Our Team

A group photo of all members in the Commission on Human Rights agency.

At the Commission's All-Staff get-together, October 17, 2022

The NYC Commission on Human Rights is staffed by legal, community relations, policy, communications, human resources, finance, operations, administrative and information technology staff members from across the City's rich and diverse communities and beyond, representing many languages, cultures, and backgrounds. The Commission welcomes people of all races, faiths, colors, ethnicities, national origins, ages, genders, sexual orientations, and gender identities or expressions; veterans; people with disabilities; and people with personal experience with the criminal legal system.

The Commission's staff speaks over 30 languages across its different departments including Spanish, Haitian Creole, Arabic, Hindi, Urdu, Korean, Bengali, Russian, French and Chinese. This reflects on the Commission's vision and mission to be a local government resource that is representative of, and accessible to, the different communities the agency serves, and grow with the goal of meeting the needs of New Yorkers from every corner of our great City.

The diversity within the Commission's staff is unified by a common passion for human rights. That core value is informed by the staff members' personal and prior work experience working with and alongside other advocates for human rights, including community based groups; legal services, faith-based, and social justice organizations; and federal, state or local elected officials and government agencies.

Office of the Chair

Annabel Palma
Chair and Commissioner

Mariela Salazar
Deputy Commissioner for Administrative Services

JoAnn Kamuf Ward
Deputy Commissioner for Policy and External Affairs

Jose Rios Lua
Chief of Staff

Office of the General Counsel

Annie Meredith
General Counsel

George D. Adames
Deputy General Counsel

Office of Mediation and Conflict Resolution

Elizabeth J. Shampnoi
Director of Mediation and Conflict Resolution

Community Relations Bureau

Kajori Chaudhuri
Deputy Commissioner

Vanessa Ramos
Managing Director for Education and Compliance

Doreen Bermudez
Managing Director for Programming and Special Projects

Alexander Korkhov
Staten Island Community Service Center Director

Derek Slaughter
Brooklyn Community Service Center Director

Daryl Cochrane
Manhattan Community Service Center Director

Rasel Rahman
Queens Community Service Center Director

Orlando Torres
Bronx Community Service Center Director

Law Enforcement Bureau

Katherine Carroll
Assistant Commissioner

Christopher Turner
Supervising Attorney, Housing and Public Accommodations

Brian Holbrook
Supervising Attorney, Housing and Public Accommodations

Effat Hussain
Supervising Attorney, Employment

Anna Martinez
Disability Service Facilitator, Project Equal Access

Communications and Marketing

Nimer Basha
Video Production and Website Manager

Rosa Lee
Graphic Designer

Claire Gross
Press Secretary

Khalil Waldron
Marketing and Social Strategy Manager

Policy and External Affairs

Cataydra Brown
Policy & Impact Advisor

Michael Griffin
Policy Counsel

Yeshi Mitiku
Policy Analyst & Adjudications Coordinator

Hillary Scrivani
Senior Policy Counsel

Human Resources

Taiwo Onabanjo
Executive Director of Human Resources

Information Technology

Anthony Castro
Chief Technology Officer

Operations (Budget)

Sheshe Segar
Executive Director of Finance & Agency Chief Contracting Diversity Officer