For a number of years, the Department of Juvenile Justice operated
CBI, the Community Based Intervention Program, within the community
to fulfill its Charter mandate to provide both prevention and
aftercare services to youth. The program, which began in 1983
was an award winning program based on an intensive case management
approach to youth and their families. As the needs of the City
and the agency have evolved, it became important to evaluate
the best use of agency resources to best serve youth in our
care. After careful evaluation, it was determined that transitioning
the staff posted in the community back to DJJ facilities to
work with youth while in detention to better prepare them for
services was most beneficial for those youth involved.
DJJ has merged
the concepts of CBI into its Discharge Planning
Unit to work with youth, their families, and organizations
in the community to best link youth to services. The program is operated in three phases. The first phase has established units within each of
the three secure facilities to identify youth with medical
and serious mental health issues which require follow-up upon
their release from DJJ. Clearly much has been learned from
our work with youth both in detention and in the community
which points to a broad range of needs that go beyond medical
and serious mental health needs.
The second phase
of the CBI/Discharge Planning program works with
youth and their families while they are in detention to help them identify service needs
and help them connect with appropriate aftercare services.
DJJ, through the services provided in detention, is able to
identify issues that we work to address while the youth
is in detention, but issues that ultimately need to be addressed
upon release. Literacy, truancy, HIV-education, risk reduction
education, alcohol/substance abuse prevention/treatment, tobacco
cessation, violence reduction, conflict resolution, computer
skills, life skills, anger management, artistic development,
sports skills, and leadership development are just a few of the
areas that youth need to address and develop. DJJ’s
service delivery to youth while they are in our custody is
closely linked to exposing youth to appropriate service areas
through group discussions, activities, reinforcment in our
schools, orientation programs, our behavioral management program
- ASPIRE, and other programs and services. It is the objective
of the second phase of CBI/Discharge Planning that every youth
leave DJJ with a discharge plan to link them to appropriate
aftercare services.
As this phase of
the program evolves, the staff who formerly worked in the
community as CBI workers will build on those relationships
with community based organizations that were in place, and
establish new ones. DJJ will look to create partnerships
with other City agencies, with whom we share youth. We
have worked closely with the Department of Education, DYCD,
Department of Health, ACS, Probation, and a number of agencies
who work toward the betterment of youth. The second phase
of the Discharge Planning program will enable us, in partnership
with Community Based Organizations who work with youth and
appropriate governmental agencies, to implement a seamless
transition for youth to services that will enable them and
their families to successfully negotiate school, employment,
social experiences, and other paths to success.
third phase of the program is the culmination of
work accomplished in phase one and two,
enabling us to measure the effectiveness of helping
youth and their families identify needs and connect with appropriate
aftercare services. By working with community based providers
to ensure that young high-risk youth are part of their service
system, agencies are able to modify programs to ensure
inclusion. Youth who come into custody are often facing a
myriad of complex needs, their alleged criminal activity is
just one aspect. The Discharge Planning unit assumes an
advocacy role for our residents and works with agencies
to identify youth in the community before they become involved
in the criminal justice system. Utilizing a service model
which works with the family and the resident connecting them
to services, we seek to positively impact
youth by directing them to other supportive systems, ultimately
diverting them away from the criminal justice system.
Through contract with several community-based organizations that started in 2005, DJJ began offering workshops and related services to its residents designed to help detained youth in dealing with mental health, social and life issues while they are in and after they leave detention. Gender specific services for girls, and conflict resolution and peer mediation training, literacy individual and group tutorials for our residents are among the recent service features that have been added to programs designed to meet the changing needs of detained youth. The Department also offers a series of personal and professional development workshops covering sereval subject areas.