
eComply is the New York City Housing Authority’s (NYCHA) labor compliance software tool, which is currently used to track certified payroll compliance and register/certify firms as Section 3 Business Concerns (S3BCs). Its capabilities are expanding. Please read on to learn more.

Advance notice of an important upcoming change: Beginning Spring 2025, all vendors will be required to have a account (NYC.ID) to access NYCHA’s iSupplier and eComply systems. This change will improve security and simplify access with a single log in for City systems. Prepare now— create your account (NYC.ID) at or reset your password at Be sure to use the same email address you currently use to log in to NYCHA’s systems.


NYCHA is in the process of introducing new features in eComply to vendors. This new functionality will allow NYCHA to improve its compliance tracking and reporting on vendor performance with NYCHA’s Section 3 and M/WBE requirements.  

Once the new functionality is launched and training has been provided, vendors seeking to contract with NYCHA for goods and services must be registered in iSupplier and in eComply to submit bids for NYCHA solicitations. When submitting a response to a NYCHA solicitation, all bid or proposal documents will be uploaded via iSupplier, except for the M/WBE Utilization Plan (including waiver request, if any) and Section 3 REO/OEO Plan which will be completed electronically directly within eComply. See details on this webpage for more information.

NYCHA will perform a one-time account creation in eComply for NYCHA contract holders and other vendors that have submitted bids and proposals. Information will be provided on how to access your account if one has been created for you. If your account has not been created for you by NYCHA, you can easily create your own by clicking on Create One to begin the process. You can also check out Getting Started: Doing Business with NYCHA for more detailed instructions on creating your eComply account. 


Minority/Women-owned Business Enterprises (M/WBE)

M/WBE Utilization Plan

Currently, all contractors bidding on large NYCHA contracts (all competitively bid contracts and those above $250,000), must submit an M/WBE Utilization Plan or Waiver (PDF forms) with their bid submission. With the expansion of eComply capabilities, the PDF forms will no longer be used. Vendors will submit the M/WBE utilization information electronically in eComply. Additional details on how to navigate the M/WBE Utilization module can be found in the M/WBE Utilization Plan & Waiver Guide for eComply.


With the implementation of eComply, vendors will be required to report payments to M/WBE subcontractors, which will allow NYCHA to track vendors’ progress in achieving the M/WBE goals. Future information and updates will be available on this page.

Section 3

Section 3 REO & OEO Plan

Currently, all contractors bidding on large NYCHA contracts (above $250,000) must submit a Section 3 REO & OEO Plan with their bid submission. The pdf forms will no longer be used once the diversity module is implemented in eComply. Vendors will submit the Section 3 REO & OEO information electronically via eComply.  Additional details on how to navigate the Section 3 & OEO module can be found in the Section 3 REO Plan & OEO Plan Guide for eComply.

*Note: Vendors that hold contracts to supply materials only to NYCHA (and do not provide services) are not subject to Section 3. *  

Labor Hours/Payrolls

With the implementation of eComply, vendors will have the ability to input certified payroll information as well as hourly information for non-prevailing wage workers. This feature will allow us to more comprehensively track vendors' progress in achieving the Section 3 labor hour benchmarks. Future information and updates will be available on this page.


Section 3 Business Concerns (S3BC) Directory

Please refer to NYCHA’s Section 3 page to see if you qualify as an S3BC.

Existing S3BC Vendors

Effective July 10, 2023, NYCHA's S3BC Registry moved from iSupplier to NYCHA’s online labor compliance software tool, eComply. NYCHA vendors who qualify as an S3BC must register in eComply to be added to NYCHA's S3BC public registry/directory.

New S3BC Vendors

All vendors are required to register in NYCHA’s procurement portal, iSupplier. This preliminary step is needed to conduct business with NYCHA. If your company is not registered in iSupplier, click here for new registration. After you register in iSupplier, you must register in eComply to be added to NYCHA's S3BC public registry/directory. Please visit NYCHA's S3BC webpage to determine if your business qualifies as a Section 3 Business Concern.

Contact Us: For questions or support, email our dedicated mailbox at

You may also reference the S3BC Registration Guide, which offers a step-by-step outline of the S3BC registration process.

eComply Trainings (upcoming)

NYCHA will host a series of in-person and virtual training sessions to prepare vendors for the deployment of the new eComply functionality. The training sessions will be tailored to the different types of vendors utilizing the system. Guides and video tutorials will also be available.

Virtual training sessions have been scheduled for the month of September and first week of October. Vendors have been notified by email and can register for the virtual training sessions by using the link provided in the email.

More information and updates will be available on this page!


eComply Guides

Getting Started Doing Business with NYCHA Guide

MWBE Utilization Plan & Waiver Guide for eComply

Section 3 REO Plan & OEO Plan Guide for eComply

S3BC Registration Guide

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Browse through our eComply FAQs to find answers to common questions.

If you're new to using eComply, we recommend you browse all FAQ sections and read Getting Started: Doing Business with NYCHA for an overview of eComply, including step-by-step guide on how to register in eComply. 

Contact Us

For questions or support, email our dedicated mailbox at

We look forward to your participation in making this initiative a success.