To obtain a permit, a licensed Professional Engineer (PE) or Registered Architect (RA) must submit an application to the Department. A DOB plan examiner will review the application and plans for any legal/zoning objections. When objections are satisfied, the Department will approve the application. A PE or RA may also certify that plans conform to all applicable laws.
After Hours Variance
An After Hours Variance (AHV) is required if you are seeking to perform construction activity before 7:00 am, after 6:00 pm, or on a Saturday or Sunday. AHV applications for BIS jobs are submitted online through the Department's eFiling system. AHV applications for DOB NOW jobs are submitted directly in DOB NOW: Build. The real-time, interactive After Hours Variance Map shows the location of construction projects where DOB has issued permits allowing construction work to proceed outside of normal business hours. Get more information on After Hour Variances.
Asbestos Abatement
In New York City Asbestos Abatement is regulated by the NYC Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). Owners must demonstrate to DOB that requirements for asbestos abatement have been satisfied before a Department permit can be issued. Applicants must indicate on the PW1 whether the project requires abatement, does not require abatement, or is exempt. Get more information on Asbestos Abatement Permits.
Property owners are responsible for ensuring boilers operate safely and are in compliance with the Building Code and all related regulations. Get more information on Boiler Permits.
Certificate of Occupancy
A Certificate of Occupancy is the key document used to certify the legal use and occupancy of a building. The Certificate describes how a building may be occupied, for example, a two-family home, a parking lot, a 40-unit multiple dwelling, or a store. A Certificate of Occupancy is often required when selling a home or refinancing a mortgage. Get more information on Certificates of Occupancy.
Certification & Material Acceptance
The Technical Certification & Research Unit oversees technical certifications of approved agencies and entities performing inspections, tests, material approvals, and evaluates new technology that enhances safety, sustainability, and efficiency. Get more information on Certification & Material Acceptance Permits.
Concrete placed at any building under construction in New York City is required to be tested to ensure it meets the structural design requirements of the project. Concrete testing must be performed by a licensed Concrete Testing Lab. Get more information about Concrete Permits.
Cranes & Derricks
The Cranes and Derricks Unit oversees the design, installation, and safe operation of equipment used for hoisting or lifting purposes. Department-approved applications for crane work and crane devices will be issued permits. Get more information on Cranes & Derricks Permits.
An electrical permit is required for most electrical work, including handling of electrical wires in a residential home or business. Get more information on Electrical Permits.
All elevator application filings must be submitted through DOB NOW Build. Get more information on Elevator Permits.
General Liability Insurance
Proof of compliance when performing construction or demolition work is required when obtaining and/or renewing a permit. To help permittees comply with the new insurance requirements, the Department has created a tool to calculate how much an insurance a construction site needs. Get more information on General Liability Insurance.
Home Improvement Contractors
DOB and the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) require contractors to submit their Home Improvement Contractor (HIC) license and number when obtaining a permit for Alteration 1, 2, and 3 applications. Get more information on Home Improvement Contractor Permits.
Limited Alteration Application
The Limited Alteration Application (LAA) is used for plumbing work, fire suppression piping replacement and repairs, and oil burner installations that do not include construction work. Get more information on Limited Alteration Application Permits.
Place of Assembly Certificate of Operation
A Place of Assembly Certificate of Operation (PACO) is required for premises where 75 or more members of the public gather indoors or 200 or more gather outdoors. To obtain a Place of Assembly Certificate of Operation, you must submit an application through DOB NOW: Build. Get more information on Place of Assembly Certificates of Operation.
A Licensed Master Plumber or Fire Suppression Piping Contractor must obtain permits from the Department and arrange for necessary tests and inspections of completed work by a DOB inspector. Get more information on Plumbing Permits.
Scaffold & Shed
A permit is required prior to erecting any sidewalk shed, or a supported scaffold over 40 feet in height. Get more information on Scaffold & Shed Permits.
Signs must comply with regulations outlined in the NYC Construction Codes, the NYC Zoning Resolution and the Rules of the City of New York. Get more information on Sign Permits.
Special Inspection
Special Inspections are conducted during the construction process to verify that work is being done in accordance with approved plans and specifications. Get more information on Special Inspection Permits.