A biological emergency involves the exposure to bacteria and viruses that can cause a serious illness. Usually, these biological agents must be inhaled, absorbed through the skin, or eaten to make you sick.
In response to certain biological threats, the Health Department will set up Points of Dispensing (PODs) to quickly distribute medication and supplies to a large number of people in a short period of time in order to prevent illness.
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A chemical emergency could be an intentional or accidental release of a toxic gas, liquid or solid that can poison people or the environment. This could come from anywhere chemicals are used, transported, or manufactured for the purposes of causing harm.
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Cyber attacks (attacks against our information technology and internet systems) could also cause power outages, which can be life threatening. By preparing for outages in advance, you will have a plan if the power goes out.
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Extreme weather events and natural disasters (like a heat wave, earthquake, or a coastal storm) are dangerous and can threaten lives and property, but if you know what to do, you can stay safe.
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A radiation threat involves your exposure to radiation as the result of an accident or terrorist attack. In either situation, there are critical actions you can take to protect yourself. A nuclear blast is an explosion with intense light, heat, damaging pressure wave and widespread dispersion of radioactive material. This material can contaminate the air, water, and ground surfaces for miles.
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A pandemic is a global disease outbreak. It is usually caused by a new version of a virus (like the influenza virus) that affects humans. If this situation occurs, the outbreak could require you to take actions to protect yourself and your family.
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Explosions can happen by accident or be intentional human-made incidents. The actions you take in the immediate aftermath can help save your life and the lives of others.
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