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Collaborative Policing

The Office of Collaborative Policing fosters shared responsibility for public safety through productive partnerships with individuals, government agencies, and community-based organizations. The Office of Deputy Commissioner Collaborative Policing concentrates on developing more non-enforcement options for police officers, designing creative and focused enforcement strategies, and improving access to police services.

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Non-Enforcement Initiatives

Creative Crime Control Strategies

Improving Access To Police Services

Police officers respond to a myriad of situations during their day-to-day interactions with the public. Over the years, the NYPD has developed numerous tools and methods to better adapt to New York City's dynamic landscape and new and unusual type of complaints. In April 2017, DCCP, with support from several local Community Dispute Resolution Centers (CDRCs) formed and implemented the Mediation Referral Program (MRP) in select precincts in Manhattan and Brooklyn. The service was expanded to include all NYPD precincts and PSAs in January 2018.

Under MRP, police officers are able to offer members of the public the option of voluntarily participating in mediation at CDRCs to resolve ongoing and recurring problems with neighbors, non-intimate roommates, business associates, or local merchants. It was primarily designed as a strategy to address quality-of-life matters when enforcement action is not warranted. Some common examples of eligible cases for referral to mediation include: noise complaints; driveway sharing, non-criminal property damage, and; disagreements over pets.

MRP offers a wide array of benefits to all concerned parties, including members of the public and the NYPD alike. When people choose to engage in MRP, the CDRCs are able provide a neutral forum where participants can discuss concerns, work together to improve communication, and negotiate agreements to settle conflicts in the presence of specially-trained professionals. They also benefit by having the opportunity to resolve these low-level disputes without having to rely on lawyers, the police, or the court system. Participation is voluntary, and the services are completely free and confidential. In turn, the NYPD benefits when chronic complaints are resolved and no longer require its attention.

Click here to read an interactive version of "The 101: The NYPD and Victim Assistance"

Letters of Support

The NYPD receives hundreds of requests to issue letters of support every year. Unfortunately, some requests must be denied as they are incompatible with the NYPD's overarching mission. Other requests are denied due to conflicts of interests, and still others because the requests do not allow enough time to review them.

In order to streamline the review process, the Office of Community Partnerships serves as a conduit for all requests for letters of support. If your organization is in need of a letter of support from the NYPD, the following section highlights the materials and the information required to evaluate your request. Please be advised that any omitted information will extend the length of the review process, and your request may ultimately be denied. For your convenience, these materials may be submitted electronically to the Office of Community Partnerships at