Exams & Qualifications

ATTENTION GAS WORK QUALIFICATION CANDIDATES: Beginning on August 1, 2024, the Gas Work Qualification written exam will be administered as an open-book exam. All references indicated within the Examination Content Outline section of the Gas Work Candidate Information Bulletin (NYC DOB GW CIB) will be provided for you in an electronic format within the exam platform at the testing center. You will not be allowed to bring your own reference materials into the testing center.

If you are currently scheduled for an examination prior to August 1st but you would like to take have an open book administration instead, then please reschedule your examination appointment for a date on or after August 1st. If you experience any difficulty with rescheduling, please contact us at NYCDOB@cpshr.us or by calling (855) 224-6977.

Below is the list of How to Guides on how to obtain the following licenses: