrals and special interagency inspection requests. They verify licensed and unlicensed electrical installation and/or defective wiring throughout five boroughs.
One Centre Street, 23rd Floor
New York, NY 10007
Phone: (212) 393-2417
The Elevator Unit ensures the operational safety, reliable service and lawful use of elevators, escalators, moving walks, personnel hoists, amusement rides and other related vertical transportation devices throughout New York City by performing/witnessing inspections and testing. The unit provides the public prompt, accurate and transparent information on all elevator administrative processes and procedures. Read the Elevator Violations Frequently Asked Questions for more information.
Amusement Ride Incident/Accident Reporting
Contact the unit between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm va email at During other times the unit can be reached at
Expedited Elevator Inspections
Temporary Elevator (Construction) Certificate Renewals
To obtain a Temporary Elevator (Construction) Certificate Renewal, submit a copy of the following:
2 Lafayette, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10007
Elevator Technical Inquiries:
Technical Hotline: (212) 602-0400
Cease-Use Lift Inspection Requests & Inspection Cancellations:
90 Day Drop Test, Jumps, Jump Downs, Removals for old devices, Personnel Hoist:
General & Non-Technical Inquiries: (212) 393-2144
Permit & Application Inquiries: (212) 393-2555
Emergency Response Team
The Emergency Response Team (ERT) provides rapid response in all emergencies requiring DOB's response to ensure compliance of NYC Building Codes, rules, and regulations for the safety of all New Yorkers. ERT is the DOB's primary source for the incident command, operating 24/7 365 with daytime and nighttime inspectors, and three OEM Watch Command representatives located at OEM headquarters. The unit is responsible for the citywide 'A' complaint response during normal business hours, non-business hours, and holidays; performs special enforcement sweeps; and handles all after hour inquires/complaints. Learn more about the Emergency Response Team.
Façade & Local Law
The Façade & Local Law Unit coordinates and monitors the enforcement of the Building Code, Local Laws 16/84 (Fire Safety), 26/04 (Fire Safety) and RCNY 103-04 (Façade Law). The unit ensures all buildings in the FISP universe are maintained and that the Fire Safety Code is adhered to by all occupants. Additionally, the unit conducts façade and fire safety inspections to verify compliance; scan and archive reports filed with the unit; issues administrative DOB and OATH violations; issues summonses and enforces Commissioner's Orders. Get more Façade & Local Law information.
280 Broadway, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10007
Phone: (212) 393-2551 (assistance calculating civil penalties, Local Law 11 inquiries and other façade issues)
Customer Service Window Hours: 8:30 am to 12:00 pm, Monday through Friday (except holidays) for in-person and drop-off transactions
Customer Service Phone Hours: 8:30 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday (except holidays)
Forensic Engineering
The Forensic Engineering Unit (FEU) responds in real time to construction-injuries, fatalities, fire damage, egress issues and collapsed buildings or buildings in imminent danger of collapse, collapse of cranes or retaining walls or excavations are considered top priority. The Unit services all DOB's emergency response special engineering needs and efforts with the Law Department, Landmarks, NYCHA, NYC Parks Department, OEM, NYPD, FDNY, FBI, and FDNY Marshals. In addition, FEU frequently supports agencies including DOI and the NYC Court on request. Watch the FEU video for more information.
Phone: (212) 393-2720
General Counsel
The General Counsel's Office is an advisory office on a broad range of matters involving all aspects of the Agency's functions. The unit advising on Construction Code and zoning interpretations, State laws, licensing, contracts, and conflict of interest issues. The unit defends the DOB's determinations at the Board of Standards and Appeals, drafts and/or reviews rules, legislation and policies and procedures, FOIL/subpoenas, and works closely with the NYC Law Department on litigation and other matters.
General: (212) 393-2085
FOIL: (212) 393-2104
House Connections
The House Connections Unit inspects sanitary, storm, and combined sewers within a property, as well as detention tanks, yard drains, septic tanks and new sewer construction. When applying for a permit, only a Licensed Master Plumber can submit the application, which consists of a House Connection Proposal or Site Connection Proposal. Both are drafted by a Professional Engineer or a Registered Architect. To request a House Connection Inspection email the unit at Get more House Connections information.
Intergovernmental Affairs
Intergovernmental Affairs interacts with and maintains clear lines of communication with elected officials, community partners, and other external stakeholders on a regular basis. The unit represents the agency at meetings and public events with the goal of to educating New Yorkers about NYC Construction Codes and other regulations DOB enforces to ensure public safety and compliance. The team provides quality customer service to reach creative solutions for issues the City's diverse communities face. There are Intergovernmental Affairs Unit liaisons in each borough office.
Philip Arnold (CBs: 1, 4, 5, 7, 11, 12)
Phone: (718) 841-2497
Nairobi Lazo-Hayes (CBs: 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10)
Phone: (718) 960-2249
Milcah Ann Holmes-Thomas (CBs: 1, 2, 5, 6, 9)
Phone: (718) 488-2307
Crystal Jalloh (CBs: 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11)
Phone: (718) 488-2400
Kenneth Lazar (CBs: 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18)
Phone: (718) 488-2362
Vladimir Edouard (CBs: 4, 6, 8, 9)
Phone: (718) 488-2432
Jennifer McGhee (CB: 2, 3, 11, 12)
Phone: (212) 323-7310
Lawrence William (CBs: 1, 5, 7, 10)
Phone: (212) 323-7304
LuQuan Loyd (CBs: 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14)
Phone: (718) 286-7676
Samuel Schechter (CBs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 11)
Phone: (718) 286-8348
Frank Fontana (CBs: 1, 2, 3)
Phone: (718) 420-3591
Internal Affairs & Discipline
Internal Affairs & Discipline (IAD) identifies, investigates, and disciplines employees who engage in misconduct related to their official duties. Complaints may be filed anonymously. IAD handles non-criminal allegations of employee misconduct; conducts background investigations on newly hired and prospective Department employees; provides mandatory integrity training to new employees; and conducts routine quality assurance checks of Inspectors in the field. In addition, IAD works closely with the NYC Department of Investigation to help maintain the integrity of the Department.
Phone: (212) 393-2900
Hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday (except holidays)
Licensing & Exams
The Licensing & Exams Unit administers all stages of construction trade licensing, including license issuance, renewal, insurance updates and license exams. The unit processes over 25 different types of licenses and registrations to ensure compliance with the New York City Administrative Code and various Rules of the City of New York. Most applicants are investigated prior to license issuance or license renewal.
280 Broadway, 1st Floor
New York, NY 10007
Phone: (212) 393-2259 from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Customer Service Window Hours: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm (by appointment only)
Get more Licensing & Exams Unit information.
Limited Alteration Application
The Limited Alteration Application (LAA) Unit reviews DOB NOW applications for plumbing work, fire suppression piping replacement and repairs, and oil burner installations that do not include construction work. Apart from some minor new installations, LAA work is generally restricted to repair and/or replacement of existing equipment and does not require a Professional Engineer (PE) or a Registered Architect (RA). Learn more about Limited Alteration Applications.
Phone: (212) 393-2406
Loft Board
The Loft Law established a comprehensive framework for the conversion of Interim Multiple Dwellings (IMD) buildings to safe residences and compels landlords to bring these spaces up to the minimum standards of the New York City building code for residential occupancy, i.e., to legalize the buildings. The NYC Loft Board is charged with the responsibility to oversee the legalization process of IMD buildings. Learn more about the NYC Loft Board.
280 Broadway, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10007
Phone: (212) 393-2616
Fax: (646) 500-6169
Office of Alternative Energy
The Office of Alternative Energy Unit (OAE) was established pursuant to AC 28-103.33 to streamline the process for obtaining the necessary approvals to install and maintain alternative energy projects (AEP), from the Department and other relevant agencies. Learn more about the Alternative Energy process.
Phone: (212) 393-2626
Office of Strategic Inspections
The Office of Strategic Inspections (OSI) investigates allegations of unlicensed trade activity, including plumbing, electrical, and all other trades, to develop cases for both civil and criminal prosecution of bad actors. The unit coordinates enforcement efforts with other City agencies and provides testimony to law enforcement and prosecutors against property owners. In addition, OSI works with the Tenant Harassment Task Force and the NYS Attorney General to bring criminal cases for tenant harassment. Learn more about OSI.
Phone: (212) 393-2930
Office of Office of Technical Certification & Research
The Office of Technical Certification & Research (OTCR) oversees technical certifications of approved agencies and entities performing inspections, tests, material approvals and evaluates new technology that enhances safety, sustainability and efficiency. Learn more about Technical Certification and Research.
Phone: (212) 393-2626
Office of the Tenant Advocate
The Office of the Tenant Advocate (OTA), established by Local Law 161 of 2017, serves as a resource to tenants who are affected by work in occupied multiple dwellings. Tenants may contact OTA with comments, questions and complaints concerning construction in occupied multiple dwellings. Tenants may also contact OTA if they have questions or concerns related to Tenant Protection Plans. Learn more about OTA.
Phone: (212) 393-2550
Padlock Enforcement
The Padlock Enforcement Unit enforces the City’s Administrative Code and Zoning Resolution to protect our quality of life and prevent dangerous conditions. The Unit stops illegal manufacturing and commercial uses in residential neighborhoods and certain commercial districts. Get more padlock information.
Phone: (212) 720-0610
Parking Structures
The Parking Structures Unit (PSU) coordinates and monitors the enforcement of NYC Administrative Code §28-323 for the periodic inspection and filing of compliance reports for parking structures which went into effect January 1, 2022 per Local Law 126 of 2021. PSU reviews the buildings owner’s engineer’s submitted engineering parking structure reports on a six-year cycle, inspects parking structures to confirm submitted engineering reports, and reviews assessment programs developed by the owner's engineer. Get more Parking Structures information.
280 Broadway, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10007
Phone: (212) 393-2551
Plumbing Inspections (Development)
The Plumbing Inspections Development Unit performs inspections of gas, mechanical, and plumbing systems when an owner or authorized agent intends to construct, add to, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change the piping of a building, or intends to erect, install, add to, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any gas, mechanical, or plumbing systems.
All permits and applications are filed by a Registered Design Professional (PE/RA), Licensed Master Fire Suppression Contractor (LMFSC), or Licensed Master Plumber (LMP) in DOB NOW: Build. Some forms may require the property or business owner’s signature.
After the permitted work is completed, the Unit performs an inspection to verify the installation and the materials used are in accordance with the approved plans. To obtain an inspection appointment, visit DOB NOW: Inspections and get step-by-step user manuals on how to submit your inspection request on the DOB NOW: Inspections Resources page.
Bronx: (718) 960-4720 |
Brooklyn: (718) 802-3723 |
Manhattan: (212) 323-7287 |
Queens: (718) 286-8350 |
Staten Island: (718) 420-5418 |
NOTE:The Manhattan Plumbing Inspections Development Unit is located at One Centre Street, 23rd Floor. All other units are located at the borough office.
Plumbing Inspections (Enforcement)
The Plumbing Enforcement Unit performs inspections of new and/or altered plumbing, gas, and fire suppression system(s). Our inspectors address public complaints; interagency, utility and industry enforcement referrals pertaining to illegal work and system maintenance. We perform field spot-checks and office audits of professionally certified Plumbing and Fire Suppression Work Types.
All permits and applications are filed by a Registered Design Professional (PE/RA), Licensed Master Fire Suppression Contractor (LMFSC), or Licensed Master Plumber (LMP) in DOB NOW: Build. Some forms may require the property or business owner’s signature.
After the permitted work is completed, the Unit performs an inspection to verify the installation and the materials used are in accordance with the approved plans. To obtain an inspection appointment, visit DOB NOW: Inspections and get step-by-step user manuals on how to submit an inspection request on the DOB NOW: Inspections Resources page.
Phone: (212) 393-2557
General Inquiries and Self-Certification Reinstatement:
NOTE: To restore self-certification rights to the newly acquired plumber, a notarized superseding letter should to be sent to for review. Contents of the superseding letter mustinclude:
Stop Work Order Re-inspection Appointments:
To report an unsafe condition or make a general inquiry about gas piping inspections, contact, For more information about Local Law 152 of 2016, visit the Periodic Gas Piping System Inspections page.
Press Office
The Press Office is responsible for distributing public information regarding DOB, its operations and its employees. The primary goal of the unit is to develop messaging that promotes the Agency’s mission of ensuring the safe and lawful use of buildings and properties through the enforcement of the New York City Construction Codes and the Zoning Resolution. The unit also works towards establishing and maintaining relationships with various media outlets and stakeholders by providing accurate, timely and consistent information.
Phone: (212) 393-2126
Quality of Life Task Force
The Quality of Life (QOL) Task Force conducts field inspections in response to illegal conversion complaints. The unit inspects the premises for potentially hazardous conditions involving illegal conversions and issues various types of enforcement orders for non-compliance, including possible Vacate Orders.
Contact the Quality of Life Taskforce:
Bronx: (718) 960-4730 |
Brooklyn: (718) 802-3685 |
Manhattan: (212) 323-8079 |
Queens: (718) 286-8380 |
Staten Island: (718) 420-5418 |
Real-Time Enforcement
The Real-Time Enforcement (RTE) Unit tracks, monitors and responds to complaints related to work without a permit in occupied multiple dwellings. The unit conducts proactive inspections of all type 1 and 2 alterations in occupied multiple dwellings. These inspections are done within 72 hours of starting permitted work. Real-time Enforcement inspectors issue violation notices and Stop Work Orders as needed and respond to immediately hazardous complaints within 12 hours. Watch the Real-Time Enforcement video for more information.
Phone: (212) 393-6660
Hours: 8:00 am to 11:00 pm, Monday through Friday (except holidays)
Retaining Wall
The Retaining Wall Unit (RWU) coordinates and monitors the enforcement of NYC Administrative Code §28-305.4 for structural retaining walls over 10' high on the public way. RWU assists the NYC Parks Department with their retaining wall portfolio, reviews owner submitted engineering retaining wall reports on a five-year cycle, inspects retaining walls to confirm submitted engineering reports, reviews assessment programs developed by the owner's engineer, and manages/organizes the annual Retaining Wall No Penalty Program. Get more Retaining Wall information.
Sidewalk Shed Monitoring & Removal
The Sidewalk Shed Monitoring & Removal (SSMR) Unit focuses on buildings that have had sidewalk sheds installed for over 5 years, indicating either a lack of maintenance by the building owner or stalled façade alteration work. These sheds serve as protective barriers for pedestrians, indicating potential hazards above. The SSMR team conducts mandated, proactive inspections to assess the condition of building façades with long-standing sheds. Get more sidewalk shed information.
Phone:(212) 393-2551
Sign Enforcement
The Sign Enforcement Unit regulates outdoor signage on buildings and premises in New York City. The unit enforces the City’s sign regulations outlined in the NYC Construction Codes, the NYC Zoning Resolution and the Rules of the City of New York to reduce visual clutter and protect people from dangerously installed signs.
The unit does not issue permits or provide information as to the allowable placement of advertising signage. Information regarding the size of signs and where signs can be erected, may be obtained from the Department of City Planning Help Desk at (212) 720-3291. Sign permit information is available at a DOB borough office in the borough where the sign is intended to be located. Learn more about sign enforcement.
Phone: (212) 393-2622
Special Enforcement Team
The Special Enforcement Team (SET) audits selected applications and special inspection/progress inspection/TR1 reports to ensure compliance with the Building Code, the Zoning Resolution, the Rules of the City of New York and Department procedures. Following the audits, SET prosecutes enforcement actions against non-compliant design professionals (architects and engineers).
Phone: (212) 720-0601
Special Enforcement Program
The Special Enforcement Program (SEP) - Professional Certification Audits & Inspections Unit performs audit of Professionally Certified D14 (not reviewed by borough) and Plan Examined D14 (limited plan examination) job filings which are selected from jobs with first permit issued 60 days prior to selection. SEP ascertains compliance of jobs filed (permitted), with the NYC Zoning Resolution, NYC Building Code, NYS Multiple Dwelling Law, 2012 NYCECC and other applicable Codes, laws as well as compliance with the accessibility requirements. The selected job audits are first inspected to verify compliance with approved and permitted drawings. In addition, the unit checks the abuses of applicants in the use of the Professional Certification option of job filing and inspects illegal conditions such as work done without any application and those that are not indicated in the permitted drawings.
Phone: (718) 286-8370
Special Operations
The Special Operations Unit performs proactive safety inspections and special situation inspections at the request of senior management. Special Operations is a high-volume inspection and violation issuing unit that conducts mostly mandated inspections: annual public school inspections, hazardous re-inspections (Class 1 violations), parking garage inspections, padlock/signs, Unsafe Building Surveys, Certificate of Correction audits, joint inspections with FDNY; and Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK). Watch the Special Operations video for more information.
Phone: (212) 393-2412
Structurally Compromised Buildings
The Structurally Compromised Buildings (SCB) Unit coordinates and monitors the enforcement of NYC Administrative Code §28-216.12 and NYC Rule §102-03. The team assembles/develops the SCB database, review annual engineering reports from the owner regarding the SCB, inspect SCB to confirm engineering report details and perform industry outreach.
Sustainability Enforcement
The Sustainability Enforcement Unit is responsible for implementing the Local Laws that began under the Greener, Greater Buildings Plan and were first introduced in 2009. These laws are: Energy Audits & Retro-commissioning (LL87/09), Lighting Upgrades & Sub-metering (LL88/09, modified by LL132/16 and LL134/16), Energy and Water Use Benchmarking (LL84/09, modified by LL133/16 and LL33/18), and the Energy Code (LL85/09). The Sustainability Enforcement unit works to ensure compliance of these Local Laws to meet the City's goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050. Watch the Sustainability Enforcement video to learn more.
Energy Audits & Retro-commissioning:
Energy Code Inspections:
Triage Command
Triage Command (Executive Inspections) handles a variety of special enforcement requests. We coordinate high level inspections, safety sweeps and investigations working closely with FDNY, NYPD, HPD, DOI, Mayor's Office, and other government agencies. Triage Command manages the referral process by screening and assigning every request to an appropriate enforcement unit.
Phone: (212) 393-2347
Unsafe Buildings
The Department initiates proceedings in New York State Court against vacant, unsafe buildings throughout the five boroughs. The Unsafe Buildings (UB) Unit prosecutes these cases under the provisions of the Administrative Code (AC) of the City of New York set forth in AC Sections 28-216.1 through 28-216.11. Read Frequently Asked Questions. Learn more about Unsafe Buildings.
Phone: (212) 393-2102
UB Fee Collections: (212) 393-2067
UB Hotline: (212) 393-2131
Contact 311 to make a complaint about a construction site. For a life threatening emergency, call 911.