Limited Alteration Application
The Limited Alteration Application (LAA) is used for plumbing work, fire suppression piping replacement and repairs, and oil burner installations that do not include construction work. Generally, with the exception of some new installations, LAAs are restricted to repair and/or replacement work for existing appliances and piping systems that do not require a Professional Engineer (PE) or a Registered Architect (RA).
- Licensed Master Plumbers
- Licensed Master Fire Suppression Piping Contractors
- Licensed Oil Burner Installers
On occasions when your licensee cannot file an LAA but has to respond to an emergency or hazardous condition, the Contractor may file an
Emergency Work Notification (EWN) in
DOB NOW: Build. When emergency work is necessary, Licensed Master Plumbers, Licensed Master Fire Suppression Piping Contractors, and Licensed Oil Burner Installers may file an EWN and perform the work prior to filing the Limited Alteration Application.
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