The ACCESS HRA Provider Portal is a provider-facing website that allows clients to grant permission to organizations to assist with case management and be able to see case details for that client.
Through the ACCESS HRA Provider Portal, organizations can:
To enroll in the ACCESS HRA Provider Portal, email to receive the onboarding package and information on how to become a Provider Portal Partner.
If your organization is already a member of the Provider Portal but you do not have access to your account information, email to receive your Organization ID and instructions on how to access your organization's account.
For more information, please refer to the Provider Portal User Guide and the Provider Portal Frequently Asked Questions. You can also reach out to with any questions.
The Office of Community Outreach offers trainings and presentations to community-based organizations, elected officials and their staff, and other municipal agencies. These trainings are conducted multiple times per month and allow for flexible scheduling. Outlined below are our current offerings. You can register for an upcoming session here.
If you would like to request an individual training, please fill out the DSS Training Request Form, and someone will be in contact to schedule.
Clients can use their smartphones or mobile devices with cameras to upload photos of their eligibility documentation for submission directly to DSS.
In addition to the ACCESS HRA Mobile App which gives clients the ability to use their mobile devices to log into their ACCESS HRA account and submit documents, the NYC HRA Document Upload App can be used without logging into an ACCESS HRA account, allowing providers to help clients with document submission.
Both apps are available for both Android and Apple devices.
DSS has launched a new online ordering system for community partners to order DSS materials for distribution to clients and the public (such as our informational flyers, brochures, the DSS guide to benefits, etc.). The new system, DSS Design and Print Ordering System, is user friendly and simplifies the ordering process with a catalog of materials for outreach from which to order. Each CBO requires a requestor who will register through the online application. Shipments will be delivered directly to the organization placing the order.
For questions about registering or other system issues contact,
DSS may provide Letters of Support for community organizations to accompany their grant proposals for State, Federal and philanthropic funding. DSS does not provide Letters of Support for funding opportunities with DSS or other New York City agencies unless it is specified in the RFP that a DSS letter is required. Organizations seeking a letter from DSS in support of their grant proposal should follow the DSS Letter of Support Procedure to submit a request. We ask that applicants submit their request to us at least two (2) weeks prior to the RFP deadline.
Please submit your Letter of Support request and supporting documentation to the DSS Office of Strategic Partnerships at
Please note that Letters of Support from the NYC Continuum of Care (NYC CoC) must be requested directly from the NYC CoC webpage.
DSS is always happy to participate in events hosted by community organizations. Please fill out the Community Partner Event Attendance Request Form and someone will be in contact with you to organize DSS representation at your event.
Sign up for important news and updates from the NYC Department of Social Services.
Sign-up for ACCESS HRA notifications related to new releases, outages, and scheduled maintenance here.
Tens of thousands of mothers, fathers, and guardians visit New York City child support offices every year for information and guidance. Yet tens of thousands more never do. Too often the result is a negative cycle. The barriers that keep parents from being able to resolve their child support issues go unaddressed.
You can be the critical link because your clients trust you, even with a topic as sensitive as child support. Here is what the Child Support Snapshot provides:
To sign up for the Child Support Snapshot and learn more, email Watch a video about getting started with Snapshot.
DSS is announcing the release of an informational one-pager which outlines all the benefits and services available through the Human Resources Administration. The FLY-1128 is available to order from DPOS, in the following languages: Arabic, English, French, Haitian Creole, Korean, Polish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, and Urdu.
ACCESS HRA is the online benefits portal for New York City residents to apply for social services benefits. ACCESS HRA is a website and free mobile app that allows users to get information and apply for government programs such as: Cash Assistance, SNAP (Food Stamps), Fair Fares NYC, the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP), Medicaid, CityFHEPS and Child Support. It also allows users to view and manage your case information. Click here for additional ACCESS HRA Resources and download the ACCESS HRA User Guide for a detailed overview.
Answers to frequently asked questions about the use of ACCESS HRA can be found on the ACCESS HRA FAQ page.
All ACCESS HRA release notes and system updates can be found here.
As a reminder, HRA provides a comprehensive guide to benefits and services offered. It can be ordered for distribution and use on our website. Download the Guide to Services here.
Additionally, DSS released an informational one-pager which outlines all the benefits and services available through the Human Resources Administration. The FLY-1128 is available to order in the following languages: Arabic, English, French, Haitian Creole, Korean, Polish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, and Urdu.
Community Partners interested in ordering the guide, one-pager and other informational materials from HRA and ordering for the first time, should email DPOS (Design and Print Ordering System) Customer Service at to have their organization/agency registered in the system. Once completed, the requestor will receive an email with a link to create an account, allowing their organization/agency the ability to order from HRA's catalog.
Organizations and agencies with already existing DPOS accounts, should log into their account using the appropriate link below:
The Procurement and Sourcing Solutions Portal (PASSPort) is the City of New York's end-to-end digital procurement platform that manages every stage of the procurement process, from vendor enrollment to the solicitation of goods and services to contract registration.
City contracting opportunities are now available through the City's digital procurement portal, PASSPort. Should your organization be interested in submitting a proposal, please be aware that the City requires all organizations to have a PASSPort account in order to submit responses to opportunities released in PASSPort. Create a PASSPort account. For simple step-by-step instructions on creating a PASSPort account, please refer to the PASSPort FAQs page.
PASSPort Public
PASSPort Public, is a data transparency portal that provides unprecedented insight into the city's main procurement system.
drives procurement transparency and accountability by increasing access to information for city vendors, not-for-profits, and the public.
M/WBE engagement is a priority for the City, for our Commissioner and Administrators, and most importantly for our communities. During our Quarterly Community Partners Call on June 4, 2024, the DSS/HRA/DHS Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (M/WBE) Team presented on resources they have developed to help our Community Partners connect with the City’s M/WBEs.
Please download our M/WBE Overview slide deck for useful links and resources. Contact for help finding M/WBEs who can support your contracting needs. The team will provide lists of M/WBEs who can provide the goods and services our clients and Community Partners regularly require.
Keep an eye out for our upcoming survey as well as for information about our future matchmaking events. If you haven’t already named an M/WBE Liaison, or need to update your organization’s representative, you can find a link in the slide deck.
The M/WBE Program Team looks forward to working with you to bring diverse, local firms into our shared mission!
The Health and Human Service Vendor Compliance Cabinet recently adopted the citywide NYC Anti-Nepotism Policy and Guidance for Not-for-Profit Contractors of Human Services governing the human services standard contract provision (section 6.05 to 6.06) prohibiting anti-nepotism within a contractor's organization, contractor requirements, and penalties for non-compliance.
The Health and Human Service Vendor Compliance Cabinet was convened to discuss human service vendor integrity issues, support nonprofits by streamlining and standardizing compliance in accordance with the recommendations of the Joint Taskforce to Get Nonprofits Paid on Time and mitigate risks to the City of New York.
New York City’s Anti-Nepotism Policy is as follows:
The Citywide Anti-Nepotism Policy and Procedure is available on the Mayor’s Office of Contract Services’ Contract Compliance Support site along with supporting policy and procedure documents.
NYC Human Services Contractors with an instance of existing or foreseeable nepotism within their company or organizations must obtain the Contracting Agency Commissioner's written consent for potential violations of the anti-nepotism provision found in sections 6.05 to 6.06 of within their human services standard contract.
The Procedure to Request Written Consent (PDF) linked here is a procedure template that contracting agencies will provide, detailing steps human services contractors should follow to request written consent from their Commissioner.
As a reminder, SNAP applications can be submitted by community organizations on behalf of clients by serving as an authorized representative for the client. Clients may authorize a representative to submit applications and communicate with HRA on their behalf.
To become an authorized representative, service providers will need to obtain a signed copy of the SNAP Authorized Representative Request Form and complete the application on the individual's behalf on ACCESS HRA by doing the following:
It is recommended, but not required, that all applicants/providers use the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Authorized Representative Request Form (LDSS-4942) when designating an authorized representative. However, if the Authorized Representative form cannot be completed and submitted, the applicant/provider may write a letter with the relevant information from the form to designate an authorized representative.
In response to requests from our community partners, we have created a fillable PDF of our third-party authorization form that can be signed digitally / electronically by clients using Adobe or other third-party software. Download the Electronic Authorization to Release Case Information form. Completed third-party authorization forms can be emailed to or faxed to 212-331-4685.