No new rules or rule amendments are pending. You can access a PDF version of the LPC Rules, effective July 25, 2024.
The City Administrative Procedure Act (CAPA), Chapter 45 of the New York City Charter, establishes the procedure for adopting rules. Pursuant to Section 1043(b) of CAPA, the Commission holds a public hearing in LPC’s public hearing room on the 9th Floor at 1 Center Street, New York, NY 10007, at which the public and interested parties are invited to testify in person or submit written testimony or comments on any proposed rule revisions. Participation by videoconference is also available via the Zoom teleconferencing application, which allows applicants and members of the public to participate using the Zoom app on their computer or smartphone or by telephone using a dial-in number. Please check the Hearings page on LPC’s website for updated hearing information, sign-up sheet links, the agenda and Zoom instructions, if available. Members of the public and interested parties can also sign up in the hearing room before the session begins, and can speak for up to three minutes.
After reviewing the public testimony and submitted testimony, the Commission can amend the proposed rules. A final version of the proposed rules would be presented to the Commissioners at a public meeting, where they can vote to adopt. If approved, the final rules are published in the City Record and are effective 30 days after publication.