The Neighborhood Opportunity Network (NeON) is a vehicle for networking, engaging clients in neighborhood settings and community engagement.
The NeON makes today’s Department of Probation a valuable community partner with specially trained, community-oriented staff, who work to leverage additional public and private investments. Already, through the Young Men’s Initiative (YMI), DOP has brought approximately $30 million dollars in new resources and programming to NeON communities for transformative mentoring, art programs, literacy assistance, civic engagement, intensive mentoring and educational advocacy for juveniles.
NeONs are in seven neighborhoods that are home to large numbers of adults, young adults, and juveniles on probation; Jamaica, Northern Staten Island, South Bronx, Harlem, Brownsville, Bedford Stuyvesant and East New York. Research indicates that it is critical to consider the neighborhoods where individuals live, particularly the availability of relevant services and community support.
NeON Satellites℠ Once or twice a week NeON staff share office space with community-based organizations that provide the kinds of services and opportunities clients need.
NeON Arts — a program of the New York City Department of Probation (DOP) in partnership with Carnegie Hall’s Weill Music Institute—integrates arts into the seven NeONs. The project empowers local stakeholder groups to choose arts projects for their own communities—projects that engage clients and neighbors in strengths-based activities supporting educational outcomes and connecting to employment opportunities. Visit for additional information.
NeON Sports℠ offers young people in New York City, including those on probation, the chance to explore sports through projects in a variety of disciplines, including swimming, basketball, tennis, horseback riding, gymnastics, aerobics and track and more. Visit for additional information.
NeON Nutrition Kitchens - A public-private partnership that seeks to help close the meal gap NeON neighborhoods. Through collaboration between the Department of Probation, the Food Bank for New York City and the Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City, the Nutrition Kitchens provide bags of food as well as nutrition information and cooking demonstrations. 83,774 people served in Calendar Year 2016.