Comprehensive Modernization

What Is Comp Mod?

NYCHA’s Comprehensive Modernization (“Comp Mod”) program has been launched to effectively utilize available capital funding for a property to holistically rehabilitate the campus and buildings, improve building performance, enhance residents’ quality of life with improved living conditions, and preserve public housing for current and future residents.


Comprehensive Modernization of a property entails undertaking major renovations across building exteriors, multiple building systems, building and apartment interiors, and site and grounds improvements, through a single, integrated project. Through this program, NYCHA is developing enhanced resident engagement, project delivery, design, and construction methodologies to effectively modernize the Authority’s properties through direct capital investments. Further details can be found in the NYC City Capital Action Plan and the Comprehensive Modernization Consultation White Paper.

This approach will allow NYCHA developments to be renovated more quickly, at a higher quality, and with better value for money, than through multiple smaller capital projects, while comprehensively addressing all compliance requirements and the broader needs of residents and community partners. A whole-of-development renovation approach – with extensive resident engagement and resident input from early on in each project – can bring NYCHA campuses into the 21st century.

NYCHA will continue to manage and operate the properties renovated through the Comp Mod program.

Comp Mod Goals

The specific goals of Comprehensive Modernization include:

  • Bringing NYCHA buildings into compliance with all local, state, and federal laws and regulations, including the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) Agreement, and the need to adapt to climate change;

  • Completing integrated renovations of priority scope areas in one overall project over several years;

  • Involving resident associations and individual residents from the beginning, even before contracts, or projects are in place, to foster buy-in and mutual trust and ensure resident priorities and concerns are integrated into projects from inception;

  • Transforming sites, buildings, and apartments to accommodate the full range of residents, including those with limited mobility and an aging population;

  • Utilizing new, efficient technologies that decentralize mechanical systems and provide year-round climate control; and

  • Utilizing more efficient project delivery methods that can also increase quality of work and value for money, and support scaling of the program to a large number of sites over time.

Resident Engagement and Communications

NYCHA’s Comprehensive Modernization Departments’ (Comp Mod) Outreach Team plays a key role in connecting the Department’s ambitious $1 billion dollar modernization plans with the resident community. With responsibilities spanning across four Comp Mod sites in three boroughs, their work directly impacts over 8,000 residents living in 3,696 apartments.

At the core of their role, the Outreach Team acts as the primary channel of communication between NYCHA and its residents. They are committed to ensuring that every voice is heard, each concern is addressed, and all inquiries are clarified. Each site has its own dedicated liaison, some of whom are proud NYCHA residents themselves. These liaisons serve as accessible points of contact, streamlining the process for residents to obtain information and give feedback.

A significant challenge of the Comp Mod project involves the temporary relocation of over 8,000 residents during the construction phases. To manage this, the outreach team works to alleviate concerns by consistently updating residents on the project's progress from pre-planning through procurement and into the construction phase, detailing work specifics, timelines, and key milestones. The team also provides up-to-date web resources and manages a dedicated hotline and email.

The team holds monthly meetings with Tenant Association leaders, elected officials, and property management to foster ongoing dialogue and collaboration. This proactive approach ensures that all stakeholders remain informed, and any new concerns are swiftly addressed. To complement these efforts, the team also organizes quarterly community meetings to keep residents updated.

Since 2021, the team has:

Comprehensive Modernization Engagements


Flyers Distributed Calls Made (Robocalls/Phone Banking) Individual Residents Engaged Hotline Emails/Calls Responded

Meetings Held

# of Attendees



25827 10475 1294 217


Contact Us

NYCHA’s Comprehensive Modernization Department
Phone: (212) 306-6768