Environmental Protection/Transportation/Sanitation

The Environmental Protection/Transportation/Sanitation Committee reviews issues that affect the district including, but not limited to, items such as solid waste management, curbside rain gardens, environmental quality and control issues as well as clean-up and remediation efforts. The Committee also routinely reviews matters related to improving transportation safety, such as studies, programs, and services connected to the use and condition of local streets, sidewalks and highways. This includes infrastructure projects, as well.

The Committee works with community groups to share information and assist in the implementation of city sanitation efforts, such as the expansion of the curbside organics collection program (composting).

Meets: the third of fourth Monday of the month as needed. Please check the board's calendar or contact the district office to confirm the next committee meeting date and time. Note this committee meets jointly with the Parks and Recreation Committee.

Major Traffic Corridors and Throughways

  • Broadway
  • Bushwick Avenue
  • Central Avenue
  • Evergreen Avenue
  • Irving Avenue
  • Knickerbocker Avenue
  • Myrtle Avenue
  • Wilson Avenue
  • Wyckoff Avenue

Community Resources

Environmental Protection

NYC Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Resiliency

NYC DEP Green Infrastructure Program Map

NYC DEP Noise Code

NYC DEP Rainfall Ready


NYC Streets Permits Management System

NYC Department of Transportation (DOT) Library

NYC DOT Infrastructure


DSNY Collection Services for NYC Residents

DSNY Commercial Waste Zones Plan