Information for Parents
The Office of Child Support Services (OCSS) puts children first by helping both parents provide for the economic and social well-being, health, and stability of their children. The child support program is among the most effective anti-poverty programs in the country, and in New York City alone, the program keeps tens of thousands of low-income families from falling into poverty each year.
Over the years, the child support program has evolved from a system focused on recovering the costs of cash assistance to one that recognizes that having both parents involved in a child's life can bring the child a wide range of benefits.
Many of us at OCSS are parents and would like to share some of the tools and references we feel are helpful to other parents.
Upcoming Presentations
Refer to the list of upcoming Training Institute Webinars.
Parenting Resources
- Family Legal Care offers unrepresented parents and caregivers the legal support and guidance they need to navigate New York State Family Court. They also offer videos and self-guided Family Court forms.
- Prevention Services Support Line: 212-676-7667
- Parent's Handbook
- How to Serve Legal Papers/Summons for Family Court in New York City
- Discover Opportunities and Services Near You for NYC families offered by the Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD).
- Parenting Plan Agreement
- Parenting plans are a way for parents to decide on how time is shared with the child and how decisions are made. Having a written plan that both parents agree on has the following benefits:
- The child will know what to expect, which leads to feeling stable and secure.
- Parents can plan their lives ahead by simply knowing the child's schedule.
- Both parents can be consistently involved in the child's life, which is good for growth and development.
- Children are more likely to thrive when parents work together.
- Download the agreement, complete it together, and keep for your records. If you would like help getting started, you can locate free or low-cost mediation services. Mediators are neutral parties, who can assist you through the process. Read more about Parenting Plans.
- The child will know what to expect, which leads to feeling stable and secure.
- Parents can plan their lives ahead by simply knowing the child's schedule.
- Both parents can be consistently involved in the child's life, which is good for growth and development.
- Children are more likely to thrive when parents work together.
- Below is a parenting plan form for you and the other parent to complete and keep for your records. If you would like help getting started, contact OCSS by emailing We offer free or low-cost mediation services that can assist you through the process. By entering into a parenting plan, you will be joining thousands of other parents across the country in planning for your children. Download the agreement.
- Parent University (free courses hosted by NYC Department of Education for parents)
- NYC Department of Youth & Community Development (DYCD) Fatherhood Initiative (programs that encourage fathers to become personally involved with their children)
- Growing Up NYC (official NYC resource for children's programs and activities)
- IDNYC (free family activities)
- ThriveNYC (Mayor's Office of ThriveNYC promotes mental health for all New Yorkers)
- Resources for Families Coping Through COVID (NYC Administration of Children's Services)
- Vroom (boost your child's learning)
- New York Public Library (Bronx, Manhattan, and Staten Island)
- Brooklyn Public Library
- Queens Public Library
- Co-Parenting in Child Support Programs
- National Responsible Fatherhood Clearninghouse (Parent help and other services for fathers)
- NYC 311 Parenting Support resources
- NYS Parent Portal
- NYS Program Parent Resource Center (Family Peer Support Services (FPSS) are an array of formal and informal services and supports provided to families raising a child who is experiencing social, emotional, developmental, substance use and/or behavioral challenges in their home, school, placement, or community.)
- NY Connects (trusted place to go for free, unbiased information about long term services and supports in New York State for people of all ages or with any type of disability.)
- NYC Department of Education Special Education Family Resources