LL97 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction 

In New York City, over two thirds of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions come from buildings. Local Law 97 of 2019 as amended (LL97) is one of the most ambitious plans for reducing emissions in the nation. Under this groundbreaking law, most buildings over 25,000 square feet are required to meet new GHG emissions limits beginning in 2024, with stricter limits coming into effect in 2030. The goal is to reduce the emissions produced by the City’s largest buildings 40 percent by 2030 and to net zero by 2050.

Covered Buildings

The square footage of a building, as it appears in the records of the NYC Department of Finance (DOF), determines whether a building may be subject to LL97 compliance. LL97 covers:

  1. a building that exceeds 25,000 gross square feet
  2. two or more buildings on the same tax lot that together exceed 50,000 square feet
  3. two or more condominium buildings governed by the same board of managers and that together exceed 50,000 square feet.

Tax lots are identified by a unique number known as a borough-block-and-lot (BBL). There may be multiple buildings on a BBL. A Building Identification Number (BIN) is a unique identifier for each NYC building. LL97 compliance is required for each BIN on a BBL where the buildings together or separately meet the square foot threshold described previously.

Multiple Buildings on a BBL

When the buildings on a BBL together meet the 50,000 sq. ft. threshold, all buildings on the BBL are subject to LL97. However, each building on the BBL must comply with the appropriate requirements for that building.

An individual building may qualify for an exception, meaning that building is not subject to the requirements of that section of the law. Individual buildings on a BBL may be subject to LL97 under Article 320 beginning in 2024, in 2026, or in 2035, and others may be required to demonstrate compliance just one time under Article 321. The square footage of all buildings, regardless of compliance pathway or exception status, contributes to the combined square footage of the buildings on a BBL, but each building is required to demonstrate compliance with its appropriate section of the law.

NOTE: The Covered Buildings Lists (CBLs) provide information at the BBL level, not at the building level. This means that for BBLs with multiple buildings, the CBL does not distinguish which building is subject to a particular compliance pathway.

DOB strongly encourages buildings owners to work with legal representatives and Registered Design Professionals to confirm each building’s compliance requirements under LL97.

Covered Buildings List (CBL)

The preliminary covered buildings list (CBL) reflecting the Department’s records for compliance requirements of each property under LL97 is viewable below. The presence or absence of any property on this CBL cannot be construed to relieve a building owner from compliance with LL97 or any other applicable law.

This list has been compiled using preliminary data and is subject to change due to:

  • circumstances unknown to the Department as certified by a Registered Design Professional (RDP)
  • change of circumstances in a building.

This list is intended only as a reference for building owners to consider in consultation with legal representatives and RDPs.

Instructions for challenging the inclusion or exclusion of a building from the CBL are found on the LL97: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Violations page.

For more questions regarding the inclusion or exclusion of a building from the CBL see the Exceptions/Exemptions section.


Certain buildings are not required to comply with Local Law 97. These include utilities that primarily produce electrical power or steam, and garden-style apartments.

If you believe your property qualifies for an exception, email ghgemissions@buildings.nyc.gov with the subject line CBL Exception. Please include the following in the email:

  • BBL and BIN for such building
  • contact information: name, email address or/and telephone number
  • explanation of your exception and RDP certification if applicable


LL97 was first enacted in 2019 as part of a package known as the Climate Mobilization Act. The original LL97 text was later modified, but the composite law is still referred to as LL97. The law is made up of Articles, which are primary legislation enacted by the NYC Council, and identify different compliance pathways depending on certain characteristics of a building. The law is supported by agency rules, which are secondary legislation enacted by DOB.

LL97’s Article 320 covers most private buildings with corresponding rule 1 RCNY §103-14.

LL97’s Article 321 covers certain affordable housing and houses of worship with corresponding rule 1 RCNY §103-17.
Article 320 requires covered buildings to file a report with the Department by May 1, 2025 detailing their annual GHG emissions and then by May 1 of every year after. The report must be certified by a registered design professional.

Article 321 covered buildings are also required to submit a report of compliance with the Department by May 1, 2025.
The Sustainability Bureau has developed guidance for building owners to help them comply with LL97:

Article 320 Information Guide

Article 321 Filing Guide (Templates & Template Instructions)

LL97 Compliance Report Submission Process – Summary of Information needed

A list of updates between subsequent versions of the Guides and Templates is available upon request to ghgemissions@buildings.nyc.gov with the subject heading LL97 Guide version changes.

Sustainability Incentive and Financing Programs

The NYC Dept. of Buildings and New York City Accelerator maintain a comprehensive list of financial incentives, tax credits, and financing options that can help building owners and managers improve the energy efficiency of their buildings. Click the link to explore these options.

Sustainability Incentive and Financing Programs


Building owners can submit requests for certain adjustments to their building emissions limits pursuant to the law. Owners may submit applications to the Department for adjustments due to excessive emissions and special uses, or for adjustments for not-for-profit healthcare or hospital facilities. Other adjustments pursuant to the law will be available at a later date. See more information on Adjustments.

Deadline of January 1, 2025.


Local Law 97 allows for buildings to apply for deductions to the limit set for their emissions by purchasing greenhouse gas offsets, renewable energy credits, or by using distributed energy resources.

For more information on RECs see the RECs Frequently Asked Questions and LL97 RECs Policy.


If you believe your property is erroneously listed on the CBL due to the square footage of your building, contact the NYC Department of Finance at sustainablebuildings@finance.nyc.gov. Please include the following in the email:

  • borough, block, and lot number of the building
  • contact information: name, email address or/and telephone number
  • explanation of your dispute

If you believe your building is erroneously listed on one or more of the LL97 CBLs due to a characteristic of the building other than the square footage, email ghgemissions@buildings.nyc.gov with the subject line: CBL Dispute. Please include the following in the email:

Who can do this work?

Building owners will need to work with a registered design professional, or in limited cases a retro-commissioning agent, to achieve compliance path with the law.


Fees will be published by the Department by rule at a later date.

Contact for Questions

Questions should be submitted to GHGEmissions@buildings.nyc.gov.

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