Meets: the third of fourth Monday of the month as needed. Please check the board's calendar or contact the district office to confirm the next committee meeting date and time.
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NYC Youth & Community Development Community Needs Assessment (CNA) 2023
Coalition for Hispanic Family Services - JHS 291 Roland Hayes (231 Palmetto Street, Brooklyn, NY 11221)
RiseBoro Community Partnership - Evergreen Middle School for Urban Exploration (125 Covert Street, Brooklyn, NY 11221)
YMCA of Greater New York - IS 347 School of Humanities (231 Palmetto Street, Brooklyn, NY 11221)
Coalition for Hispanic Family Services - JHS 291 Roland Hayes (231 Palmetto Street, Brooklyn, NY 11221)
YMCA of Greater New York - IS 347 School of Humanities (231 Palmetto Street, Brooklyn, NY 11221)
Coalition for Hispanic Family Services
P.S. 377 Alejandrina B. De Gautier (200 Woodbine Street, Brooklyn, NY 11221)
P.S. 116 Elizabeth L Farrell (515 Knickerbocker Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11237)
P.S. 123 Suydam (100 Irving Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11237)
New York Edge, Inc. - P.S. 376K (194 Harman Street, Brooklyn, NY 11237)
New York Junior Tennis League Inc. - K383 GAP ELM (1300 Greene Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11237)
RiseBoro Community Partnership
P.S. 086 The Irvington (220 Irving Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11237)
Ridgewood Bushwick Youth Center (1474 Gates Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11237)
The Greater Ridgewood Council, Inc. - P.S. 106 Edward Everett Hale (1328 Putnam Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11221)
The Salvation Army - The Salvation Army Bushwick Community Center (1151 Bushwick Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11221)
RiseBoro Community Partnership - Ridgewood Bushwick Youth Center (1474 Gates Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11237)
New York Edge, Inc.
Bushwick Ascend Charter School - Middle (2 Aberdeen Street, Brooklyn, NY 11207)
P.S./I.S. 045 Horace E. Greene (84 Schaefer Street, Brooklyn, NY 11207)
P.S./I.S. 384 Frances E. Carter (242 Cooper Street, Brooklyn, NY 11207)
New York Junior Tennis League Inc. - J.H.S. 383 Philippa Schuyler (1300 Greene Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11237)
Play Study Win Inc. - St. Brigid Catholic Academy (438 Grove Street, Brooklyn, NY 11237)
RiseBoro Community Partnership - All City Leadership Secondary School - Ridgewood Bushwick Youth Center (1474 Gates Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11237)
Coalition for Hispanic Family Services - Hope Gardens Community Center (422 Central Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11221)
RiseBoro Community Partnership - Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Recipient
RiseBoro Youth Center (1474 Gates Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11237)
Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc. - Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Recipient
P.S. 106 Edward Everett Hale (1328 Putnam Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11221)
RiseBoro Community Partnership - Adult Literacy - ABE/HSE and BEN/ESOL
(1474 Gates Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11237)
Make the Road New York - NDA Immigrant Services - Application Assistance
NDA Brooklyn 4 (301 Grove Street, Brooklyn, NY 11237)
RiseBoro Community Partnership - Older Youth (OY), SYEP School-Based, and Younger Youth (YY)
OY and YY - RiseBoro Youth Center (1474 Gates Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11237)
SYEP School-Based - The Academy of Urban Planning and Engineering (400 Irving Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11237)
RiseBoro Community Partnership - Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Grant Recipient
RiseBoro Youth Center (1474 Gates Avenue)