

CCRB’s basic brochure tells you what to do when you’ve experienced or witnessed police misconduct. This reader-friendly pamphlet details the agency’s jurisdiction, the many ways of filing a complaint and how complaints are resolved.

Street Encounters

This pocket size card gives information and tips that can help you in the event that you are stopped and frisked by police.

Guide to Mediation

This booklet explains the CCRB’s mediation program, which gives people the option of having their complaints resolved without a lengthy investigation. The booklet details every aspect of a mediation session and how mediation gives people the satisfaction of telling a police officer how his or her conduct affected them.

For the LGBTQ Community

Sexual orientation or perceived orientation, gender identity or gender expression, and race are not legitimate reasons for a police officer to stop, frisk or search you.

This postcard explains what police actions are permissible during street encounters and how to file a police misconduct complaint.

Racial Profiling and Biased-Based Policing

This one-pager provides an overview of our Racial Profiling and Bias Based Policing (“RPBP”) Unit. This unit is focused on investigating civilian complaints of profiling/biased policing by uniformed (not civilian) members of the NYPD based on 10 different protected categories: race, national origin/ethnicity, color, religion, age, immigration or citizenship status, gender/gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, and housing status.

The Right to Know Act

FAQ: What is the Right to Know Act?

4 Facts About the Right to Know Act: