The New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC), created in 1971, is the agency responsible for licensing and regulating New York City's Medallion (Yellow) taxi cabs, for-hire vehicles (community-based liveries, black cars and luxury limousines), commuter vans, and paratransit vehicles. The Commission's Board consists of nine members, eight of whom are unsalaried Commissioners. The salaried Chair/ Commissioner presides over regularly scheduled public commission meetings and is the head of the agency, which maintains a staff of approximately 600 TLC employees.
Over 200,000 TLC licensees complete approximately 1,000,000 trips each day. To operate for hire, drivers must first undergo a background check, have a safe driving record, and complete 24 hours of driver training. TLC-licensed vehicles are inspected for safety and emissions at TLC's Woodside Inspection Facility.