NYCHA Policies & Procedures

Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policy (ACOP)

Effective Date: January 1, 2024

The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) has published the Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policy (ACOP), which incorporates NYCHA's existing admissions and occupancy policies. The finalized policy is available online at  

NYCHA made a draft of the ACOP available for public review and comment for a period of 45 days (September 13, 2023, through October 28, 2023).

The public comment period closed on October 28, 2023, and NYCHA considered all feedback before determining what, if any, changes to the ACOP are appropriate before implementing.

Proposed Fine and Enforcement Structure for Improper Trash Disposal 

The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) is proposing a modification to its trash disposal policy and procedures to educate and encourage tenants to observe proper trash disposal and maintain a safe and clean environment for all residents and their guests. NYCHA is proposing a graduated enforcement structure under which tenants who are observed violating the trash disposal policy will first receive a warning and guidance materials on proper trash disposal. A second violation during a three-month period will lead to a call-in letter for a conference, at which time a tenant will receive a $15 fine, guidance on proper trash disposal, and a warning that an additional violation during the three-month period will lead to termination of tenancy proceedings. Any subsequent violations during the three-month period will lead to a $25 fine for each violation and the initiation of termination of tenancy proceedings. 

Members of the public were invited to comment on the proposed changes through May 22, 2024. The comment period is now closed. NYCHA will review and consider all feedback before determining what, if any, changes to the policy and procedures are appropriate. 

Notice of Proposed Lease Modification to Include New York State Good Cause Eviction Law Disclosure

The New York Good Cause Eviction Law (Article 6-A of the New York Real Property Law) requires the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) to provide a notice informing residents whether the New York State Good Cause Eviction Law applies to their apartment. Accordingly, NYCHA is proposing a modification to its public housing lease by adding the required notice to the lease packet and to the public housing lease addendum and rent notice.

Members of the public can comment on the proposed changes through August 14, 2024. NYCHA will then review and consider all feedback before determining what, if any, changes are appropriate to NYCHA’s implementation of the notice required by the New York State Good Cause Eviction Law.


This notice serves to inform you whether your apartment is covered by the New York State Good Cause Eviction Law. Even if your apartment is not covered by the New York State Good Cause Eviction Law (Article 6-A of the Real Property Law), you may have other rights under other local, state, or federal laws and regulations concerning rents and evictions. This notice, which NYCHA is required to give to you, does not constitute legal advice. You may wish to consult a lawyer if you have any questions about your rights under the New York State Good Cause Eviction Law or about this notice. 

1. Is your apartment subject to the New York State Good Cause Eviction Law? 

a. YES ☐ b. NO☒

2. If your apartment is not subject to the New York State Good Cause Eviction Law, what is the reason?

Your apartment is not subject to the New York State Good Cause Eviction Law because it meets the following exemptions specified in the law: 

Apartment is subject to regulation of rent or evictions under local, state, or federal law, and /or apartment is required to be affordable to tenants at specific income levels.

To provide comments on the proposed lease modification, please email your comments to by August 14, 2024, or submit written comments postmarked no later than August 14, 2024, to NYCHA Public Comments, P.O. Box 3422, New York, NY 10008.

Changes to Parking Rules and Rates

Effective Date: March 1, 2024

The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) is implementing three important changes to the rules and rates for residents and non-residents to obtain or renew permits to park at their developments.  

First, beginning with the upcoming May 1, 2024 – April 30, 2025 cycle, and for every year after, renewals of resident parking permits and applications for new parking permits will be denied if the household owes rent arrears, or is not current on their payment plan. For details about this change and information about other rules, please read the Parking Rules & Regulations at 

Second, beginning with the upcoming May 1, 2024 – April 30, 2025 cycle, the cost of parking permits will increase by $25 for residents and $100 for non-residents. Though the decision to increase parking rates for the first time in eight years was made based upon a review of the 2023 market rates for parking, the new rates remain well below market rate. Details about rates can be found at 

Finally, beginning with the following May 1, 2025 – April 30, 2026 cycle, resident parking permits will only be issued and will only be renewed for authorized members of NYCHA households. Nonresidents will continue to have the ability to apply for nonresident parking permits. 

The public comment period closed on January 31, 2024. NYCHA considered the feedback it received during the comment period before implementing the final rules.  


  • For information about entering into a voluntary payment plan, please visit your property management office. 
  • Any questions relating to the physical conditions or maintenance of parking facilities (i.e., lighting, striping, garbage, drainage, issues with locks) should be directed to the site's designated NYCHA Property Manager. The grounds staff is responsible for maintaining all parking areas. 
  • For assistance with unauthorized vehicles: 
    • During business hours (Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM), contact NYCHA Property Management, which is authorized to initiate the towing of unauthorized vehicles. 
    • After business hours, please contact LAZ’s Unauthorized Vehicle Line at (212) 967-4875 and provide the name of the development, lot and space number, a description of the vehicle, and license plate number. If a representative is unavailable, please leave a message with the details listed above. 
      • LAZ hopes to respond to inquiries within 48 hours. However, call volume may affect response times. 

NYCHA’s Full Parking Rules & Regulations: English | Español | 繁體 / 简体 | Русский

Electric Micromobility Policy

Effective Date: March 1, 2024

The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) has rules and regulations concerning electric micromobility devices in public housing to prevent fires and protect residents’ health and safety.  The rules and regulations also further the goals of Charge Safe, Ride Safe: New York City’s Electric Micromobility Action Plan, which uses a multifaceted approach to reducing fires while promoting safe use of electric micromobility (e-micromobility) devices.

Click to read the rules and regulations as well as a full explanation of the proposed changes. 

The public comment period for the proposed micromobility policy closed on December 31, 2023. NYCHA considered all feedback before implementing the final policy. 

Fair Housing & Equal Employment Opportunity Policies

The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) is committed to providing equal housing opportunities for all qualified residents and applicants. NYCHA strictly prohibits discrimination in the selection of residents or participation in any programs, services, or activities implemented by or on behalf of NYCHA.

Fair Housing Non-Discrimination Policy

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Policy

If you believe you are being discriminated against or sexually harassed, please contact NYCHA's Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at 212-306-4468, at, or visiting the office at 90 Church Street, 6th floor, New York NY 10007. You may make such report anonymously if preferred.

ODEI investigates fair housing discrimination complaints based on the following protected categories: race; color; national origin; religion or creed; sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation); familial status; disability; age; immigration status; lawful source of income; military service; pregnancy; status as a victim of domestic violence, sexual harassment, sexual violence, or stalking; marital or partnership status; presence of children; lawful occupation; height; or weight. ODEI's EEO and Fair Housing Investigations Unit will be able to provide further assistance to advise on next steps. All communications with ODEI investigators will be kept confidential.

Apartments for New Yorkers with Disabilities

NYCHA has more than 7,400 apartments retrofitted with widened doorways, grab bars, audio/visual smoke alarms and other features for persons with disabilities.

A Home to Be Proud Of

The official NYCHA resident handbook, A Home to Be Proud Of, is a handy manual for residents with information on dos and don'ts, procedure, helpful phone numbers, and other resident-related information. Updated information is forthcoming.

Bed Bugs Safety

Bedbugs are small insects that are common in New York City. Adult bedbugs have flat, brown oval bodies and are about the size of an apple seed. Bedbugs do not cause or spread diseases, but their bites can lead to infections. There are steps that can be taken to prevent bed bugs from infesting your home. Bed bug infestations can be safely controlled.

Communications In Alternative Formats For Public Housing And Section 8 Residents And Applicants Who Are Blind Or Have A Visual Impairment

NYCHA provides equal housing opportunities for all qualified residents and applicants. Upon request, NYCHA will provide reasonable aids and services for effective communication to qualified applicants and residents with disabilities in NYCHA programs, services, or activities.

Community Service Requirement

Domestic Violence

Learn about the protections in place for victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking for Public Housing Residents & Applicants and Section 8 Tenants.

Family Re-entry Pilot Program

Highlights of House Rules, Public Housing Lease, Law and NYCHA Policy

Lead-Safe Certified Guide to Renovate Right

The Renovate Right pamphlet provides important general information about legal requirements for safe lead practices for homeowners, tenants, child care providers and parents during renovation activities. Review and download the pamphlet here:

Lead and Safe Drinking Water

New York City's water is safe, including the water at your development.

Mold and Mildew Prevention & Treatment

In its efforts to remediate mold from its developments, NYCHA has been taking proactive measures to meet the obligations of both the 2018 Revised Baez Consent Decree and the 2019 HUD Agreement. As part of this process, NYCHA has also revised its standard procedure for addressing mold complaints and introduced "Mold Busters" – an innovative new program informed by industry standards to effectively and efficiently remediate mold. Read about Mold Busters.

Notice of Class Action Lawsuit on Mold and Moisture

Over-Income Policy for Public Housing

As required by HUD, a household whose income exceeds the over-income limit, which is 120% of the Area Median Income (AMI), must be considered "over-income" by NYCHA for the Section 9 program. As discussed further below, if a household remains over-income for 24 consecutive months, NYCHA is required by HUD to have the household sign a new non-public housing over-income lease and the household will have to pay the alternative non-public housing rent, which in New York City is the Fair Market Rent set annually by HUD. After the non-public housing over-income lease is signed, the non-public housing over-income (NPHOI) tenancy begins.

Read the Over-Income Policy FAQ

Permanent Exclusion and Applying to Lift Exclusions

Learn more about resident safety, removal of dangerous people from NYCHA, Permanent Exclusion, and Lifting of Permanent Exclusion

Proposed Revised Remote Hearing Procedures

Public Comment Period for Proposed Revised Remote Hearing Procedures

NYCHA is proposing a modification to its remote hearing procedures to provide additional clarity on the procedures the Office of Impartial Hearings (OIH) follows when conducting hearings where any participants appear virtually.

Members of the public can comment on the proposed changes through September 1, 2023. NYCHA will then review and consider all feedback before determining what, if any, changes to the Remote Hearing Procedures are appropriate.

Proposed Revised Remote Hearing Procedures Notice: English | Español | 繁體 | 简体 |Русский

To provide comments on the proposed lease addendum, please email your comments to by September 1, 2023, or submit written comments postmarked no later than September 1 to:

NYCHA - Lease Clause Changes
P.O. Box 19202
Long Island City, NY 11101-9202

Reasonable Accommodations

NYCHA provides reasonable accommodation for applicants, Section 8 voucher holders, and NYCHA residents with disabilities. Learn more about NYCHA's reasonable accommodation policies and forms.

Housing Applicants and Section 8 participants who require Reasonable Accommodations may contact:

Rent Grievance and Interim Recertification Policies

NYCHA revised its policies and procedures related to interim rent changes, rent grievances, nonpayment proceedings, and chronic rent delinquency proceedings. These changes include improvements to NYCHA's Self-Service Portal.

Policy Changes: English | Español | 繁體 | 简体 | Русский

Interim Recertification

If a tenant is in between Annual Recertification periods, and experiences a change to their household composition, income, disability status, senior status, citizenship status or student status, they can inform NYCHA by requesting an Interim Recertification.

Grievance and Termination of Tenancy Procedures

A grievance can be submitted when you are dissatisfied with a decision made by NYCHA, that you believe adversely affects your rights, duties or status.

Interim recertifications and rent grievances can be submitted online through the Self-Service Portal ( You can also request a paper version of the interim recertification or rent grievance forms at your property management office.

Grievance Procedures: English | Español | 繁體 / 简体 | Русский

Termination of Tenancy Procedures: English | Español | 繁體 / 简体 | Русский

Remote Hearings Procedure: English | Español | 繁體 / 简体 | Русский

Remote Hearing Participant Guide: English | Español | 繁體 / 简体 | Русский

Section 3

Section 3 is a provision of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968. The purpose of Section 3 is to ensure that employment and other economic opportunities generated by certain HUD financial assistance shall, to the greatest extent feasible, and consistent with existing Federal, State, and local laws and regulations, be directed to low- and very low-income persons, particularly those who are recipients of government assistance for housing, and to business concerns which provide economic opportunities to low- and very low-income persons. The Section 3 regulations can be found here: Section 3 Regulations: 24 CFR Part 75.

In September 2020, HUD released its new rule on Section 3. Read the Section 3 FAQs for further details.

Trust Resident Voting Procedures

The NYC Public Housing Preservation Trust Resident Voting Procedures provide the process through which residents of NYCHA developments will vote to decide whether or not they want their development to be included in the Trust and its work to renovate their development's buildings and apartments.

Print-friendly versions of the Final Voting Procedures are available here: English | Español | Русский | 中文 (繁體 / 简体)

Other Helpful Information


ACCESS NYC is a free service that helps you find out if you may qualify for over 30 City, State and Federal benefit programs.

Social Security Administration

Create a free and secure account to track current or future social security benefits, manage direct deposit options for SSA benefits, print an SSA benefit verification letter for NYCHA income recertification, and much more.