The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA), which became effective February 5, 1994, entitles City of New York eligible and approved employees to up to a maximum of 12 weeks of paid and/or unpaid leave in a 12-month period to care for an immediate family member or for the serious illness of the employee.
Basic City health coverage and several Fund benefits, paid for by the City and the Fund respectively, will continue for both the member and eligible dependents for up to a maximum of 12 weeks. These benefits include:
Download the FMLA section of the Fund booklet
Still Have Questions? See the FMLA FAQs
Special Leave of Absence Coverage (SLOAC) entitles City of New York eligible and approved employees up to a maximum of 18 weeks or 4 months (depending on your pay cycle) of benefits coverage in a 12-month period during unpaid leave resulting from a disability or serious illness of the employee.
Basic City health coverage and several Fund benefits, paid for by the City and the Fund respectively, will continue for both the member and eligible dependents. These benefits include:
Download the SLOAC section of the Fund booklet
Still Have Questions? See the Special Leave of Absence Coverage FAQs