HPD-NYSERDA Retrofit Electrification Pilot

HPD-NYSERDA Retrofit Electrification Pilot

As of August 1st 2024, this program is closed. Preservation projects seeking funding for electrification, should consider applying to the Resilient & Equitable Decarbonization Initiative Existing Buildings (REDi:EB) program which can be found on the REDi  webpage.

Grant funding is available to eligible building owners seeking HPD financing for rehabilitations of multifamily buildings to cover the incremental construction cost to electrify domestic hot water heating (DHW) and/or space heating & cooling systems. Grant funding will be provided on a first come, first served basis, and will be additional to HPD’s maximum term sheet funding. Funding will be paid to the project by NYSERDA during the construction phase and in conjunction with HPD and private (if applicable) loan funds. This pilot will be open for three years, beginning in 2022, or until funding is exhausted. Because funding for this pilot is limited, grant funding may be capped on a per-project basis. Maximum funding on any project is limited to $1 million. For multi-building projects comprised of oil-fueled buildings, NYSERDA and HPD may award up to $2 million. Please see Program Requirements for additional information.

Program Requirements

Program Documents

Pilot Resources

Resident Resources

Additional Resources

DOB Resources:

Zoning Resources:

DEP Resources:

NYS Clean Heat Program

Miscellaneous Forms and Documents

Contact Us

For additional information about the pilot, please contact us at: electrificationpilot@hpd.nyc.gov