Discretionary Award Tracker

The Discretionary Tracker is a digital tool to search the status of all City Council Discretionary Awards from the past three fiscal years. For a comprehensive overview of the Discretionary Award Process, including the Procedural Requirements outlined below, please refer to the Guide: Understanding New York City Council Discretionary Funding and Discretionary Checklist.

Note: The tracker is not updated in real time. It is updated about every six weeks, after City Council votes on transparency resolutions. Please check the "Data as of..." date near the search box: if your organization completed any of the requirements after the date listed below, the status of your award(s) will only change with the next update. Your organization should only contact MOCS if a requirement completed before the date listed still appears outstanding.

Search Discretionary Awards
Data as of September 5, 2024

The following statuses are reflected in the Award Tracker

Cleared – Contact Contracting Agency

Award has moved from Council Designation to the Contract Registration Process. For awards cleared in or after Fiscal Year 2021, the Contract Registration Process is managed in PASSPort, the City’s digital Procurement and Sourcing Solutions Portal. PASSPort will send your organization’s Vendor Admin(s) a task notification email when it is time to start the contract document submission process. Providers can find helpful user guides, information sheets and videos on the Learning to Use PASSPort webpage. Providers should refer to the Contract Documents section of the Nonprofits Discretionary Funding page for a list of documents that providers may be required to complete and upload to PASSPort. Need help or have a question? Submit an inquiry to the MOCS Service Desk. Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA) awards will not be processed through PASSPort; DCLA will contact their cleared awardees.

Create PASSPort Account

Every discretionary awardee must have an account in PASSPort, the City's digital Procurement and Sourcing Solutions Portal. Create a PASSPort Account here. Organizations that are exclusively funded by DCLA are exempt.

Submit HHS Prequalification Application

Every discretionary awardee must have an Approved HHS Prequalification Application. Organizations that are exclusively funded by DCLA are exempt. To determine your organization's prequalification status, or to become prequalified in PASSPort, please consult the Learning to Use PASSPort webpage.

Complete Capacity Building Training

Awardees that receive $750,000 or more in cumulative discretionary funding (per fiscal year) are exempt from completing City Council's Capacity Building Training.

Awardees are required to complete City Council's Capacity Building Training and obtain certification if they receive cumulative discretionary funding (per fiscal year) that amounts to less than $750,000.

The Discretionary Award Tracker will automatically reflect when an organization meets exemption from the training requirement.

A Capacity Building Training Certificate is valid for three years and flows with the specific individual that completed the course. Enroll in the online Capacity Building Training at http://mocs.matrixlms.com using code UDKE-BQAO. Please refer to these instructions for step-by-step guidance. 

Pending City Council Clearance

Please contact the City Council Discretionary Unit at discretionary@council.nyc.gov. If your award is a Council Member item, you may also reach out to your Council Member’s Office. For an outline of City Council’s vetting process, please refer to City Council’s Discretionary Funding Policies and Procedures.

Not Approved by DCLA

Please contact the City Council Discretionary Unit at discretionary@council.nyc.gov. Only awardees that are determined to be eligible for the Cultural Development Fund may receive discretionary funding through DCLA.