The Inwood 9th Avenue Community Visioning Report summarizes the results of the community engagement process conducted from December 2023-April 2024. The report is attached to the Inwood 9th Avenue RFP in the form of an appendix, and development teams responding to the RFP are strongly encouraged to consult the report and thoughtfully respond in their proposal.
After the development team for Inwood 9th Avenue is selected, HPD and the development team will continue to provide regular updates to Manhattan Community Board 12 and other community stakeholders.
Community Workshop
No one understands neighborhood conditions and needs better than those who live and work in the community. HPD values this expertise, which is why community engagement is central to the affordable housing development process. The goal of this outreach is to identify priorities for housing, services, and community amenities.
The predevelopment engagement process will culminate in the publishing of a Community Visioning Report (CVR) that summarizes this engagement. The CVR as well as any public presentations or other engagement materials will be linked on this webpage. The CVR will be attached to the Inwood 9th Avenue RFP, and development teams responding to the RFP are strongly encouraged to consult the CVR and thoughtfully respond in their proposals. HPD will evaluate how well development teams incorporate the community vision from the CVR in their submissions. More information about the RFP process can be found in the RFP Process and Frequently Asked Questions tab.
After the development team for the Inwood 9th Avenue site is selected, HPD and the development team will continue to provide regular updates to Manhattan Community Board 12 and other community stakeholders.