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Strategic Initiatives

Deputy Commissioner, Strategic Initiatives: Alex Crohn

The Strategic Initiatives Bureau designs and drives long term, enterprise-wide transformation by evaluating policies, programs, and resources to strive towards maximum organizational effectiveness.

The Deputy Commissioner, Strategic Initiatives, serves as a primary advisor to the Police Commissioner regarding the Department’s short and long term strategic goals, and examines new technologies and innovative solutions to help the Department fulfill its primary mission of keeping New York City safe. The Strategic Initiatives Bureau oversees the following offices:

The Office of Management Analysis and Planning (OMAP)

The Office of Management Analysis and Planning (OMAP) is the primary evaluation and assessment arm of the New York City Police Department. It serves as a "think tank" for potential innovations and efficiencies concerning policy development, programmatic evaluations, organizational structures, and staffing levels; with the goal of maximum agency-wide effectiveness. The Office monitors and maintains the Department's crime reporting system in relationship with the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services and the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program. It conducts in-depth analyses of crime data and disseminates crime statistics for public consumption. It maintains the Department Manual (a collection of formal Department policies), oversees official Department form design and control, and establishes record retention and destruction policies. It also liaises with outside law enforcement agencies and academia; with the goal of identifying emerging trends, solutions, and technologies. OMAP is divided into three sections: the Data Analysis and Mapping Section (DAMS), the Management Orders and Directives Section (MODS), and the Management Analysis Section (MAS).

Data Analysis and Mapping Section (DAMS)

The Data Analysis and Mapping Section (DAMS) conducts data analyses for Department executives to inform policy and decision-making. This involves conducting extensive analyses of existing and proposed laws and policies, and statistical/geospatial analyses (e.g., mapping, precinct/sector boundaries). The section is also responsible for the preparation of monthly, quarterly, and annual reports for submission to local, state, and federal agencies, as mandated by legislation or memoranda of understanding. Additionally, DAMS responds to internal and external requests for data and presents research results and recommendations to executive staff and external stakeholders.

Management Orders and Directives Section (MODS)

The Management Orders and Directives Section (MODS) is responsible for updating and maintaining the Patrol, Administrative, Organization, and Detective Guides – which comprise the Department Manual. The section drafts, publishes, and disseminates new and revised Department directives (e.g., revision and operations orders) to members of the service. In addition, MODS responds to legal processes relating to Department policies and procedures, evaluates and designs all forms utilized by the Department, and maintains a library of current and past Department directives.

Management Analysis Section (MAS)

The Management Analysis Section (MAS) analyzes and recommends policies, strategies, programs, and resource allocations to enhance administrative and operational efficiency. MAS prepares policy, procedural, and budgetary briefing materials for the Police Commissioner and other members of the executive staff. Analysts assigned to MAS prepare various statistical reports and respond to external requests for Department information and surveys. Notable reports produced by analysts assigned to MAS are: the Annual Use of Force Report (Use of Force Report), the Mayors Management Report (MMR), and the Annual Discipline Report (Discipline Report).

Office of Strategy and Innovation (OSI)

Conduct comprehensive horizon scanning research, that will help identify future department initiatives in emerging trends, solutions, and technologies. Ensure the project intake, management, design, and evaluation functions of the Department are coordinated. Propose and develop strategies and projects to achieve the Departments goals and objectives. Also, develop strategies to support the adoption of change is effectively integrated with-in the Department. Oversees the Offices of:

Office of Research and Evaluation (ORE)

The Office of Research and Evaluation (ORE) liaises with law enforcement agencies and organizations, private sector and academia to help identify emerging trends, exchange industry standards, problem solve, and identify innovative solutions and technologies. In addition, the ORE receives and manages all external research proposals.

Project Management Office (PMO)

   o Change Management Office (CMO)

The Project Management Office (PMO) provides expertise and support for complex, multi-Bureau, priority projects and ensures the successful and timely delivery of their objectives. The Change Management Office (CMO), a subunit of the Project Management Office, ensures that change is effectively adopted throughout the Department by developing strategies to support the change through the development of pre and post implementation change management plans.