Local Law 33 of 2018 as amended requires buildings to post energy efficiency scores and grades. These energy efficiency scores and grades are assigned and disclosed annually in accordance with §28-309.12 of the NYC Administrative Code, based on benchmarking reporting consistent with Federal energy efficiency standards.
Owners of properties that are listed on the Covered Buildings List for benchmarking compliance as per NYC Department of Finance records.
Properties listed in the following Covered Buildings List are required to benchmark their 2023 calendar year energy and water consumption prior to May 1, 2024:
NOTE: The Covered Buildings List is sorted by the 10-digit borough, block, and lot number (BBL) of the property. To find your building on the list, select Control F (CTRL + F) on your computer keyboard to open a search dialog box, and enter the BBL of your property’
Buildings exempted from benchmarking or not covered by the Energy Star program:
Properties with New Building or Demolition permits and no TCO in the applicable reporting year, or properties with an ownership change in the applicable reporting year may be eligible for a temporary exemption. To request such exemption email to sustainability@buildings.nyc.gov.
To comply with Local Law 33, the energy and water consumption of a building must be benchmarked annually by May 1. The energy efficiency score and grade that is obtained and assigned based on the benchmarking reporting, must be disclosed in the form of a Building Energy Efficiency Rating label (sample), which is issued by the Department of Buildings every year on October 1st, by displaying it annually within 30 days after October 1st in a conspicuous location near each public entrance to the building until October 1st of the following year.
Buildings for which required benchmarking information was not submitted on time will be assigned an ‘F’ grade in the form of the Building Energy Efficiency Rating Label.
The label with an ‘F’ grade must be displayed within 30 days after October 1st in a conspicuous location near each public entrance to such building until October 1st of the following year.
Access the 2020 LL33 Data Disclosure for CY2019 reporting to view a report of each building for which an energy efficiency grade has been generated.
Access the 2021 LL33 Data Disclosure for CY2020 reporting to view a report of each building for which an energy efficiency grade has been generated.
Access the 2022 LL33 Data Disclosure for CY2021 reporting to view a report of each building for which an energy efficiency grade has been generated.
Access the 2023 LL33 Data Disclosure for CY2022 reporting to view a report of each building for which an energy efficiency grade has been generated.
NOTE: The report does not include those buildings which generated a grade of ‘N.
Questions pertaining to your Building Energy Efficiency Rating can be addressed by the NYC Sustainability Help Center, Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Email Help@NYCsustainability.org or call (212) 566-5584.