Made in NY Animation Project

Made in NY Animation Project

Made in NY Animation Project

Made in NY Animation Project is a partnership between NEON, The Animation Project (TAP) and the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment (MOME). The program offers participants the opportunity to engage in storytelling, gain technical skills in computer animation, and qualify for paid internships in this burgeoning field, and aims to create learning opportunities in digital animation for at-risk and underserved youth across the city, opening doors to careers in sought-after areas of the entertainment industry.

TAP sessions are led by a professional animator and a creative arts therapist. Participants in the program will work as a team to create original, computer-animated videos, while developing the social, emotional and career skills necessary for success. Participation also offers the opportunity for people to progress through further tiers of learning, which include incentivized and stipend-based technical and professional opportunities.

Please contact Animation Project for more information about the program.

Click here to join a TAP group!

Summer Project

In partnership with NeON the Made in New York Animation Project (TAP), is providing 125 New Yorkers (ages 15-24) with career readiness programming in animation. Each participant receives 12 hours per week of incentivized sessions with the goals of career connected learning, networking, building coping skills, and youth engagement. Participants can earn up to $1,200 in incentives for attendance and earning digital badges. More Info.