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Squad One

Squad 1 is responsible for the investigation and elimination of corrupt and other criminal activity, conflicts of interest, waste, fraud, and abuse, unethical conduct, misconduct and incompetence within its agencies, which are the Department of Correction (DOC), the Department of Probation (DOP), and the Board of Correction (BOC). This Squad's focus includes exposing and stopping contraband smuggling; uncovering bribery schemes involving correction officers, inmates, and outside associates; investigating assaults and sexual assaults involving correction officers; and ensuring DOC is compliant with the federal Prison Rape Elimination Act. Additionally, Squad 1 takes a systemic look at the operations of the Department of Correction, such as ongoing problems with how DOC handles the search of visitors into its facilities, and working with the Manhattan District Attorney on an investigation into illegal strip searches that led to the conviction of five Correction Officers. The Squad also makes recommendations to ensure corruption vulnerabilities are removed and prevented.

Squad 1 Reports