Resilient & Equitable Decarbonization Initiative (REDi)

Overview: To reach New York City and New York State’s ambitious climate targets and to reduce the barriers to decarbonizing affordable housing, HPD’s REDi program provides funding to build capacity and scale up equitable decarbonization, beneficial electrification, and resiliency within the HPD development pipeline and as outlined in HPD’s Design Guidelines. The REDi program is a long-term joint HPD-NYSERDA initiative that builds on HPD’s highly successful Retrofit Electrification Pilot and other joint programs and is an innovative model for streamlining access to financial and technical assistance from New York State. REDi funding is secured directly through HPD, without requiring an application to NYSERDA.

REDi: Existing Buildings (REDi: EB) is the first initiative to launch under the REDi program, with a goal of scaling up beneficial electrification within HPD’s multifamily Preservation pipeline. Similar to HPD’s Retrofit Electrification Pilot, this program will fund electrification of domestic hot water (DHW) and space heating/ cooling but adds additional funding for enhanced envelope and ventilation and provides higher per/project funding limits. This program will be open to eligible multifamily Preservation projects seeking HPD Preservation financing that are aiming to close on HPD financing after January 1, 2025, until funds are exhausted. Note that projects that have already applied to the HPD Retrofit Electrification Pilot will not be eligible.

  • Supported Scopes: Projects will implement one, two or all three of the pre-defined REDi: EB scopes. The borrower’s project team will work closely with the program’s dedicated NYSERDA Technical Assistance Provider (TAP) to design and scope the project and estimate project costs and energy savings. The TAP will also assist with bidding and procurement, monitor construction of the REDi: EB Scope, and train building residents and staff on system use and maintenance. In addition to electrifying DHW and/or heating systems and/or achieving advanced envelope and ventilation, projects will be required to install compatible energy efficiency measures and comply with all requirements as outlined in the REDi: EB Program Term Sheet and including all applicable Technical Requirements. 
  • Funding: Up to $30,000 per dwelling unit is available to cover the incremental construction costs required to electrify DHW and space heating and to improve envelope performance. Funding will be provided on a first come, first served basis, and will be used to offset the REDi scope items. REDi: EB funding will be placed in the project’s servicing account alongside all other sources and may be drawn down during construction through the normal requisitions process and as outlined in the REDi: EB Participation Agreement. Because funding is limited, there is a maximum award of $1 million per building and $2 million per project (for multi-building projects). Additional details and program requirements are provided in the REDi: EB Program Term Sheet.
Unit Size Scope #1
(DHW + related efficiency work)
Scope #2
(Space Heating + related envelope work)
Scope #3
(Enhanced Envelope and ventilation)


Up to $1,800 / DU

Up to $18,000 / DU

$2,700 / DU


Up to $2,100 / DU

Up to $21,000 / DU

$3,200 / DU


Up to $2,400 / DU

Up to $24,000 / DU

$3,600 / DU

Maximum award of $30,000 per DU, $1 million per building and $2 million per project

  • Program Priorities: The REDi: EB program prioritizes projects where electrification is mandatory per HPD’s Preservation Design Guidelines, which require electrification where it is most beneficial and cost-effective.
  • Program Eligibility: HPD multi-family (5+ units) projects receiving city subsidy through an eligible HPD Program and complying with HPD’s Design Guidelines and/or other applicable standards are eligible to apply for REDi funding. Funding is sourced from the utility System Benefit Charges (SBC) and as a result, the project must be served by Con Edison. Projects receiving REDi funding may not also receive incentives from the following programs (or successor programs) in conjunction with program funding:
    • The HPD Retrofit Electrification Pilot or HCR’s Clean Energy Initiative (CEI)
    • NYSERDA MPP Program or Low-Carbon Pathways Program
    • NYSERDA Buildings of Excellence Program Demonstration Funding
    • Con Ed Affordable Multifamily Energy Efficiency Program (AMEEP)

Project must pursue NYS Clean Heat Incentives where available but must be able to demonstrate that program funding plus Clean Heat incentives do not exceed 100% of the costs to perform the program’s scope of work. For multi-building projects, AMEEP or other NYSERDA funding may be used to offset costs on any buildings (e.g., in multi-building projects) not receiving REDi: EB funding.

To Apply

Projects will be directed to apply to the REDi: EB after completing their HPD Pre-Scoping consultation and once HPD determines REDi program eligibility. The project team will use the REDi Application Form on the HPD Preservation Design Guidelines Workbook to assess the compatibility of the project with the REDi:EB Program, and submit it, along with their IPNA and 2 years of utility bills, to HPD Sustainability, at for further review and approval.

REDi Program Resources

REDi Technical Resources

REDi Design Resources

Code & Zoning Documents

Resident Resources

Other Incentives & Resources

Contact Us

For additional information about the program, please contact us at