Public Notices

Public Notices

Fiscal Year 2025 Notice of Adopted Rates and Fees for Customers in the City of New York (6/21/24)

Fiscal Year 2025 Notice of Adopted Rates and Fees for Customers outside the City of New York (6/21/24)

Notice of Public Hearings Concerning Changes to Certain Rates that Would Take Effect on July 1, 2024 (5/3/24)

Notice of Upstate Public Hearing for Customers Outside of New York City Concerning Proposed Rates and Charges to be Effective July 1, 2024 (5/3/24)

Notice of Adoption of a Resolution Approving Amendments to the Board’s Water and Wastewater Rate Schedule that Would Take Effect no Sooner than February 1, 2024 (12/08/2023)

Notice of Public Hearing Concerning Proposed Revisions to the Board’s Currently Effective Rate Schedule that Would Take Effect on February 1, 2024 (11/08/2023)

Fiscal Year 2024 Notice of Adopted Rates and Fees for Customers in the City of New York (6/23/23)

Fiscal Year 2024 Notice of Adopted Rates and Fees for Customers outside the City of New York (6/23/23)

Notice of Public Hearings Concerning Changes to Certain Rates that Would Take Effect on July 1, 2023 (5/1/23)

Notice of Upstate Public Hearing for Customers Outside of New York City Concerning Proposed Rates and Charges to be Effective July 1, 2023 (5/1/23)

Request for Proposals for Grant Consulting Services (2/3/23)

Request for Proposals for Management Consulting Services (9/28/22)

Fiscal Year 2023 Notice of Adopted Rates and Fees for Customers in the City of New York (6/16/22)

Fiscal Year 2023 Notice of Adopted Rates and Fees for Customers outside the City of New York (6/16/22)

Notice of Public Hearings Concerning Changes to Certain Rates that Would Take Effect on July 1, 2022 (4/28/22)

Notice of Upstate Public Hearing for Customers Outside of New York City Concerning Proposed Rates and Charges to be Effective July 1, 2022 (4/28/22)

Fiscal Year 2022 Notice of Adopted Rates and Fees for Customers in the City of New York (6/29/2021)

Fiscal Year 2022 Notice of Adopted Rates and Fees for Customers outside the City of New York (6/29/2021)

Notice of Public Hearings Concerning Changes to Certain Rates that Would Take Effect on July 1, 2021 (5/11/21)

Notice of Upstate Public Hearing for Customers Outside of New York City Concerning Proposed Rates and Charges to be Effective July 1, 2021 (5/11/21)

Notice of Public Hearing Concerning Changes to Certain Rates that Would Take Effect on July 1, 2020 (5/22/2020)

Notice of Changes to Certain Rates to Take Effect January 6, 2020 (12/24/2019)

Notice of Public Hearing Concerning Changes to Certain Rates that Would Take Effect on January 1, 2020 (10/23/2019)

Fiscal Year 2020 Notice of Adopted Rates and Fees for Customers in the City of New York (7/1/2019)

Fiscal Year 2020 Notice of Adopted Rates and Fees for Customers outside the City of New York (7/1/2019)

Notice of Public Hearings Concerning Proposed Rates and Charges to be Effective July 1, 2019 (5/1/19)

Notice of Upstate Public Hearing for Customers Outside of New York City Concerning Proposed Rates and Charges to be Effective July 1, 2019 (5/1/19)

Notice of Public Hearings Concerning Proposed Rates and Charges to be Effective July 1, 2018 (5/1/18)

Notice of Public Hearing January 26, 2018 (1/26/18)

Notice of Public Hearing June 16, 2017 (6/17/17)

Announcement Concerning Rates and Charges (5/18/17)

Announcement Concerning FY17 Rate Schedule (7/1/16)

Fiscal Year 2017 Notice of Adopted Rates and Fees for Customers outside the City of New York (5/23/16)

Fiscal Year 2017 Notice of Adopted Rates and Fees for Customers in the City of New York (5/23/16)

Request for Proposals for Rate Consultant Services (4/19/16)

Notice of Public Hearing Concerning Proposed Rates for Customers outside the City of New York to be Effective July 1, 2016 (4/14/16)

Notice of Public Hearings Concerning Proposed Rates and Charges to be Effective July 1, 2016 (4/8/16)

Fiscal Year 2016 Notice of Adopted Rates and Fees for Customers outside the City of New York (6/15/15)

Fiscal Year 2016 Notice of Adopted Rates and Fees for Customers in the City of New York (5/11/15)

Notice of Public Hearing Concerning Proposed Rates for Customers outside the City of New York to be Effective July 1, 2015 (5/11/15)

Notice of Public Hearings Concerning Proposed Rates and Charges to be Effective July 1, 2015 (4/2/15)

Fiscal Year 2015 Notice of Adopted Rates and Fees for Customers outside the City of New York (6/20/14)

Fiscal Year 2015 Notice of Adopted Rates and Fees for Customers in the City of New York (6/3/14)

Notice of Public Hearing Concerning Proposed Rates for Customers outside of the City of New York to be Effective July 1, 2014 (5/2/14)

Notice of Public Hearings Concerning Proposed Rates and Charges to be Effective July 1, 2014 (4/23/14)

Request for Proposals for Conservation Plan Consultant (9/11/13)

Fiscal Year 2014 Notice of Adopted Rates and Fees for Customers outside the City of New York (6/14/13)

Notice of Public Hearing Concerning Proposed Rates for Customers outside of the City of New York to be Effective July 1, 2013 (5/14/13)

Fiscal Year 2014 Notice of Adopted Rates and Fees for Customers in the City of New York (5/13/13)

Notice of Public Hearings Concerning Proposed Rates and Charges to be Effective July 1, 2013 (4/5/13)

Fiscal Year 2013 Notice of Adopted Rates and Fees for Customers outside the City of New York (6/15/12)

Request for Proposals for Lockbox and Other Payment Processing Services (6/5/12)

Notice of Public Hearing Concerning Proposed Rates for Customers outside of the City of New York to be Effective July 1, 2012 (5/4/12)

Fiscal Year 2013 Notice of Adopted Rates and Fees for Customers in the City of New York (5/4/12)

Notice of Public Hearings Concerning Proposed Rates and Charges to be Effective July 1, 2012 (3/30/12)

New York City Water Board: Request for Proposals for Service Line Protection Policy Contractor (12/2/11)

Fiscal Year 2012 Notice of Adopted Rates and Fees for Customers outside the City of New York (6/17/11)

Fiscal Year 2012 Notice of Adopted Rates and Fees for Customers in the City of New York (5/16/11)

Notice of Public Hearing Concerning Proposed Rates for Customers outside of the City of New York to be Effective July 1, 2011 (5/12/11)

Water Board – New York City Water Board: Request for Proposals for Consultant on Operational Efficiencies (4/14/11)

Water Board – New York City Water Board: Request for Proposals for Risk and Insurance Consultant (4/12/11)

Notice of Public Hearings Concerning Proposed Rates and Charges to be Effective July 1, 2011 (4/8/11)

Water Board – Request for Expressions of Interest: To Provide Water Service Line Protection for Residential Properties in New York City (3/24/11)

Water Board – New York City Water Board: Request for Proposals for Financial Advisor (2/2/11)

Notice of Adopted Revisions to the Reimbursable Metering Program (11/1/10)

Notice of Adopted Revisions to the Reimbursable Metering Program (11/1/10)

Proposed Changes to the Reimbursable Metering Program (9/9/10)

Notice of Proposed Changes to the Reimbursable Metering Program (9/1/10)

Fiscal Year 2011 Notice of Adopted Rates and Fees for Customers in the City of New York (7/1/10)

Fiscal Year 2011 Notice of Adopted Rates and Fees for Customers outside the City of New York (7/1/10)

Fiscal Year 2011 Public Hearing on Proposed Rate Increase for Customers outside of the City of New York (5/16/10)

Fiscal Year 2010 Public Hearing on Proposed Rate Increase for Customers outside of the City of New York (5/16/09)

Fiscal Year 2010 Public Hearing on Proposed Rate Increase for Customers in the City of New York (4/3/09)

Public Hearings on proposed changes to the Multiple Family Conservation Program (9/29/08)

Rates Adopted for in-City Water and Wastewater Charges and for Upstate Water Charges for Fiscal Year 2009 (7/22/08)

Public Hearing on Proposed Rate Increase for Customers Outside of New York City for Fiscal Year 2009 (5/20/08)

Public Hearings on Proposed Rates and Charges for Fiscal Year 2009 (4/11/08)

Public Hearing on Revisions to Regulation No. 2 (10/22/07)

DEP Land Management to Auction Used Rowboats (5/31/07)

Water Board: Public Hearing on Rate Increase Outside New York City for Fiscal Year 2008 (5/16/07)

New York City Water Board Regulation No. 1 - Summary of Proposed Changes (5/16/07)

Water Board: Public Hearings on Proposed Rates and Changes (4/2/07)

Water Board: Request for Proposals (8/1/06)

Water Board: Water Rate Increase Outside New York City for Fiscal Year 2007 (6/30/06)