The City of New York has established a free 24-hour hotline service, 888-846-3469, that provides information about the custody status of caller-specified persons in custody in New York City Department of Correction jails and initiates automated notifications to registered callers about the release of those persons in custody. VINE was created to give crime victims easier access to important custody information about whether a particular person in custody is still incarcerated.
Victim Information & Notification Everyday
Every Victim has the Right to Know...
The City of New York has established a free 24-hour hotline service that provides information about the custody status of caller-specified persons in custody in New York City Department of Correction jails and initiates automated notifications to registered callers about the release of those persons in custody. VINE was created to give crime victims easier access to important custody information about whether a particular person in custody is still incarcerated.
VINE monitors only New York City Department of Correction (DOC) persons in custody, not those held in police lockups, federal detention facilities, state prisons, or juvenile detention centers. Defendants 16 years and older are committed by courts to DOC custody at arraignment, if unable to make bail or if remanded without opportunity for bail.
Forty-eight hours or more may elapse between the time of arrest and when a defendant is housed by DOC and when that data is entered into the Department's Person in Custody Information System (IIS).
Be aware that DOC has no information on defendants who have been released after being given Desk Appearance Tickets (DATs) by the police, or released on bail or without bail (ROR) by the arraignment court. If VINE cannot confirm that the defendant is in DOC custody, prudence dictates that the caller assume the defendant is not incarcerated.
Who Should Use VINE?
VINE should be used by:
*Note: Sentences of incarceration for more than one year are served in prisons (felony time) operated by the New York State Department of Correctional Services.
What Does VINE Do?
VINE does the following for the caller:
How Do I Use Vine?
Before calling the first time:
The Identifiers VINE Uses Are:
The defendant's New York State Identification Number that is assigned as a result of a fingerprint search and classification process that takes place after arrest and before arraignment. The NYSID alone is sufficient for VINE to check on the individual's custody status. If the NYSID is unavailable, use at least three of the following other defendant identifiers:
Use a touch-tone phone in order to enter the NYSID number or, if that is unavailable, other defendant identifiers, when prompted by the automated instructions. Enter 888-VINE-4-NY. In numbers, that is 888-846-3469. Listen carefully to the instructions. Select hearing them in English or Spanish. If VINE confirms that the individual is in DOC custody, the caller is given the option of registering to receive automated phone notification if that person in custody is released or transferred from DOC custody. After selecting that option, enter your PIN and custody release notification phone number.
Will It Keep Trying?
Once VINE receives information that a person in custody's custody status has changed, it will call all persons registered to receive notification regarding that individual. Receipt of notification can be confirmed only by the recipient giving the registered Personal Identification Number (PIN). Unless PIN-confirmed, VINE will continue attempting to complete the telephone notification at regular intervals for up to four (4) days.
Answers to Some Phone Questions
Will It Call Me at Work?
Don't register a phone number that reaches a switchboard or some other person answering unless prior arrangements have been made with that answering person to enter your correct PIN. Be aware VINE cannot place calls to phones that require entering additional extension numbers. Only direct dial numbers will work. VINE is not equipped to enter additional extension numbers to access a phone.
Is It Possible I Might Not be Notified of a Person in Custody's Release?
The VINE National Call Center begins such notification dialings shortly after the release has been entered into the Person in Custody Information System (IIS) database maintained by the New York City Department of Correction. The out-of-state VINE center is connected to DOC's IIS via sophisticated, state-of-the-art technology that checks changes in the database approximately every quarter hour, 24 hours a day, every day, 365 days a year, accordingly confirming incarcerations and notifying on releases. The calls go out day and night, weekday and weekends.
Although VINE is a heavy-duty, industrial-strength, highly reliable system, it - like any human service - can malfunction. It is not a substitute for prudent precautions for your personal safety worked out in advance with police, prosecutors, support groups, professional counselors, service providers, and family members.
VINE has been expanded to include the New York State Department of Correctional Services as well as some municipalities. For information please call.
For further information about VINE, contact Winette Saunders at 718-546-0447.