Renew a For-Hire Vehicle License
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When to Apply for a Renewal
- To renew a license before it expires, you must submit a completed license renewal application, with all required documents, at least 30 days before the license expiration date.
- If you fail to renew your license by the expiration date, you will have an additional 60 days to complete all renewal requirements.
- If renewing late, your license will remain expired until you complete all renewal requirements, and TLC processes and approves your late renewal application. After the renewal is approved, you will be sent a notification that you owe a $25.00 late fee.
- Insurance Certificate (if expired) - Current For-Hire Insurance Certificate (FH-1) in the applicant’s name.
- All vehicles registered outside of NY State are required to submit a copy of current DMV registration. Submit DMV registration using TLC UP.
- Renewing Vehicles must pass a NYS Department of Transportation Inspection, and submit the inspection report (MC300) showing the vehicle passed inspection. The inspection report is valid for one (1) year, and it must be current at the time of renewal. Submit inspection report using TLC UP.
- Stretch Limousines require operating authority from the NYS Department of Transportation; and can only be operated by drivers with ACTIVE 19A Status.
Vehicle Insurance Information
- A TLC Vehicle License cannot be renewed without a current insurance policy that meets TLC’s minimum requirements, and the insurance certificate (FH-1) must be submitted to TLC. View minimum insurance requirements here.
- If the FH-1 on file with the TLC is expired, vehicle renewal cannot be completed until an updated insurance certificate / FH-1 is submitted to the TLC.
- An owner can view a vehicle’s insurance information on file with the TLC using TLC’s self-service portal, TLC Up, which is available any time and does not require contacting the TLC.
- If you are a first time user of TLC Up, visit the TLC Upload Portal page, which will guide you through a five (5) step process to verify your email address.
- After completing the email verification, log into TLC Up and the first screen that appears is the “Licensee Snapshot” screen.
- If necessary, expand the screen by selecting “Show More +” on the top right of the window.
- The expanded window will show current information on the status of the TLC License, including the insurance period, and the policy number.
How to Apply for a Renewal
- Pay all outstanding fines or fees owed to TLC, as well as fines owed to the Department of Finance for parking, red light, and/or traffic violations;
- Using the TLC vehicle license number located on a vehicle’s TLC decal, pay your renewal fee online using LARS;
- Upload the required documents using TLC UP;
- Once your vehicle renewal payment and all required documents have been uploaded and approved, your vehicle will be scheduled for an inspection appointment. You and your base will receive an email with the date and time of the inspection appointment. You can also check your inspection date using TLC UP;
- Visit Vehicle Inspections to view inspection requirements;
- Once the vehicle passes inspection, the vehicle license will be renewed.
Total cost = $550 to $1,425 (non-WAV only)
$0 to $875 (WAV only)
- $550 - Vehicle Renewal Fee (non-WAV only)
- $75 - Inspection fee for vehicles with 500 miles or more. If your vehicle is affiliated to an SHL permit at the time of your renewal, you are not required to pay the inspection fee. The SHL permit holder pays the inspection fee.
- $800 - CMVT Tax for vehicles registered outside of New York City
All TLC fees are non-refundable - no exceptions!
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