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Patient Representatives

One of the first to meet patients in the waiting room, the Patient Representative is the person seen in the first information window, the one who answers the telephone and provides the necessary information to doctors, nurses, patients their families and police officers.

With their warmth, attention, and devoted support, they create psychological comfort and resolve conflicts. They ensure communication between primary doctors and ER physicians and patients. They always know which ER patients want to call home or the office and whose relatives have called them. They keep track of the hungry and the cold, and they know who’s waiting for test results and who’s getting transferred to a different floor.

You will find Patient Representatives available to assist you when you have any concerns about your care. Our Patient Representatives, part of Coney Island Hospital’s administration, will ensure that appropriate clinical management staff will address your issues regarding patient safety and quality of care.

We encourage you to contact a Patient Representative at (718) 616-4164 or through the Hospital operator at (718) 616-3000 whenever you experience a problem. Very often in responding to your concern, we can fix a systematic problem and provide better care to all our patients.

If your concerns remain unresolved, we encourage you to contact the Joint Commission’s Office of Quality Monitoring at (800) 994-6610 or email the Joint Commission at

Patient Representatives
Location: Room 1N21
Hours: Monday – Sunday 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Telephone: (718) 616-4164

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