The New York City Loft Board regulates the legal conversion of certain lofts in the City from commercial/manufacturing use to residential use. Article 7-C of the Multiple Dwelling Law (MDL), also known as the Loft Law, created a new classification of buildings in New York City known as interim multiple dwellings (IMD). The Loft Law establishes a comprehensive framework for the conversion of IMD buildings to safe residences and compels landlords to bring these spaces up to the minimum standards of the New York City Building Code for residential occupancy, i.e., to legalize the buildings.
The New York City Loft Board oversees the legalization process of IMD buildings:
Tracks the progress of landlords in physically converting IMD buildings from commercial/manufacturing use to residential use and mediates disputes between landlords and tenants concerning renovation plans
Adjudicates two dozen types of disputes that may arise between landlords and tenants during the legalization process, and
Prosecutes landlords who fail to:
comply with the legalization deadlines
annually register the building with the loft board
maintain minimum housing standards in their IMD buildings, or
otherwise violate the Loft Law and/or Loft Board Rules.
Contact the Loft Board
Phone: (212) 393-2603 ask for the Public Information Officer
Fax: (646) 500-6169
NYC Loft Board
280 Broadway, 1st Floor
New York, NY 10007
Additional Information