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A Request for Proposals (RFP) is a document issued by HPD that seeks proposals for new housing and community amenities on City-owned land. Development teams propose projects in response to the criteria and requirements outlined in the document. Such proposals are evaluated based on their ability to meet such requirements and advance the goals as reflected in the competitive criteria of the document as well as the Community Visioning Report (CVR) that is attached to the RFP document.
Check out the additional information below to learn more about the RFP process, milestones, and FAQs. Throughout the process, updates about the RFP release, pre-submission conference, required forms, addenda and more will be posted on the Submit an RFP Response tab.
Want to learn more about the RFP process and milestones? Check out the FAQ below.
Click a topic, or press the enter key on a topic, to reveal its answer.
The community was already engaged during the Inwood rezoning process. How is this input being considered?
As a part of the Inwood Action Plan, the City proposed a set of neighborhood investments in infrastructure, services, and changes to land use. This included a rezoning led by the New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC), which was approved by the City Council on August 8, 2018. The plan set overarching goals for housing, culture, education, economic development, transportation, and open space in the neighborhood, which are reflected in the project approvals. This prior engagement has been used to help set the parameters for what type of development will be considered for the site, including a center focused on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math).
How will community input be incorporated into the RFP?
The results of the community engagement will be summarized in the Inwood 9th Avenue Community Visioning Report (CVR). The CVR is provided as part of the RFP document so that prospective developers can understand and craft proposals that are responsive to the priorities and needs of the community. Amongst other evaluation criteria, proposals will be evaluated in part on how thoughtfully they consider and respond to the priorities and needs. (See the How to Get Involved tab for opportunities to provide your input on the project.)
Will residents who are not able to attend meetings have an opportunity to provide input?
Yes. For people who are not able to make it to the meetings, there is an online Project Questionnaire available on the project website. Community members can also offer feedback and submit questions about this project by emailing For community members without access to the internet, there will be paper versions of the project questionnaire available at our various public tabling events held throughout the neighborhood
HPD will present our findings at a public report back meeting when the community visioning phase is coming to an end.
Will there be additional opportunities for community feedback after the developer is selected?
Yes. The community engagement process does not end with the release of the CVR. Once selected, the developer and HPD will report back to the Community Board and other key stakeholders about project progress toward major milestones and how to apply for affordable housing.
Will input from people who live far away from the sites have the same weight as people near the sites?
While we receive input from many different types of stakeholders, our goal is to focus on the big picture and to accommodate as many perspectives as possible. We are conducting extensive outreach in the community to ensure that those who may be most impacted by the new development are informed and have opportunities to provide feedback.
Once the buildings are complete, how can I apply to live in one of the units?
After construction, newly available apartments go through a housing lottery process. Visit NYC Housing Connect online for more information about current affordable housing lotteries.
Supportive housing and formerly homeless units are leased through referrals from the New York City Department of Homeless Services (DHS), Human Resources Administration (HRA), HPD, or other sources.
For help on how to apply for housing, contact a nearby NYC Housing Ambassador in Manhattan.
What is a Request for Proposals (RFP)?
A Request for Proposals is a document issued by HPD that seeks proposals for new housing and community amenities on City-owned land. Development teams submit proposals and those proposals are evaluated based on their ability to meet the requirements and advance the goals identified in the RFP and Community Visioning Report.
Why is HPD issuing an RFP on this site?
Many New Yorkers are experiencing homelessness, living in poor quality housing, or struggling to keep up with housing costs. A priority for the mayoral administration is for HPD to finance and preserve more affordable housing, and to enable new affordable housing developments to include important community amenities. The Inwood 9th Avenue site provides an opportunity for the City to create 100% affordable housing that will serve the community and New Yorkers.
What is the timeline of the RFP and project? When will it be completed? When will it be ready to rent?
The development of public sites is a multi-year process, and we are currently in the early stages. After community visioning and release of the RFP, developers will have time to respond, and the City will then review the proposals. At this point, any remaining public approvals will be obtained, financing will be finalized, and the building will be constructed.
Can the community help choose the developers or proposal for the site?
We highly value community input informing the development of the RFP before it is written and issued, which is why we designed activities and a survey that gather your input. HPD takes the integrity of its RFP competitive review process seriously. As such, HPD is required to ensure that the RFP process prevents potential conflicts of interest (and disqualifications of teams because of potential conflict of interest) and cannot allow community members to partake in the review.
As stated above and in the How to Get Involved tab, the input gathered throughout the engagement process is published in the CVR and attached to the RFP for development teams to refer to in crafting proposals. Proposals will be scored in part on how well they respond to the visions of the community.
Will we be able to see the RFP when it is released?
Yes. The RFP and any relevant supplemental information will be linked on the Inwood 9th Avenue RFP Homepage and the Submit an RFP Response tab and downloadable as PDFs.
What is currently on this site?
The Inwood 9th Avenue site is a City-owned site that is currently vacant.
What is the current zoning for this site? What does this zoning district allow?
The Inwood 9th Avenue site is currently zoned C6-2, which allows for a of mix of uses including commercial, community facility, and residential. The district has an R8 equivalent, allowing for mid-rise buildings. The site is located in both a Mandatory Inclusionary Housing (MIH) Area and is part of the Special Inwood District. MIH requires a share of new housing in medium- and high-density areas that are rezoned to promote new housing production to be permanently affordable. The Special Inwood District was established as part of the Inwood NYC Action Plan to promote the development of affordable housing, encourage economic development, facilitate the development of open space along the Harlem River and preserve community character west of 10th Avenue. The Special District also aims to build out public waterfront open space along the Harlem River and improve community access to the waterfront.
What kinds of retail or community facilities can be built on this site?
The current zoning of C6-2 allows for a range of commercial and community facility uses on the site. The district permits a wide variety of commercial uses in Use Groups 5 through 12 such as grocery stores, office space, automobile supply stores, banks, and restaurants. Community facilities in Use Groups 3 and 4 are permitted, such as college or university uses, nursing homes, clubs, and community centers. More information about Use Groups can be found on DCPs website.
The site will feature a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) focused community facility. There is also potential for commercial ground floor use. Ground floor usage will be discussed throughout the community engagement process.
What open space amenities can we expect to see on this site?
The site will provide a publicly accessible waterfront and open space amenities. These may include planted greenery, drinking fountains, water amenities, art pieces, and/or open plazas. Community members can weigh in on what open space features they would like to see by filling out our project questionnaire and attending public events.
What will be the rents and income qualifications for the new homes?
The RFP for the Inwood 9th Avenue site will require proposals where 100% of the units are affordable according to the incomes outlined in HPD’s financing programs for different types of housing (Senior, Supportive, Rental, Homeownership, etc.). The qualifying incomes for these programs range from less than 30% of Area Median Income (AMI) up to 130% AMI, and include units set asides for formerly homeless households. HPD will analyze which programs are feasible and appropriate for the site and will also hear from the community as to the types of housing and affordability levels that will be most beneficial.
Will there be homeownership opportunities as part of these developments?
HPD will consider a variety of housing programs for the site including homeownership. Sales prices for homeownership units on this site would be affordable to families with incomes between 80% and up to 130% of the AMI.
Will market rate housing be part of these developments?
No, the RFP will require proposals for housing that is 100% affordable, where all units are income restricted and rent regulated through a regulatory agreement with HPD.
Will the units be permanently affordable?
RFP respondents are required to put forth proposals with long-term or permanent affordability. HPD will also convey the site subject to an extended affordability reverter, so that title to the site will revert to the City upon expiration of the initial regulatory period, unless the parties agree to an extended term of affordability.
Will there be a preference for community residents in the new development?
Under current policy, a developer must, during initial rent-up of an HPD development, give preference for 20% of the income-restricted units to applicants who, at the time of application, are residents of Manhattan Community District 12 in which the site is located. If the development is advertised for initial rent-up after April 30, 2029, the developer must give preference for 15% of the income-restricted units to applicants who are residents of the Community District in which the site is located.
Depending on the housing programs selected and the resulting financing sources, different rules may apply to parts of the development which could result in a community preference, a borough-wide preference, or no geographically-based preference at all.
Will jobs be available for Manhattan residents?
All projects financed by HPD must include a plan for job outreach to community residents related to employment opportunities generated by the project. HPD is also connecting Manhattan residents to jobs in the building trades. The HireNYC program requires that housing development receiving $2 million or more in HPD subsidy post their open positions with the Workforce1 system and consider qualified candidates.
Do we know how the new development will impact the neighborhood and associated infrastructure (schools, transit, noise, etc.)?
As part of the original 2018 Inwood Action Plan approvals described in the Community Input section above, an analysis was conducted to anticipate and mitigate potential impacts of this prospective new development. These impacts are described in depth in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Inwood Rezoning Proposal. There may be additional review required after project designation.